Memes · WWW

WWW Wednesday #26 ðŸ‡¨ðŸ‡¦

Hi friends, I hope you’re all doing well. Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday; I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading!

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 855
On page 379
On page 100









The Stand: I’m 74% of the way through; another couple of chapters with too much writing. I’ve italicized that because another week, another bunch of words that didn’t need to be added. I don’t know, I’m starting to really count down the days I finish this— I’ve got 20 more chapters!
Extras: I’m 90% of the way through; I’m so close to the end! We’re in the thick of a plot, it’s obviously going to come to some sort of conclusion in which I’m interested to find out the resolution!
Lastly I’m reading The Conference of the Birds by: Ransom Riggs. This novel starts right where A Map of Days ends and man this one has been go-go-go. So happy that I started reading these again!









I finished reading A Map of Days by: Ransom Riggs. At first I wasn’t sure I was going to like this, it was slow to start and I really liked how the previous book ended, but man, as I dived deeper Riggs really brought this series new life. The plots were so good, if you haven’t continued with the series, I highly recommend it.
I also finished The Umbrella Academy Vol. 2: Dallas by: Gerard Way & Gabriel Ba. I loved this so much more than the first! This really let the reader get to know the characters better, there were new characters who were so much fun and the writing was wittier too!



Since I’m now obsessed with The Umbrella Academy I plan on picking up Vol. 3 very, very soon. As for anything else I’m going to read, I’m not sure at all. I have 5 books that I bought last month that I’m waiting to come in the mail, but if they don’t come this week or next, I might have to resort to an ebook from the library, we’ll see how it goes!






What are you all reading?

9 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #26 ðŸ‡¨ðŸ‡¦

  1. I am reading NOTHING! 😅😅😅 not a single word all week oops! Going to try and read once I’ve blog hopped otherwise my reading update in tomorrow’s (Sunday) post will be rather barren 🙈🙈🙈😂😂😂💜💖🧡

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    1. Hey, sometimes we have weeks like that and it’s okay! If I’m being honest I have NO idea what I’m going to read in the coming weeks as I’ve pretty much read all my books on my shelves. I have to say I’m proud but also sad… I’m not the biggest fan of ebooks but I’m going to be trying my hand at them this week, wish me luck! 😅

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      1. I used to hate ebooks, went on about how much I love a physical book…. then I bought a kindle paperwhite…. yup. I’m a maHOOssive hypocrite lol 😂😂😂 I hate kindle unlimited though. That’s just filled with loads of books I’d never be bothered to read! 😅😅 I use my kindle primarily for my NetGalley arcs and use a tablet for my library ebooks (because on this side of the pond library books can’t be read on a kindle 🙄🙄) But yes. eLoans from the library are wonderful when you can’t physically get to the library!

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      2. That’s annoying that you can’t use your kindle for your library books!
        I don’t want to get a kindle or a kobo or any kind of reader because it’s so singular purposeful. If anything I’d get a tablet or an ipad, that would be better than either my phone or laptop. I started an ebook yesterday and it’s going pretty well; not my favourite method to read, but it’s working… so far! 😅😅

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      3. This just makes me think about my own e-reader journey because I said the same thing and my family all gave me a tablet first (Christmas present)… think I lasted nine months before I had saved up enough and bought my kindle 😂😂 but you’re stronger than me! I’m just so weak willed lol. But also reading on the tablet strained my eyes. My kindle doesn’t.

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      4. Trying to keep the will power here!! 😂😂 we’ll see how long it lasts! I honestly I don’t plan to ebooks forever, this is just temporary! 😅

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    1. Oooo! I hope you enjoy Toll, I sound like I’ve read it 😅 that trilogy is on my list… I may have to get the ebook of it from the library at this point 😮

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