Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Same Sky

Hi again! I guess I should forewarn my readers that the next couple of novels will be from my Goodreads challenge. I have a pile of novels just waiting to be read from this challenge that I’ve set out for myself. This novel included. I wasn’t sure about it at first, it looked like it may be good, but it could also be boring. I hate when covers don’t help. Sometimes a cover looks really good, and it makes you want to read a novel even more, this cover didn’t help, and wasn’t that great so I was unsure. But this novel is definitely worth every second to read!

The Same Sky

The Same Sky by: Amanda Eyre Ward: Carla is an 11-year-old girl whose mother has left for America, and her grandmother has died so she sets out to travel through Mexico to America to meet her mother. Alice has been deprived of having children, and she tries to fill the void in her life by replacing it with other things, such as a dog, and helping out a teenage girl. The reader follows these two lives wondering if this young girl will make it to Austin, Texas, and if Alice will get a baby. It’s definitely a great read throughout. It’s heartbreaking to hear the trials of what both women have to go through even though they live completely different lives. The characters were definitely believable, and they have to be in this novel to give it the strength it needs. The author delivers with fully formed characters who have a back-story and whose plotlines are incredible. This novel is set to make you think about everyone in the world; how we all live under one sky, yet live completely different lives. Overall, this novel should be on your list of novels to read in 2015, charming, heartfelt and beautifully written.

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