Memes · WWW

WWW Wednesday #11 đŸ€

Hello friends! Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday! I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading!

I hope you’re all continuing to stay safe. Today was day 3 of working from home and it’s been going well. We had a team meeting (via phone) just to connect with each other since most of us haven’t seen each other since last week or later. It’s good to know everyone is doing ok on my team (minus the IT hiccups).

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 231
On page 255
On page 88









The Stand: I’m 20% of the way through; woo! I’ve hit the 20% marker! It’s only taken me 13 weeks to get there. The chapters are starting to get longer, although the information isn’t really moving the story just yet, it’s a lot of what we already know. The media and government are starting to get involved and that’s intriguing and it also makes you think about how it relates to this pandemic we are living in right now. I know King’s ‘superflu’ is supposed to be worse and I’ve seen on Twitter people comparing COVID-19 to this, but reading how people are reacting is the same…
Pretties: I’m 68% through; it’s funny with each passing chapter some I really love, some I can leave. Currently I’m loving Tally on her own in survival mode again.
Lastly, I’m reading When the Moon was Ours by: Anna-Marie McLemore. I started this yesterday and man is the writing ever whimsical. Some the metaphors are really out there. The fact that the writing is this magical fluffy stuff, it makes it hard to keep track of the plot because I keep getting distracted by the writing, but I’m also liking it.









I finished The Storyteller by Traci Chee, what a beautiful ending. As much as I didn’t completely love the second book, this one restored my love for this trilogy!
I also finished Iron Cast by: Destiny Soria and I have to say for a debut novel I’m really impressed by everything she accomplished in this book. Magic, and hate and betrayal and strong kick-ass women characters, yes please.


I have quite a few on my shelves right now, as due to the library being closed I stock piled a bit. My library pile consists of Fractured by: Catherine McKenzie, Heartless by: Marissa Meyer and A Shadow Bright and Burning by: Jessica Cluess.



Now, the books I bought before I knew were going to be staying home (but glad I bought): Chain of Cold by: Cassandra Claire, The Taking of Annie Thorne by: C.J. Tudor and Anger is a Gift by: Mark Oshiro.

What are you all reading?

6 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #11 đŸ€

  1. AH I’m happy you liked The Storyteller! I love the trilogy so far and can’t wait to read that last book 🙂 I am also so curious about McLemore’s work…. I heard her writing is beautiful, so I’m hoping to discover it and enjoy it ahah. I hope you’ll enjoy her book 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You should totally read the Storyteller! I loved it so much more than The Speaker (that book just kinda tanked for me).
      I literally just finished writing my review for When the Moon was Ours. I enjoyed it, the writing is very, very pretty, but it’s not really for me. I really liked the theme of the novel, but I found her writing took away from the story. I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Right, I know the feeling! I have a feeling you’ll love it! 🙂
        It should be up, hopefully sometime next month… I’ve gotten behind on my reviews!

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