Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Where Things Come Back

Welcome to Throwback Thursday! Today I’m going to re-review John Corey Whaley’s novel Where Things Come Back.

Read: December 2013
Rating: 4 Stars

Where Things Come Back

Where Things Come Back by: John Corey Whaley: It’s a complex tale of two people, one who is on his pathway to God, the other his pathway to figuring out his future. When Cullen Witter’s younger brother Gabriel goes missing, his family and friends go crazy. As the reader gets into the novel you realize how everything is connected in its strange “fate” kind of way. This novel is incredible. The plotline is so thought out that the reader would never guess how any of it would end. Though the ending itself wasn’t the best ending since it leaves the reader questioning a lot, but it’s to prove the point of life, and that leaves everyone questioning.

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