Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Mexican Gothic

Hello friends, happy Wednesday – I hope you’re all having a good week so far! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s novel Mexican Gothic.

Read more: Review: Mexican Gothic
Mexican Gothic

Mexican Gothic by: Silvia Moreno-Garcia: When Noemí receives a frantic letter from her cousin, Catalina, she decides to go to High Place, a house in the Mexican countryside, to see what the letter could mean. Upon her arrival, things start to happen, creepy things like bizarre dreams and visions. The longer she stays, the more she starts to uncover about the Doyle family and the house itself. Filled with disturbing and frightening plots this novel was a wild ride; from start to finish the reader felt so many emotions as so many strange things kept happening. Sure, the pacing was a bit off to start, but every time the reader went to read the novel, they were automatically sucked in and totally captivated by the story. By the last half of the novel the plot sped up so fast that it almost made the reader’s head spin by all the revelations that kept happening. It was shocking, but it was also exciting. This was such a peculiar plot that it the reader couldn’t help wanting to read more of. It was so gripping and weird that it’s definitely something that won’t be forgotten any time soon. Moreno-Garcia needs to write more horror because she’s so very good at it. The way she’s able to convey gross and distressing scenes with her writing was intense at times. The descriptions of everything were so textual that the reader truly felt immersed in the story. The characters were so evil and it really drove the reader crazy. There weren’t too many good or redeemable characters, but there were a few to root for. The reader enjoyed Noemí, she was a strong compelling character and the secondary characters really brought her to life and gave her layers as well as having their own. The development was slow going but it really pulled through in the end. Overall, this was a horror novel done well with the creep factor turned up.  

6 thoughts on “Review: Mexican Gothic

  1. I read so many wonderful reviews about this one and your reveiw was no different! I don’t read horror in general but I do want to step out of my comfort zone and try this one! Thank you for this reveiw 🙏🏾

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw thank you, Karla! I really hope you enjoy this one, it was just SO good! I can’t wait to read more from Silvia Moreno-Garcia! 😄


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