Memes · WWW

WWW Wednesday #10 ☘

Hello friends! Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday! I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading!

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 196
On page 183
On page 336









The Stand: I’m 17% of the way through; again another few short chapters that didn’t really do much for me, but I’m still invested.
Pretties: I’m 49% through; I’m now in the middle of all the action and I’m intrigued, but what I’m realizing now is that with each passing book our characters slowly become each of the different entities. You start off an Ugly, now Tally is a Pretty but she’s thinking she needs to become a Special to find out all the answers… I’m not sure how I feel about this progression just yet. Clever, that way the reader gets to know all of these entities Westerfeld’s created, but cheated because why does Tally have to be all of these things? Why couldn’t it be different characters? Why does Tally have to become all of them?
Anyone agree with me? Understand what I’m saying? 😅
Lastly, I’m reading The Storyteller by: Traci Chee. I’m on the last book guys and back to loving this series… I’m going to be sad when I finish it (probably tomorrow).









I finished The Speaker last week. I really wanted to love it as much as the first… I just didn’t? I don’t know, am I going crazy, was there not as much romance in the first as there was in the second? Or I imagining things? Beyond that though, I really did enjoy it and I’m totally continuing… obviously see above 😂
I also finished News of The World by Paulette Jiles, I was sucked in from the first few pages, and it only continued to get better from there. It was such a beautiful tale.


I have Iron Cast by: Destiny Soria on my shelf waiting for me to pick up.



What are you all reading?

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