Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: Happiness

Hello friends and happy Monday! I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m posting my review of Heather Harpham’s memoir, Happiness.

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Happiness by: Heather Harpham: This is author, Heather Harpham’s memoir of the first couple years of her daughter’s life. When she finds herself un-expectantly pregnant, she decides to keep the baby, whereas her partner wants nothing to do with being a father. Set to raise her daughter alone, until she’s told her daughter is very sick. Things begin to change between her and her partner as they navigate how to be a parent to a sick child and how to be a loving couple despite the situation. This was a harrowing and heartbreaking book, no matter what the outcome was. The journey she had to go through was rough and painful, but also full of moments of joy and happiness. The way she wrote was, at its heart, open and very reflective; but the reader didn’t always care for it. What the reader did appreciate was how out there she put herself. Every inner voice thought she had, whether it was good or bad, she included. That left this book feeling really refreshing because it didn’t matter who it was about, if she thought it, she wrote it and it probably felt very cathartic to get it all out. Plus, when you’re faced with these extreme circumstances, all your feelings are valid, even if they aren’t exactly right, it is what you feel, and the reader understood that. This was such a moving book, from start to finish, Harpham had her audience captivated by her compelling story and she does write very well. This isn’t a book for everyone, but if you’re into real life stories and breaking through adversity, this is a worthy read. 

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