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2023 Reading Stats

Hi friends, and happy Monday! I hope you’re all well! Today I’m posting something a little different. I’m going to be looking back on some of my reading stats for last year.

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I’ve been using Notion to track my reading for the past couple years now, and I’ve been loving it (before that it was on paper!), but I thought why not use that info that I’m tracking to post about it on my blog. I know the numbers are just for me, but it’s always fun to share to take a look back to see where the peaks and valleys of my reading happen.

In the year 2023 I managed to read 118 books. Here is the breakdown in graph form the number of books I read each month:

My best month was a tie between January and March at 13 books!
My ‘worst’ (I’m putting that in quotes because it’s not a bad thing, I just didn’t know what else to call it) month was July at 7 books, which tracks because I was really busy in July. November came in a close second with 8 books and I know I was busy with birthday things that month.

I averaged about 9/10 books a month last year, which is very good!

Over the the 118 books, I read a total of 39,323 pages. Here is the break down in graph form the number of pages I read each month:

My best month was January with 4037 pages!
My ‘worst’ month was November with 2744 and in close second (I like how these two months are flipped) July at 2877 pages.

I was very consistent with averaging a 3276 pages a month, which isn’t bad. Of the 39,323 pages I read, 8% were 500+ page books, 64% were 300 – 400 page books, and 28% were less than 300 page books.

My top authors of the year (thanks to StoryGraph) were:

L.M. Montgomery at 8 books.
Stephen King at 6 books.
Kelley Armstrong at 5 books.
Mackenzi Lee at 4 books.
Andrew Shvarts at 3 books.
Karen M. McManus at 3 books.
Homer at 2 books.
Silvia Moreno-Garcia at 2 books.

My top genres (thanks to StoryGraph) were:

Young Adult 42 books.
Fantasy 32 books.
Classics 25 books.
Romance 22 books.
Contemporary 16 books.

I definitely started to embrace ebooks more last year since I invested in a Kobo. Because of that 14% of my books were ebooks, while the remaining 86% were print. And my non-fiction reading was at the same as it was last year, 😅, 13% non-fiction to 87% fiction.

My average star rating was 3.71 (thanks to the StoryGraph). My breakdown:

I’m happy to report I had no 1 star books!
I had:
four 2 stars
four 2.5 stars
twenty-five 3 stars
seventeen 3.5 stars
one 3.75 stars
fifty-six 4 stars (damn!)
twelve 5 stars

My pace of reading was 18% fast, 20% slow, and 62% medium.
My top reading moods were, emotional, reflective, adventurous, dark, and mysterious.
Some other moods were funny, lighthearted, hopeful, tense, challenging, sad, informative, inspiring, and relaxing.

Not a bad reading year! How was your reading year? Feel free to share any of your stats in the comments below!

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