Memes · Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Freebie/Books on My TBR: A Look Back

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having a good Tuesday, me I’m sad that it’s April and I had to put my Winter boots on this morning to go to work. WHY, oh WHY is there still snow in Spring? I’m so over it & you can tell everyone is so over it, everyone is so crabby these days 😖

Anyways, I’m back at it again with another Top Ten Tuesday. Today’s topic is a Freebie so I decided to go back to another TTT topic and revisit my TBR. Let’s get into it!

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

I know in March I breezed through a whole bunch of books so I thought I would take a look back at my Spring TBR for self reflection, and to see how far I’ve come in about a month.

  1. ✔The Grownup by: Gillian Flynn. Read!
  2. ✔The Big Green Tent by: Lyudmila Ultiskaya. Read (even though it took me 10 days to do so!) 
  3. ✖This Raging Light by: Estelle Laure. Haven’t read yet.
  4. ✖Not if I See You First by: Eric Lindstorm. Haven’t read yet.
  5. ✔Wolf by Wolf by: Ryan Graudin. Read.
  6. ✖The Secret Life of Violet Grant by: Beatriz Williams. Haven’t read yet.
  7. ✖The Age of Reinvention by: Karine Tuil. Haven’t read yet.
  8. ✖Operation Thunderbolt by: Saul David. Haven’t read yet.
  9. ✔Smoke by: Catherine McKenzie. Read.
  10. ✖The Picture of Dorian Gray by: Oscar Wilde. Haven’t reread yet.

Okay so I’ve made a slight dent in my TBR, 4/10 is still not bad for one month check in! 🙂

I’ve also read in the past month:

Home is Burning by: Dan Marshall
Dracula by: Bram Stoker
Orbiting Jupiter by: Gary D. Schmidt
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by: Robert Louis Stevenson
Grip of the Shadow Plague by: Brandon Mull

8 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Freebie/Books on My TBR: A Look Back

  1. I think you definitely made a decent dent in your spring TBR list, especially considering we’re not that far into spring. There’s still time to get more books crossed off that list. 😀 I’m terrible when it comes to TBR lists, I try and stick to them but chances are I’ll never get more than a few books into it before my mood reading drags me down another path.
    I’m glad to see you got around to Wolf by Wolf though, what did you think? I really loved that book so I’m hoping you did as well. 😀
    Great list for this week Meghan. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, thanks Beth. I did veer a little bit seeing as I read other things, but I’m getting closer to finishing my 2015 TBR haha!
      I liked the concept of Wolf by Wolf, it took me some time to get into it, but the ending really got to me!
      Thanks Beth! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I guess as long as you’re reading that’s the main thing. Every book counts towards your GR Reading Goal even if it isn’t part of yours TBR list goals. 🙂
        Oh I’m glad you enjoyed it overall at least then.
        That’s all right. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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