TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Creepshow Season Two

Hello friends, happy Tuesday, I hope you’re well! Today I’m going to be talking about the the second season of the TV show Creepshow.

Read more: Let’s Talk About… Creepshow Season Two

This season follows the same format as the first, anthology stories where each episode has two short stories. If you haven’t seen this and you plan to watch it, I spoil all the stories so read at your own risk!

Model Kid –  I think they tried to give it a lot of heart, but for a short story, we didn’t need all the background. We meet this kid, his mom is dying, then does die from cancer so his evil uncle comes to live with him and he wants to take everything away from him. The kid loves all things horror and monsters, but his uncle thinks he’s a freak for liking those things so he tries to destroy everything and hurt him both physically and mentally. Then of course his monsters start to come to life to protect him and of course he makes them hurt his uncle. At first it was just small things that only happened for a second (I really liked when his foot was placed backwards and then seconds later everything was fine). But then he really goes to town on him, basically killing him in the end. It was a revenge story that I didn’t mind. I don’t usually like revenge stuff, but this one was done well. Not really scary or creepy, but it was a nice short story.

Public Television of the Dead – I didn’t like this one; it bored me. We see this TV audio filming all their different segments, which are all rip offs of famous shows. Like they totally stole Bob Ross, the Price is Right and the Reading Rainbow. Anyways, they find this book and when they unlock it and start reading the incantations… evil things start happening… not very surprising. So over the course of this short story different characters are killed off in gruesome ways. I just found this so boring because it felt very predictable. I mean, in the end all they do is lock the book in order for it to stop killing, it wasn’t rocket science. I think the end was supposed to be shocking because it all happened on live TV and now the kids have been brainwashed? Eh.    

Dead and Breakfast – I thought this was going to be a really cheesy story, but it actually turned out to be better than I thought it would. It was actually really creepy and had me on my toes. The Spinster House is this horror bed and breakfast run by a brother and sister, their grandmother owned the house and apparently she was a murderer in the place. They try to gain business but it’s not working. So they find this horror influencer off of YouTube to come and stay at their place. At first everything is going really well… until they aren’t. The girl, Morgue, thinks everything is cheesy and fake and when she starts pointing it out, they’re afraid she’s going to ruin their business so they get rid of the wifi and start to spook her… only that just annoys her. As she tries to get away from them, the sister starts to really lose it and actually murders Morgue… I didn’t see that coming. Just when we think ok it’s over, oh no! The brother then murders the sister! I was shocked. So now the brother has been able to make a killing (pun intended) after Morgue was killed on her live feed. Just the right amount of creep!

Pesticide – This one again, started off as nothing and I thought was going to be a dud, but it then started it got really interesting. Mr. King is an exterminator and when this guy calls him in to get rid of his pests… well let’s just say ethics are involved because the pests he’s talking about are homeless people. It brought up a good point in murder. Bugs/wild animals are living begins same as humans so should it all be considered murder? At first Mr. King isn’t into it but he’s offered a lot of money so he goes in the middle of the night. But once he’s there he can’t follow through… only he accidentally gets some of his poison in the stew… which ends up killing the people. Now he’s having dreams/visions where the bugs he’s killed are coming to attack him and they are huge! That alone is creepy and yucky! But then he finds himself at a therapist… who at the beginning we see him exterminating her house, now she’s his therapist after everything he’s been through… only she ends up killing him… there were a lot of 180 turns in this because none of them I saw coming… but they were done well.  

The Right Snuff – This one was on the boring side; Alex and Ted are astronauts; they’re both in space wanting to be the first to meet new life, it’s very in the vein of Star Trek (which I love very much… this not so much). Alex has his father in the back of his head always telling him he isn’t good enough. That gets to his head because when Ted gets picked to meet this alien… Alex goes off and kills him. When he gets to meet the alien, they are asking for ambassador Ted because apparently Ted was one of them. Well, now Alex goes ‘shit I didn’t know’. When he reaches back to the ship there’s video footage of what he’s done and the aliens take revenge by plummeting earth with the moon. Now Alex is the last man standing, but was it really all worth it in the end when you have no one to share it with? It had a good moral, and was physiologically scary, but it felt like it went on longer than it needed to.  

Sibling Rivalry – I don’t even know what to make of this one. The acting wasn’t that great; there was a lot of unnecessary exposition that really bogged down the beginning of the story; the main character was ALWAYS talking, talk about driving you crazy. She goes to the guidance counsellor at school claiming her brother is trying to kill her – that’s the angle they’re going with. Then the story takes a complete 180 and turns out she’s trying to kill him? He comes at her and he’s like where is mom and dad and then we get this whole backstory on how she really did it. It was poorly executed and poorly acted and I hated Molly Ringwald in this; she’s a good actress but her playing the uncaring guidance counsellor was terrible. It was like she was pretending to be a teen and I loathe when adults act like teens. In the end, she turns her brother into a vampire and they kill the girl who turned her and Molly Ringwald… there were a few gross moments (what was that puke in the toilet scene?!) but otherwise this wasn’t great.

Pipe Screams – I liked this one. There’s an old building that has pipe problems and this pompous owner of the building doesn’t want to do what is legally require to fix the building, since there are people living in it, especially children. The plumber doesn’t feel good about it so he goes to fix the problem as best he can. That’s when he finds this hair rat monster living in the pipes. He’s going to call animal control once he catches it, but another tenant has a better idea. They round up everyone in the building, the plumber tells them all what the owner doesn’t want to do and they gang up on her, setting lose that monster on her. I thought that was good. I laughed when the plumber called her to tell her to come look at what he found, and this woman brings her wine glass with her, ok lady. The ending paid off really well. 

Within the Walls of Madness – This one didn’t stick with me because it’s completely forgettable, plus there was too much going on for a short story; this would have benefited for a longer story. This guy is locked up after killing two people while on a mission for the government. We meet him when he’s telling his story to an attorney. Apparently there was some sort of monster that killed one of them, but he’s being framed for it. Then he ends up killing the woman who was trying to frame him because of said monster. No one believes him, that is until he’s on death row and he asks for that skeleton as his last wish. When he blows on it, this monster is brought to life and kills everyone in the room, essentially setting him free. It was such a weird story, I didn’t care for it; there wasn’t anything truly creepy or scary about it. 

Night of the Living Late Show – This one took the whole 40 minutes to tell and I think they used the time wisely (aside from the beginning and the end… not sure how the choose your own adventure zombie video game had to do with the rest of the story). We follow an inventor who creates this VR machine that looks like a tanning booth. When you go in you can jump into your favourite movie and basically be a part of it. His wife, is not about this machine because he spends all his time in it… while using her family’s money to create it. Her father doesn’t think he’s worthy of her, just wants her money. So when she finds out that he goes in to be with the actress he’s been in love with since he was a child, she gets mad… but then gets even… because one day when he gets in, again, she changes the movie… then cuts off his thumb so he can’t control the machine and get out, damn girl! I thought it was great; the pacing was a bit slow, but it paid off in the end.

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