Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Book of Wings

Hello friends, happy Friday! I hope you’ve all had a good week! Today I’m posing my review of Tawhida Tanya Evanson’s novel Book of Wings.

Read more: Review: Book of Wings

This book was longlisted for Canada Reads 2022.

Book of Wings

Book of Wings by: Tawhide Tanya Evanson: A well-known Antiguan-Canadian artist is on a journey across the world; from Vancouver to the U.S., the Caribbean to Morocco, with her lover as their relationship falls apart. As she travels farther into North Africa, she finds herself on a path to self-discovery and spiritual fulfilment. This novel was told in a poetic way that was moving at times, but at others it felt a bit disconnected. This jumped from place to place and thought to thought, which left the reader feeling slightly detached from the story and the characters. But this had good topics to think about and occasionally felt very philosophical, which made for a slower read, but it worked for this novel because it felt like a think piece on exploring oneself and establishing oneself in the world. There was a lot of talk of self-discovery and the reader enjoyed when the main character would learn a little more about herself and what she wanted. This isn’t what this reader typically reads, but it wasn’t a bad read. It was a riveting story, that was somewhat hard to follow along with at times, but it was still a good story and the reader enjoyed the journey it took them on. This is a short book with big ideas.   

4 thoughts on “Review: Book of Wings

    1. I feel you, when a book is slow you don’t want to waste your time on it. This book was short so I didn’t feel like I wasted time on it, I just know for me personally this wasn’t for me. Thanks for your comment 😊


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