Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Alice Network

Hi friends, happy Monday! I hope you’re all well. Today I’m posting my review of Kate Quinn’s novel The Alice Network.

Read more: Review: The Alice Network
The Alice Network

The Alice Network by: Kate Quinn: World War II is over and Charlie St. Clair is on a mission to find her long-lost cousin, Rose, who went missing during the war. Charlie’s first clue to finding her is by talking to a woman named Eve Gardiner, a woman who worked as a spy in the first world war. When the two women get together, they realize that they both have more in common than they initially realized, a common enemy. This fuels the fire to work together to uncover the truths that have been hiding for decades. Based on real events during the world wars this was a fast-paced and fascinating story. The premise of this novel was really interesting. The back and forth points of view between the two main characters was effective in telling the story. As much as it was a captivating read, it also didn’t really wow the reader; it was good, but nothing about it was really moving, it mostly felt average. The romance plots sort of bored the reader, but they understood why they were added; it definitely made for a more rounded story, especially for the time period, but this reader could have lived without it. What the reader did like a lot were the characters, they were really developed and strong; it was the little things about them that were riveting to read because their interests felt so uncommon and it was something different to read. Also getting to know each of the main characters was gripping because they were so vastly different, yet had similar qualities and watching them grow closer together, whether they liked it or not, was enjoyable to read. It was a bit of an enemies to friends sort of relationship and those are always exciting to read. Overall, this was an engaging read, with compelling, tough and brave characters. 

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