Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: George Lucas: A Life

Hello friends, happy Wednesday, I hope you’re all well! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Brian Jay Jones’ book George Lucas: A Life.

George Lucas: A Life

George Lucas: A Life by: Brian Jay Jones: This book followed Lucas’s life from just before he was born, and getting a background on his father, which plays a big role in Lucas’s life, all the way up until just after he sold his company, Lucasfilm, over to Disney. This book was filled with so much information on George Lucas’s life that from the start it felt a little overwhelming going in. Once the book got into Lucas’s love for film the pace picked up and the reader got into a groove of reading. Told in chronological order, this helped the reader follow along easily and made it interesting. This book started off talking about George’s father, George Lucas Sr., and at first it felt like unnecessary information but as the reader made their way through they could see how relevant and beneficial the addition was. George Lucas Jr. wouldn’t be the person he is today without the influence of his father. It was a little on the long side, but everything was included for a reason. Full of quotes and facts, this book cohesively told the story of Lucas’s life and all the parts and pieces that gave him inspiration over the years with a look at what kind of guy he is, his beliefs in people, Hollywood and big media corporations. A fascinating read, even for those who aren’t a fan of Star Wars; there is so much to take away and so much that Lucas worked on which really surprised the reader. Reading of Lucas’s passion for film felt infectious and was an all-around joy to read, this a great read for fans of film.

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