Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Our Darkest Duet

Hi friends, happy Monday! I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m going to be posting my review of Victoria Schwab’s second and final novel in the Monsters of Verity duology Our Darkest Duet.

You can read my review of book one: This Savage Song

Our Darkest Duet

Our Dark Duet by: Victoria Schwab: Kate has returned to Verity to hunt a monster, a monster that feeds on chaos and brings out their victim’s inner demons. August, who once wanted to be human no longer wishes this, teams up to help Kate fight this monster. Now the only question is will it be harder to face the outer or inner demons. This novel was really fast-paced and action-packed. It was also a really good conclusion to this duology. The ending really closed the chapter for these characters and it felt very final. This novel took the characters we met in the first book to high places and really tested them when it came to life and death situations. The reader was never sure where things were going to go because the reader couldn’t predict what the characters were going to do. Seeing the connection and the friendship between Kate and August was so sweet and heartwarming; watching them fight for one another and believe and trust in one another was so nice to read. Schwab truly created such great characters with really strong friendships and bonds. The plot on the other hand, while it was really creative and engaging and the reader enjoyed the world, it felt like there was something missing for it to be great. The concept of this duology was different and intriguing but the execution just didn’t live up to how thrilling it sounded. Overall, the reader did appreciate how dark this novel felt but unfortunately this fell a little flat.

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