
The Emoji Book Tag

Hi everyone! Happy Thursday! Today I’m going to be doing the Emoji Book Tag. I want to thank Sophie @Blame Chocolate for tagging me! Alright let’s get started! 🙂

So the rules of the game are to take 5 emojis you either like or use frequently and match them with books. I decided to use the ones I use frequently.

Face with tongue sticking out

I’m going to choose a silly read, or light hearted read for this and I’m going to say Alice in Wonderland. Both that and Through the Looking Glass are very fun and whimsical reads.

Face with tears of joy

Any of the books from Beverly Cleary’s Ramona series. I always thought the things Ramona got into were so silly and funny.

Smiling face

I could put anything for this I swear, but the last book that made me smile really big was probably A Conjuring of Light. It was so beautifully written and ended so well.

Cowboy hat

I have no idea what to put here. Possibly The Oregon Trail non fiction book by Rinker Buck as they were cowboys pretty much who crossed the trail by horse and buggy.

Weary Face

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I didn’t care for that book. It was good, but I also wish it didn’t exist.



Who to tag? That’s always the question right. I tag anyone who really wants to do this and thinks it looks like fun! 🙂

11 thoughts on “The Emoji Book Tag

  1. Great answers, Meghan! 🙂 The cowboy hat one surprised me, as I didn’t even remember it existed hahaha
    I haven’t read any of the books you mentioned yet… Yes, even the HP one. I started it but, for some reason, set it aside for another day. I just wasn’t captivated. But A Conjuring of Light is right on top of my TBR!
    Lovely post ^^

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    1. Thanks Sophie! Haha I used that a lot when I went to Nashville a few weeks ago 😛
      Haha you can just leave the HP one alone (in my opinion) I didn’t care for it.
      I hope you get to read a Conjuring of Light, and that you enjoy it! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great answers for this tag Meghan. 🙂 I know a lot of people agree with your feelings on Cursed Child. I actually really enjoyed it but I think it helped that I saw it as a play before reading the book. Also A Conjuring of Light is a book that made me really smile as well. Despite all the pain and torment there are some funny moments in it! 😀

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