Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: Trick Mirror

Hi friends, happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all well. Today I’m posting my review of Jia Tolentino’s memoir/essay, Trick Mirror.

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Trick Mirror

Trick Mirror by: Jia Tolentino: This part memoir, part essay was really fascinating to read. Dealing with the ways in which we delude, or trick ourselves, Tolentino breaks down, chapter by chapter, the different ways. Whether it be through the Internet, which is big one, reality TV, religion, or drugs Tolentino provided very critical and analytical essays with a lot of facts and research to back up her claims, which the reader really enjoyed. It’s one thing to say things, but when a good amount of research is done it gives the reading an extra layer of enjoyment and believability. There are topics in which not everyone will agree with, as this reader didn’t, and there were chapters that felt long and dense to get through, but getting past those and reading the chapters that did relate made it all worth it. Each chapter had a dose of raw reality that brushed on topics that people don’t often talk about, so it felt like a breath of fresh air to read from her perspective. There were also some validating points in this that made the reader feel seen. Along with her research and facts there were personal anecdotes that let us get to know the author better, giving us a front row view to her life and it was a well balanced mix. This was not a quick read, and sometimes not an easy read, but Tolentino was still able to shine some humour throughout to lighten the load of the heavier topics. It was well done and well written. The reader really enjoyed the realness of it, even if it wasn’t always a leisurely read.

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