TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… True Blood Season Six

Hi! Welcome to TV Tuesday! This week I’m going to be talking all about season six of True Blood.

Nelsan Ellis as Lafayette Reynolds, Stephen Moyer as Bill Compton, Sam Trammell as Sam Merlotte, Anna Paquin as Sookie Stackhouse, Deborah Ann Woll as Jessica Hamby, Alexander Skarsgård as Eric Northman, Ryan Kwanten as Jason Stackhouse and Rutina Wesley as Tara Thornton

Well season six starts off with a bang. So they are all trying to escape from creepy ass Bill. Sookie and Eric get trapped in an elevator and the rest of them want to save them, but Nora tells them they are no good dead so they must move with or without them; luckily they don’t have to as the two escape and they leave the weird vampire layer. Apparently if Bill wanted to kill them he would have, so he let them go. I wonder why.

Then there is Sam and Luna. They find Emma and escape, but Luna is sick from shifting and she’s dying. She tells Sam to take Emma and leave her, and well he does just that.

He takes Emma to his bar where he runs into Lafayette who takes care of Emma, it is super sweet.

The governor of Louisiana is setting new rules for vampires and humans and he’s very against having vampires live with humans. This is going to be another disastrous season.

Everyone is in turmoil. Sookie and Jessica love Bill too much want to let him go, but they don’t like what he’s become. It’s Sookie that tells her they should let him go.

Then there’s Jason who really truly hates vampires so he hates Jessica (but she loves him) and he’s starting to hate Sookie for always taking their side.

Pam and Eric are having a tiff again, I have to say that’s getting old.

Haha, Eric doesn’t know anything about Warlow, the vampire who murdered his parents, but Jason knows who he is. But we learn that Warlow, is in the book of Lilith, and he served her at some point.

Bill summons Jessica and when they try to stop her she spits up blood and starts to kinda die. So they are forced to take her to him.

Ew the only way to become pack master is to eat the flesh of the last pack master, eww. But Alcide does it. That is a disgusting ritual.

So Andy is now forced to raise his 4 babies, but he’s not really doing it as Terry and Arleen are the ones looking after to them. It’s Arleen who has to talk Andy into being able to be a father as he’s scared out of his mind. Seeing him try to be a father is so sweet and so funny.

Shit! His kids are growing at a rapid rate, they were babies a few scenes ago, now they’re like 3-4 years old.

OMG, did Jason just get in the car with the vampire Warlow?!?! Yep it is. Why is Jason telling this guy his life story? He’s going to get himself or others killed.

They find Bill, but asking him doesn’t work. What is Bill? Nobody knows. All I know is Jessica changed sides, she is now on Bill’s side because he’s her maker and she can’t betray him.

So I like that Bill is sweet to Jessica, because he’s kinda afraid of what he is, at least he’s not that crazy vampire anymore.

Ooookay, so is this tension between Eric and Sookie back again? Not going to lie, I’ve missed it.

Tara has been shot with something because the governor has ordered all vampire run business to be taken down. Pam uses her sass, but when that doesn’t work she has to oblige, but Tara isn’t having it and that’s when she gets shot. Shit! She’s been shot with a silver bullet that emits UV light… now that’s a very dangerous weapon for vampires.

I think an all out war between humans and vampires is about to ensue.

Wait, hold on a moment, so it’s not Warlow that Jason is with but his fairy grandfather. Part of me doesn’t want to believe it, but maybe it really is a fairy.

Oh no, Patrick’s wife has now come to town looking for him, and Terry doesn’t know what to do. He wants to tell the truth because he’s Terry, Arleen obviously doesn’t want to tell the truth. So she just says Patrick has left her, wow harsh.

Sookie is on her way to work because apparently she doesn’t like working anymore, when she finds a half fairy in the woods who is hurt. His name is Ben and she feels the need to heal him. She is on her way to take him to the fairy club, when he reads her mind and she kinda freaks out.

So Bill is freaking weird. Jessica thinks maybe feeding him will make him feel better, but he only refuses until he contorts her body and makes the blood flow out of her mouth… WTF?!

So Eric’s solution to end the war is to glamour the governor, but uhm that doesn’t work. Apparently they have created special contact lenses to protect against glamouring. The look on Eric’s face when he gets outsmarted is just so sad.

Woah, so the Stackhouse family are the first of the fairy line; their grandfather is the king of them all. Warlow has been killing their family for thousands of years, that’s a dedicated vampire.

Noooo. So Sam has tried to keep Emma in hiding, but once Alcide and her grandmother show up they want to take her, and they’ll do anything for her. Only Emma doesn’t want to go with them. The wolves are worried about being exposed since Luna shifted on national television, so all shifters and wolves are on the lookout.

On top of this, this group of kids have come to town and they know Sam is a shifter and they want him to come out. I have a feeling this group is going to make him come out whether he likes it or not.

Ooo Bill can see the future and everything he’s seeing is the destruction of vampires, and apparently he’s supposed to save them somehow. Apparently all the vampires we know are going to die.

So what does Bill do, he goes out into the sun thinking he’s no longer a vampire since the stake Sookie stuck through him meant nothing but it doesn’t take long for him to burn up. That plan failed.

Eric outsmarts the humans once more and he flies away, they didn’t know vampires could fly. He then goes to the governors daughter to kill her, but she tells him killing her won’t do anything to stop her father. So he’s keeping her around for collateral damage. Pam and Tara are pissed that Eric is keeping her around, but I can see his reasoning to keep her, she’s like a bargaining chip.

So at first I thought it was Sookie’s grandfather who killed all the fairies at the club, but we learn that a vampire got into the club and killed them. This is bad.

I like the character that Andy is turning into. He’s more mature and doesn’t say as many dumb things. I guess being a father is changing him.

The new police who hate the vampires have captured Steve and are holding him captive. He’s become this scared little boy, he’s kinda cute like that.

Guess who shows up, his ex wife Sarah, and she tells him that this place he’s in is a place they wanted to create but never did, a place that  eradicate vampires. But they want to know about Eric.

Noooo Bill goes to Sookie to get her blood, and he’s willing to take her with or without her consent. What an asshole. When she refuses enough times he tells her she’s dead to him, and leaves. I think she’s going to be okay with this.

So the group of kids that want to expose Sam, now want to help him. They want to get Emma back, so they make this plan that gets most of them killed; what a smart plan. So the group of kids go to the wolf camp and start shit up recording them and whatnot, this makes them mad, but once they all leave Emma alone, Sam swoops in and takes her. That leaves the kids exposed to the wolves and they pretty much eat all of them, but the main girl, Nicole.

Sookie’s grandfather runs into Ben, and says they can trust him so now they’re going to use him to catch Warlow.

Noooo Andy tells Bill about his kids, when he runs into him, shit! Now Bill knows that Andy has four fairy daughters, shit he’s going to take the blood from them! Gahhhhh


He’s there to help them but when Jason passes out, he pretty much gives Jason his blood!

So now Sookie is putting together all the pieces, Jason is awake and working out like a crazy man, and she finds blood. Apparently a specialty for fairies is that she can read blood.

Okay what is this scene, Ben and Jason are shaving each other’s faces and it’s very sexual…. ohhhhh it’s one of those sexy vampire dreams, hahaha.

So Andy’s kids have grown up once more, now they are teenagers and they want to go out and party because they think they’ll be 30 tomorrow. So they sneak out and that’s when Bill and Jessica find them. So he wants to the fairy blood to make a new kind of true blood, a fairy true blood that I guess tastes really good, as all vampires are obsessed with it.

The governor’s daughter, Willa, is super into Eric and all she wants is to be with him. Eric has to be careful about it, but when she doesn’t go away he knows he can trust her, so he makes her a vampire.

He turns her to make her go back to her father to prove that vampires are not monsters. Willa is not happy about this because she’s very fond of Eric, but she has to go.

Okay so fairy grandpa is proposing that Ben is a fairy vampire! Which makes sense since he walks in day light; this is all kinds of fucked up. So they go to attack Ben, but he fights back, glamouring Jason and killing grandpa, although it looks like he can’t drink the blood. Apparently he was sparing him so he doesn’t die, and we find out that Ben is really Warlow. That’s when Ben throws grandpa into another realm.

Andy is out there freaking the fuck out where his kids are, and back at the house, Bill is so focused on trying to figure out this new blood and Jessica has to keep them in the house, but they don’t want to stay so she ends up drinking their blood. Now she’s so freaked out that they’re dead.

Then there’s Sookie who has figured it out that Ben is Warlow with her special magic fairy power. She sets up this whole date just to pin him down… literally.

Oh. My. God. Sarah is dating the governor. This makes sense, but it still comes as a shock.

So Willa goes home and her father is freaked the fuck out, and when she sees blood on him, well she’s just a baby vampire of course she’s going to want to drink from him. Her father was willing to live with her, but when she goes for him, he doesn’t know what to do.

Oooookay, so now Warlow is saying he’s in love with Sookie and that the night her parents died, they were off to kill her and he was saving her life. How am I supposed to believe any of this right now?!?

Omg it was Bill who turned Ben/Warlow into a vampire. Shit.

So what is Sarah’s plan? She wants to marry the governor, but when he doesn’t want to because he doesn’t want to believe his daughter is gone, she goes out and finds Jason. I like to think Jason had grown as a person and will not fall for her. Weeeeelllll he has grown thaaaaat much.

Well then Jessica shows up because she’s freaking out that she killed Andy’s kids and Jason is trying to calm her down, until Sarah comes out and a war breaks out between them. Well it isn’t long before Jess is arrested since we’re aressting all the vampires, first Pam, then Eric and Tara went willingly.

So they are taking all the vampires so that they can be studied. Now who is running this, Bill? The governor?

Bill is only holding certain people to get what he wants. The governor is in-prisoning vampires so they study them to get ahead and use their powers against them.

So they interrogate Pam to find out all about vampires and it’s this giant exposition that leaves me wondering what’s the point.

Oh shit, the point was to get intel on Eric and find out how little he means to her. Because they end up in a room where Eric is made to stake her, or her him. Damnnnnnn.

Terry wants to kill himself… nooooo! He calls up an old buddy of his to do it because he can’t do it himself, and his friend agrees to do it. I hope he changes his mind.

We find out that Andy loses almost all of his kids, he’s able to save one of his daughters and he’s just so mad and sad. I’m glad to see Holly really being there for him.

Sam and Nicole are on the run and they sleep together, I totally saw that coming.

Sookie decides to get Lafayette to do his medium magic to talk to her parents and find out the truth. Turns out that her father did try to kill her so that he wouldn’t have to give her up to a vampire. Well her father goes into Lafayette’s body and starts to do that same thing, putting her in the truck, takes her to the lake and tries to kill her.

Man is Sookie ever mad at her father. Bill summons Ben/Warlow back, but Sookie gives him this safe place to go, some fairy place so Bill can’t summon him anymore.

We do get to see Warlow before he was a vampire.

So the vampire haters, that’s what I’m going to call the governor and his group of people, really want to see Eric and Pam fight it out, instead they start to kill the soldiers that are hidden in the walls. Nice. This just gets them locked up.

So when Bill finds out that Jessica is gone, he makes this scientist he’s kept captive, drain all his blood until he’s as close to the true death as possible so that the vampire hate group won’t find him. When he’s ready he wants to put the blood all back into his body, ew.

Ha! So Andy’s daughter wants a name, and so Andy starts by going through girls he used to know, but he only gets through one story before she picks Adilyn. Then she wants to remember her sisters, so he gives her four names Adilyn Braelyn Charlaine Danika.

Terry is giving Lafayette a key to his safe deposit box, and Lafayette is suuuuuper suspicious of it. Terry won’t say why he’s doing it, but Lafayette accepts it. That’s when Lafayette calls Arleen, and that’s when Arleen knows he wants to kill himself. So it’s Holly who has this great idea to get a vampire to make him forget. This is a great idea, but what about the buddy he asked to kill him without any warning? Please don’t kill Terry because the glamour seems to work.

While in his stupor Bill sees Lilith and he’s super mad at her. He wants to do what she wants, but what she wants is evil and he blames her for all of this, and Lilith goes and blames Bill. Ugh.

Sam does the hard thing and calls Emma’s grandma, he knows she needs to be with her, he just doesn’t want her to join the pack that has been looking for her. It’s sad, but I hope Emma stays safe.

What is Jason doing? He’s gone to the vampire haters club to join them. He’s gotten along with all the guys, when Sarah walks in he pretends to not know him, and when they are alone he tells her he’s gone to save Jessica. Aw he still loves her!

I don’t think Jason should have told Sarah his plan because she is so going to kill Jessica. But first she’s going to torture her. Ugh. So heartbreaking!

I like how snarky and brave Willa’s become now that she’s a vampire. She gets under her father’s skin, telling him the vampires are her kind, and he can’t stand it. So apparently all these tests and experiments are so that he can find a cure for her, and make her a vampire no longer.

I don’t like the person Alcide has become. Even Sam makes a point to say that they used to be friends a little while ago. So they’re no longer friends because Nicole and her friends came to expose the wolves.

When Bill wakes up, he drinks Warlow’s blood and decides to go out into the daylight. He goes to see the governor they realize he’s a vampire, but because he’s not a normal vampire the bullets just go through him. So they stop, Bill wants Jessica back, but the governor tells the tale that his daughter has been taken too, and that he wants to make the vampire race extinct. That’s when Bill rips his head off, ew.

Nooooooo Terry’s buddy comes to shoot him, right in the neck. No no no. So fucking sad.

Eric and Willa devise a plan to get out and save Nora. I have to say Willa is an excellent vampire using her glamour to make the guard do her biding. They get so far until Eric tells Willa to get Pam and help her get out. Eric brings Nora to Bill of all people to help save her, but Bill doesn’t want to do it and Nora doesn’t want to drink Lilith’s blood. Eric is so dead set on helping Nora he won’t hear it.

So Sookie has sex with Warlow in their fairy world and it makes this fairy bubble power thing, uhm what?

Everyone is torn up about Terry’s death. Arleen now blames Lafayette for calling about the key, and says it’s all his fault. So now Lafayette goes with Sookie to see what’s in this safe deposit box. It turns out to be life insurance… that was issues 3 days ago. This leads to them realizing that he knew it was coming.

Now Sam is sending Nicole back to her mother, look at him being all noble and responsible. Sam’s going back to bantaun, even though Alcide told him never to go back because he’s found out about Terry. I have a bad feeling about this.

Okay so word is now going around that the true blood is tainted, something called hepatitis V in it that is killing them. Once someone finds out they tell another.

I’m not going to lie I like Jessica and this new vampire James. They are really cute. I love how they have sex while Jason is waiting outside.

Bill tells Eric about his visions and that all the vampires that he once cared about are going to die in a white room. He’s trying to get Eric to join him so that this vision won’t come true. Eric says he will if he helps Nora. When Lilith’s blood doesn’t work, Eric thinks Warlow’s blood will.

Shit it’s not Sam they get, it’s Nicole. Alcide tells his pack that they are dead and Emma is with her grandmother, but then bam, they bring Nicole and her mother out, alive and gagged. Oh no.

We get the story of how Eric and Nora met, she was on her death bed and he wanted to save her, so he brought her to his father, Godrick. How fitting as she’s on her death bed once more, only this time there is no Godrick to save her.

God does she die a gruesome messy death, man Eric is ever broken up about it. Can we stop killing people now?

Now Eric is mad as hell at Bill, he believes that Bill could have seen it coming with his magic seeing into the future ability. He’s also mad at the fact that he didn’t bring Warlow to him, when he finds out that Sookie has Warlow, he thinks Bill is still protecting her. Now he’s off to stalk her. Ugh.

So Alcide does a good thing finally, he fights one of the girls, the one who really hates him and he’s able to send Nicole and her mom back to Sam, finally Alcide is coming back around.

Nicole’s mother is very appreciative of Sam but she doesn’t realize Nicole loves him. I love how her mother calls her silver fox hahahaha!

Jason gets caught, not only watching guard but when Sarah finds out the governor is dead, the whole gig is up and they cut him and throw him into the group of vampires. It seems like he knows the one that tells the others off, Violet.

Damnnnnnn so Terry had 2 million dollars in life insurance. Wow. Arleen has to settle the funeral and the affairs, and she has to battle with his family first, which is no easy picnic. But with the help of Andy and Holly I think things are on the right track.

So Bill wants Warlow for his blood to save everyone from the white room they will die in. Sookie has to talk to Warlow about it all, and when come up with ultimatum Sookie isn’t a fan of it, and Bill is mad at her that she won’t do it. Warlow will only do it if Sookie agrees to be his fairy vampire wife.

Of course Steve would be the one to tell Sarah the vampire secret about the true blood. Gah this is going to be bad for them all, especially James who told Steve; I was just beginning to like him.

OMG THE WHITE ROOM! So they grab everyone who knows about the true blood contamination and put them in a room. It’s Jessica who figures out it’s the white room Bill saw in his vision as everyone, but Eric is in the room. OMG!

WHATTT?!?!? Okay so Sookie goes to Sam for I don’t know what reason other than to tell him that she doesn’t want to be fairy vampire Sookie anymore and that she always thought they would end up together, then bam Sam hits us with Nicole is pregnant. Apparently she doesn’t know yet, but he can smell it on her!!!

So Sookie has decided to turn into the thing she hates. She meets up with Bill and brings him to Warlow, who has his throat cut… guess who… Eric has been around. He used Adilyn, Andy’s fairy daughter to find him! Oh damn!

Terry’s funeral is beautiful, each character gets to say a few words about terry and we some flashbacks as to Terry when he came back from the war; when he met Sam; when he met Lafayette and learned to be a fry cook, that one was adorable; Sookie goes on to tell Arleen about the first night terry saw Arleen, ugh that story was heartbreaking. Arleen also makes a speech and seeing her flashback with Terry as a parent, uhhhhh I miss Terry!

But what I don’t like is that they kept breaking up the scenes. There would be a funeral scene, then a Bill scene and I didn’t like that. Terry deserved to be remembered without Bill.

Because Bill is on the hunt to find Eric so he can take Warlow’s blood from him.

Eric is letting all the vampires go so they can kill the humans that have been doing experiments on them. Then he runs into Jason, and he spares Jason and heals him.

When he finds out that the therapist slept with Pam, he’s on the hunt for Pam. Well he finds her in the white room, with all our favourite vampires, eating from Bill. They’ve all gone crazy since I guess they’ve nested and Sarah manages to open the the roof to kill them.

Well Eric can save them with the blood that’s coursing through his veins… but it’s Bill’s blood that saves them.

All the vampires go out and ruin all the contaminated true blood, and they have a lot of fun doing it.

Then there’s Bill who is seeing three Lilith formations that want him to go his time on earth is over, but he doesn’t want to go. He calls

Jessica and she and James go to save him, by giving back the blood he gave them.

Jason goes after Sarah and is going to kill her, but I know that he doesn’t have it in him to do that, Jason has become too good of a person for that, so like I thought he doesn’t kill her.

Jason goes back to the vampires and everyone is happy, everyone but Pam as she sees Eric, she tells him not to leave her, and then he vanishes into the sky.

So are Sookie and Alcide going to become a thing? It sure looks it. I know she’s given herself to Warlow, but I feel like she’s going to change her mind.

Well then they see the vampires walking in the day… with Jason. She happy to see him, and to see her friends now walking in the light.

I didn’t realize that Warlow wanted to live in their fairy bubble for eternity, so now that Sookie wants to live in the real world, well Warlow is pissed.

Pam’s buzz is wearing off and she’s thinking of going after Eric, Tara tries to stop her, but she goes anyways.

Ooooo now Bill is feeling guilty for everything he’s done to Sookie. Now that the blood is somewhat gone from his body, he feels like the real Bill again and it’s Jessica who pushes him to go after Sookie and save her.

So now Jason has been put on the mission to save his sister. They need Adilyn, Andy’s daughter to get to the fairy world that Sookie is in. I just noticed that his daughter has stopped aging, I guess fairies stop aging late teens early twenties.

The poor girl wants to help because she can read Jason’s mind and see how desperate he is, Andy wants no part in any of it, but when she pleases to help save the only girl who is like her, Andy caves.

They are able to get the fairy world and get Sookie, but I have a feeling it’s a little bit harder killing a vampire fairy than a regular vampire.

Grandpa comes back! In this weird web of another dimension where he traps Warlow and Jason stakes him, and bye bye Warlow.

Once Warlow is dead, his blood coursing through all their veins leaves their bodies. Back to regular vampires.

Why did Eric go to Sweden and why is he naked? They just leave it as Eric dying and cut to six months later… he is alive?!?!?

And Bill is an author, where he writes everything has happened this past season.

Sookie and Alcide are together and the community are against vampires because they don’t want to get the disease that they have, hepatitis V.

Sam renamed the bar to Belfours, after Terry! Sam also proposes a plan to get all the healthy humans to pair with a healthy vampire because that will give humans immunity, not many are very happy with this idea. All the humans have to take blood samples to make sure they are healthy.

Tara’s mother is back at it again trying to apologize once more. She wants to feed her since there were times she didn’t when Tara was a child. Tara accepts.

Jessica offers to protect Adilyn, but Andy is so not going to let that happen. Jessica stands her ground, and at least Andy doesn’t shoot her.

Bill offers to protect Sookie, but like hell shes going to take it. I was wondering what they would need protection from, but then these zombies came out of nowhere, lord.

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