Photography · The Every Day Life

Photo Blog: A Treasure Chest of Photos Pt. 3

Hi everyone, welcome to another Flashback Friday, and another I almost want to say episode of, ha, another round from my series A Treasure Chest of Photos! 🙂

This week we’re still in 2012. Back in 2012 I decided to do one of those 52 Week Projects, where every week I would post a photo on my blog (the said blog no longer exists in this world). That is where all of these photos are coming from. Some of the photos from last week also came from there too.

I this edition you’ll see photos of:

  • nature, I loved my backyard
  • my signed Pierce the Veil CD & my warped tour ticket
  • a few bonus photos from my trip to Niagara Falls
  • cookies
  • books (obviously)
  • flowers

Thank you for viewing! 🙂

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