Photography · Travel

Photo Blog: Atlanta, GA, USA

Hi guys! Happy Friday! I’m happy it’s Friday (even though I only had a short 3-day work week). Today I’m going to present you guys with my photos from my trip to Atlanta, GA last weekend.

First I have to say this is the fasted I’ve ever had a photo blog up. I literally got back Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday I just pushed through going through all my 160+ photos and editing it down to what you’ll see. Go me!

Second I just wanted to say that I have reached 600 followers, holy hot damn! Thank you all for the constant support and adoration for my blog, it really means a lot to me! ❀😊

Now onto the photos. In this blog you will see:

  • The CNN building. The first thing we did (after getting settled) was do the CNN tour. I have like 2 photos from there since we weren’t allowed to take photos of people doing their jobs.
  • We toured the Civil Right Museum next. I didn’t take many photos because it was a lot of reading than seeing things; I did take a photo of the mural in front.
  • We did two tours, a Atlanta Movie Tour & a Atlanta city tour, both tours took us to The King Center. This is where both Martin Luther King Jr. & his wife Coretta Scott King are laid to rest. I have to be honest… I didn’t know King was from Atlanta, but it was really great to see and learn all about his life.
  • Β We toured the World of Coca-Cola, which is really just a museum for all Coke related products; the company was started out in Atlanta… I didn’t know that either.
  • We went to the Georgia Aquarium which is the largest aquarium in the US. It’s also a not for profit aquarium which is great!
  • We visited the church that Martin Luther King Jr. & his father preached at. It’s now a National Park where you can go in and tour; it hasn’t been a church since his funeral was held there. You can also see the actual wagon they used to move his casket.
  • We spent some time at the Olympic Park which was built when the 1996 Olympics happened in Atlanta.
  • We didn’t go to the Children’s Museum of Atlanta, but I thought the outside was cute!
  • You’ll see a few Hunger Games filming locations… my hotel was one of them. I posted a video of the elevators they used.
  • You’ll see this cute little fairy door as graffiti from the Belt a long walking path.
  • Some of the richie rich houses of Atlanta.
  • I couldn’t forget the food!
  • I added a few other videos!

Thanks for viewing! πŸ™‚

7 thoughts on “Photo Blog: Atlanta, GA, USA

  1. Oh my gosh you came to Atlanta!! I hope you loved it!! Those are some wonderful pictures and I’m so glad to see them! As someone who lives in Atlanta, I didn’t even know you could go to the Hunger Games shooting locations. That’s so exciting, now I know where I’m going next πŸ˜€

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    1. I did, thank you! πŸ™‚ Yeah there’s a movie tour we went on called Atlanta Movie Tours which takes you to a bunch of filming locations! πŸ˜€ I hope you do decide to check out the places (or do the tour) well worth it! πŸ˜€

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