TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… The Umbrella Academy Season One

Hello everyone! Welcome to yet another TV Tuesday! This week I’m going to be talking all about season one of The Umbrella Academy.

I remember being 13 when the very first issue of this comic came out. I remember getting all excited whenever a new issue would come out. Sadly, I think I only stuck around for 10, maybe even less than that, issues and I haven’t gone back to revisit them. But when I heard there was going to be a TV show made, my excitement returned and now I want to get the volumes that are now available for purchase. Enough about me though, and more about the show!

Wow, talk about dramatic! This series starts with a bang and continues on pulling no punches.

We start off in Russia where a girl likes a boy and they’re in swim class. When she gets the courage to kiss him on the cheek she dives into the water, only to come out 9 months pregnant and in labour.

Now talk about strange, I had no idea what was happening. We learn that this happened 8 times around the world on the same day. Women spontaneously went into labour, even though they were never pregnant.

One man wants to collect all of them, but he only gets seven. This is where he starts the Umbrella Academy; a place to house all of their odd super powers, because obviously they aren’t normal as they were created in less than a day.

Flash to present day where we meet each character. This was done really well because you really get to learn who they are. Sure we don’t know all their ins and outs, but we do remember who they are.

First we meet Luther, number 1. He lives in space, there’s a reason for this but we haven’t discovered it yet.

Then there is Diego number 2, he has anger issues and is angry at everyone.

Then we meet Allison number 3, who is a movie star, although her personal life seems to be crumbling.

There’s Klaus number 4, and he has a drug problem; he is very eccentric and he can talk to dead people.

Lastly for now we meet Vanya number 7 and she is ordinary with no super power, as all her ‘siblings’ have super powers. We don’t know what she’s done either other than write a book, but she seems very exiled from the family.

All of them have come together because their father is dead and they have to say goodbye to him. Luther thinks that it was something more than just a simple heart attack and that someone was there when he died. The fact that his monocle was missing is what’s tipping him off and he insinuates that it may have been his one of his siblings.

We do learn that Diego had the monocle so there is something here.

Then who crashes the party, number 5, literally his name, and he hasn’t aged a day. Apparently he got stuck in the future, because he can time jump, and now he’s back, only he’s still 13.

We briefly meet Ben number 6, only Klaus can see him because he’s dead. I’d like more in that story.

Man, the fight scenes and the score are so good, the choreography is brilliant.

The first episode ends with number 5 telling Vanya that the end of the world is in 8 days. Geez, they’re all going to have to come together aren’t they!

It’s interesting how all of them have different perspectives of their father, some really loved him, some hated him and the way he raised them.

What we’re learning is that each of these characters are so hard to read. They keep to themselves and don’t let anyone in easy.

Vanya lives alone and teaches violin, this new student who is like 30+ years old comes into her life, and I bet you it’s for a reason.

We learn the reason that everyone hates Vanya is because she wrote a book about them, and about their lives and none of them like it.

Number 5 is desperate to find out who this synthetic eye belongs to, after a crazy act with Klaus, turns out that eye hasn’t even been made yet, meaning it’s from the future and it’s come from someone who is after him.

He seems to always be in some sort of fight, and I have to say the music they have chosen to accompany it is brilliant because it matches so well.

The two worlds they have built for number 5 is so well done and the actor is so good at being stuck in these two worlds.

Luther doesn’t blame Diego for their father’s death anymore, but it’s Allison who tells him he was right to believe it was one of them after she sees video footage of their father. Intriguing.

I like that each episode the title of the show appears on an open umbrella, it’s so cool and clever.

Number 5 talks about a lover… is his lover a mannequin? Does he think it’s alive?

What Luther and Allison find is it may have been their mother who poisoned their father. Their mother is this ditsy, she almost looks like she’s drugged or under a spell. Hmm, so she was built by their father as a protector and care giver so she’s not really human. Interesting. She was more human like when they were children, but now something has happened to her. It’s Diego who I guess unplugs or shuts her down.

The character dynamics are so freakin good! I can’t get over how these characters interact with one another. Some times they’re at each other’s throats, others fiercely loyal. So good!

They get attacked by these two cops (are they even really cops though?) and it looks like they’re after number 5, but instead they get into a fight with everyone else. This is where we see Luther turn into this huge hulk like figure.

Just when we’re led to believe the cops got away with nothing, we find Klaus tied up in their trunk. Oh no!

Ha, Klaus really knows how to be weird and this freaks the ‘cops’ out. They try to water board him, but what we’re learning is he has an affinity to water so it doesn’t bother him, he just drinks it.

Now that’s he’s sober the ghosts are coming back, this is why he does drugs. He can see all the people that the cops have killed. The cops’ names are Hazel and Cha Cha.

We learn that Luther turns into this bulking figure because he died, and their father brought him back to life and because of that he’s this monster.

Luther and Allison then find their dead, unbooted mother and they think Diego will be upset, unbeknownst that he’s the one who did it.

Why is Vanya’s new boyfriend, Leonard stalking her apartment? He stole her meds and trashed them, but why. I have a bad feeling.

Some of these scenes are just so good, like the one where the cops get high, between the music and the montages so good.

The cops are looking for 5 and no one knows where he is. He’s obsessed with the eyeball manufacturer. Luther and Diego do end up finding 5.

Geez, first Diego loses his mother than, what I’m taking to be an ex lover, Patch. She’s a detective and he’s been sorta helping her out, but when she gets tangled up with the Hazel and Cha Cha show, she ends up being shot and killed.

Woah was the scene every heart wrenching so well done.

We get a strange cold open where number 5 is walking through this desert, and he becomes old. Then a woman appears… I want to say it’s their mother. Nope, not their mother but someone who wants him to work for her team… and he does until it doesn’t work.

So the eyeball that 5 was trying to find was in Luther’s hand when he died in 5’s other realm where the world is over. He was hoping it would give him answers to stop the world from ending.

So I’m in agreement with Allison; she’s worried about Vanya and Leonard. Leonard is weeeirrd. Oh no, so the girl who plays first chair in the orchestra no longer shows up so Vanya gets the chance- her dream… did Leonard kill the other girl?!?! I wonder if he’s been stalking Vanya.

So because Patch came in and tried to kill Hazel and Cha Cha that gave Klaus a chance to escape. When he escapes he steals their briefcase, which holds not money like he thinks, but a portal to another world. Now number 5 is desperate to have it to get back.

Why can’t Klaus just say things, why does he have to make things so difficult?! He starts fights for no reason, ugh.

The side plot with Hazel and the diner lady makes me laugh because it’s so random, but I like it.

Well that woman is back and wanting 5 to work for her team again. He agrees, only if she can guarantee all of his siblings stay alive.

Ok, what is up with their mother, she’s alive again!

So now that number 5 saves his siblings he’s gone to work for that woman… back in 1955. He definitely has other plans though. Of course it ends up in a gun fight.

Now that they all know they have to save the world, most of them don’t want any part of it. It’s only Luther and Allison who believe they can try.

Uhm okay what?! So Luther and Allison have this dance routine that ends in them kissing. I did not see that coming, like I know they’re not really siblings but they did grow up together.

So now Vanya is exhibiting signs of powers. She’s finding a book her father kept and it states that she should be heavily sedated… to repress her powers?

Well, 5 is back, they gain a day and they have to find Harold Jenkins.

OH MY GOD- Harold Jenkins is Leonard. We get this backstory about how Harold was born on the same day as the umbrella academy and he thinks he is one. When he’s told he’s not and the combination of his drunk father he snaps, kills his father and gets 12 years in prison. But now obviously he’s back.

My god this show is so good.

Because the company that 5 worked for said they had to protect Harold, meaning he has something to do with the apocalypse.

When they see his photo, Allison realizes it’s Leonard. She also realizes it’s about them and not Vanya. But I’m still not really sure. Then 5 has a bullet wound that he got from god knows where.

Luther is going through a lot. Man, watching his torment is hard. He finds out his father sent him to the moon for no reason. He’s partying with Klaus, who is trying to get off drugs, the irony.

You can be arrested for suspicion? Diego gets arrested because they think he murderer Patch. I think that’s kinda dumb.

So whatever 5 did at that company, it’s now put Hazel and Cha Cha against each other.

Ohhhh the fake eye belongs to Leonard/Harold. I like how this is coming full circle.

So my thing is, has Leonard known all about Vanya’s crazy powers and known that she could save the world? Since he’s always wanted to be an umbrella academy kid maybe he studied so hard he figured it out?

Okay, I’m not thinking that’s a theory anymore, he stole papers from Klaus, all their father’s notes, about Vanya, I still believe he knows something more.

We find out that their father always knew she had powers, but when she couldn’t control them he used pills and Allison to cover it up and pretend she was human. Now years later this resurfaces and Vanya is pissed. So pissed she loses control and kills Allison- I did not see that coming. Why is everyone dying?! I wasn’t prepared for this!   

I can see why so many people like Klaus, he’s comic relief and he does it well. He’s the underdog that everyone wants to love; the damaged one.

I like the scene where Klaus goes to this afterlife. The way they shot it was really good, black and white except for Klaus’ shirt. This is where we find out that their father killed himself to hopefully get all of them back together to stop the apocalypse.

Pogo, the family butler, who is also a chimp, confirms it that he and their mother helped him do it.

Oh good, Allison does survive, she may not be able to talk again, but she’s alive.

Vanya finds her father’s journal in Leonard’s bag, that’s when the truth comes out. She gets so mad for all the lies and deceit that she kills him with her powers. He is not coming back after all the sharp objects that she stuck in him.

Now that he’s dead, the apocalypse is over.

Now the family know about Vanya’s powers. Wow, Luther is a complete asshole. Just because Vanya attacked Allison, he won’t let her out. Now Vanya is stuck in the room she was in when she was a child.

Oh shit! I was wondering if her powers were going to be able to break out of the room, the answer is yes, yes she was able to break herself out, and boy does she look a little crazy. I’m really curious to see where this is all leading to.

Wha, what a season finale. I need more! What a great way to end it though.

So 5 realizes that the apocalypse is still going to happen, that’s when they learn it’s really Vanya who started it. Now they are on the search to find her and stop her. But doing that is easier said than done.

When they do finally get to her at her concert, she uses her powers to get everyone to leave and she traps her siblings in this glow. It’s Alison who, literally, shoots her out of it. Vanya is now unconscious but the world is still ending. 5 thinks he can teleport them all to another time to help save them.

I like how we see them as kids. I’m wondering if that is foreshadowing to next season, how we’re going to see them. I can’t wait to find out where they end up. Their story is far from over and is just getting started!

6 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… The Umbrella Academy Season One

  1. The Umbrella Academy was such an amazing show and I can’t wait for the second season to come out! 😀 I’m happy to see that you enjoyed watching it. I loved reading your thoughts on all the episodes and happenings in the season. Amazing post! ❤

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