Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: Like Father

Hi guys! Happy March… can you believe it’s already March… I’m kinda scared how fast this year is already going! I do have to say though, I’m happy February is over. It was not a good month for me at all, so I’m looking on the bright side for March, and Spring is just around the corner! Anyways, long intro! Today I’m going to be sharing my thoughts on the movie Like Father.

Like Father: When the wedding that Rachel planned falls through she finds herself with her estranged father, where they get drunk and end up on the cruise that was supposed to be her honeymoon. What Rachel thought was going to be the worst couple weeks of her life, turn into a learning experience for both her and her father. This film sounds extremely clichéd, and going in the viewer thinks exactly that, but this film follows none of the conventional routines. Every time the viewer thought they knew what was going to happen, they didn’t, and that’s what made this film so great. It took something so clichéd and turned into something that was worth watching. The beginning of this film was terribly slow, but investing into the film it became better and really enjoyable to watch. The actors and the acting were really well done. It’s always amazing to watch Kristin Bell play characters that are mean, and self-centred because she’s really good at it. This wasn’t an earth shattering film, but it was a well put together and entertaining film to watch.

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