Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: Ant Man

Hello, and happy Friday! Like the past few Fridays, today I’m bring yet another Marvel movie. This week it’s Ant Man.

Ant Man

Ant Man: Scott Lang has just been released from prison; trying to show he’s turned his life around isn’t going so well, so he agrees to steal money from a really rich guy, Dr. Hank Pym. Pym on the other hand has been kicked out of his own company by Darren Cross, a guy he taught everything to, all so Cross can use his data for evil. That’s when Pym hires Lang to become Ant Man, training to fight off Cross. This film takes some time to get into; there is quite a bit of exposition before anything gets real interesting. It does eventually get interesting and really intriguing, but it comes and goes in waves. The plotโ€™s good versus evil aspect was really well done. The film had really high moments of comedy, and the pop culture references were topical and relevant, but it was also bogged down with a lot of dialogue; scenes were spent talking about what they planned on doing, but not really doing them. The characters were good; some were better than others, some seemed kinda boring and monotone, while others were full of wit and comedic relief. The way they filmed the shrunken scenes were so good, it was really fun to see things at ant level, the perspective was very intriguing.ย Overall, this wasn’t the best Marvel film, but it wasn’t the worst either.

4 thoughts on “Movie Review: Ant Man

  1. I have heard that Ant Man wasn’t the best Marvel movie, but I haven’t watched it myself. Honestly I just wasn’t interested in the story of that particular superhero, so I never got around to it. No idea if I will watch it the future. Great review! ๐Ÿ˜€

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  2. I actually really enjoyed this film. I think because my expectations for this one weren’t high (I mean compared to Iron Man and Captain America Ant Man seems kind of anti-climatic you know?) I ended up really liking the story and the characters. It was a fun film overall and at the end of the day that’s what I look for from Marvel films. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Great review. ๐Ÿ˜€

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