Memes · Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Series I’d Like to Finish Someday

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday, I’m back at it again with another Top Ten Tuesday. Today’s topic is: Series I’d Like to Finish Someday. Let’s get into it! 🙂

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s topic is Series I’d Like to Finish Someday. Gosh, I feel like I have waaaaaay too many series on the go. Anyone else feel this way? I can’t be alone in this. Here are 10 series that I’m determined to finish one day!

  1. The Rockton Series (Casey Duncan) by: Kelley Armstrong. I’m just waiting for the rest of this series to be released, but you can bet it I’ll be reading the rest; so good!
  2. An Ember in the Ashes by: Sabaa Tahir. I’m going to continue reading this series because it’s starting to really grow on me.
  3. Three Dark Crowns by: Kendare Blake. I read the first book, so I’ll be continuing with it; when I’m doing that who knows, maybe when the last book comes out.
  4. The Shadowhunter World by: Cassandra Clare. I’m a freaking sucker for all of Clare’s books, so yep I’ll be reading whatever will be released.
  5. The Chronicles of Nick by: Sherrilyn Kenyon. The final book of this is out… I just have to read it… but I heard there is going to be a spin-off series to this and that just means so much more commitment, but I’ll get there!
  6. Warm Bodies by: Issac Marion. Well whenever the author decides to release the last book, I’ll be finishing this series.
  7. Game of Thrones by: George R.R. Martin. One day I want to first, re-read the first four books, then second, read the other books that I have been released. Hopefully by that time all the GoT books will be out!
  8. All the Rick Riordan series. I love anything and everything this man writes so I’ll be reading it all!
  9. Georgina Kincaid series by: Richelle Mead. I loved the first two books I read, but then this series kinda fell of the wagon and I forgot about it. One day I will get back to it!
  10. Shadow Falls: After Dark by: C.C. Hunter. I read the Shadow Falls series, so it only seems fitting to read this spin-off.

So many series, so little time! What series are you guys planning to finish one day?

10 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Series I’d Like to Finish Someday

  1. These are some great picks Meghan, and a lot of these are series I’d like to finish one day, especially the Shadowhunter books by Cassandra Clare. I feel like she’s releasing them faster than I can read them. The same goes for Sherrilyn Kenyon’s releases! 😀

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