Photography · The Every Day Life

Photo Blog: The Royal Ontario Museum

Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope you all had a good week. Today in Flashback Friday I’ll be showing my photos from the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM).

So last Friday I took a trip to the ROM, I didn’t take any photos (okay I took a few photos of dinosaurs heehee) this time around, but it inspired me to show you guys the photos I took in 2012.

You’ll see photos of:

  • Asian Culture
  • Canadian Culture/ Aboriginal Peoples
  • Birds & Animals
  • Dinosaurs & Fossils
  • Rocks & Minerals

This penguin is called the ‘Jackass Penguin’ 😛

This is supposed to be twin coconuts 😛

Thanks for viewing! 🙂

3 thoughts on “Photo Blog: The Royal Ontario Museum

  1. Wow, the Royal Ontario Museum seems amazing! 😀 I love going to museums, it’s always a lot of fun – so seeing pictures from museums that I will probably never visit is always amazing. It kinda feels like I was there as well. Great photos!! 🙂

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