Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Daughter of the Pirate King

Hello friends, happy Monday I hope you are all well! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Tricia’s Levenseller’s novel, Daughter of the Pirate King.

Read more: Review: Daughter of the Pirate King
Daughter of the Pirate King

Daughter of the Pirate King by: Tricia Levenseller: Alosa has been sent by her father, the Pirate King, to pretend to be taken captive by the enemies in order to steal their maps. Only, once on board, her captor, a pirate named Riden knows that there is something up with her and Alosa must hide herself from him in order to fulfil the mission she’s on. This novel sounded really amazing in theory, but in actuality, it was just alright. It felt like there was so much promise and it just didn’t deliver. The reader really wanted to love this, but they just felt okay about it. The plot was easy to follow and it was really fast-paced, but the reader found themselves getting bored. The world building could be so much better; we kind of get a sense of the place but everything felt so sprung on the reader. One minute we learn that pirates are great fighters, the next they have more powers like some sort of singing persuasion and then seeing colours to indicate things. Nothing is ever explained, it all of a sudden just happens and the reader is left going, what?! since when could the main character do that? It’s like she’s a magical pirate but no one is told that. It does get explained later on, but it’s still really jarring to read in the first half of the book because the reader has no idea what is going on, as if this character just pulls magical abilities out of a hat. Once we know what she is, it’s actually pretty cool; the reader doesn’t see why it had to be a secret for the audience though, for the other characters yes, but this would have been better told if readers knew and the other characters didn’t; it would have made for a less disorienting read. As for the characters, the main character was engrossing for the most part; she not only was deeply developed, she was also half human which made her such a compelling character; the reader just wished that her personality was a bit better because she got to the point where she was ‘not like other girls’ and that got stale. The secondary characters were engaging, but some were given more depth than others so it felt a little lopsided when reading because they would show up and the reader would forget who they were because they didn’t have memorable qualities and just showed up when the main character needed them, which was mostly at the end. The reader also didn’t really care for the relationship between Alosa and her father; it’s a really broken relationship, but Alosa doesn’t see it as such. The reader hopes that in the sequel we’ll get more of their relationship, since they didn’t really have a lot of time together in this one. Overall, this wasn’t a bad read, the reader just expected a little more.

6 thoughts on “Review: Daughter of the Pirate King

    1. That’s exactly how I felt reading it. I had no knowledge going in and I started a note in my phone of all the things she could magically do because it made zero sense. Then it was explained that she’s a half siren half pirate and it started to make more sense, but I didn’t like that we didn’t know that upfront because it made for a really confusing reading experience. I’m sorry you found my review confusing.


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