
Let Talk About… Breaking Bad- Season One

TV Tuesday is back! And today I’m going to be discussing Breaking Bad season one!

I’ve decided on a new method for this, I’m going to go season by season through TV shows instead of the whole show at once, it’s easier on me, and it’s easier on you the reader so you don’t have to read so much! On with the show!


Bryan Cranston as Walter White
Anna Gunn as Skylar White
Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman
Dean Norris as Hank Schrader
Betsy Brandt as Marie Schrader
RJ Mitte as Walter Jr. White
















Breaking Bad takes place in Albuquerque, New Mexico where Walter White is our main character. He’s a high school science teacher, teaching kids chemistry. He’s got a sixteen-year-old handicapped son, Walter Jr. and a very pregnant wife named Skyler. One day things take a drastic turn, Walter finds out he’s got lung cancer. Not really sure what he wants to do with his life, as he has a baby on the way, he just tries his best to ignore it. This means not telling anyone for a month, but you know the truth is always bound to come out.

This show is something else; it’s more than just cooking meth, and cancer. It’s a show about living in a world where both coincide and it’s really amazing to watch. The very first scene of the show I thought was hilarious; it’s a pair of pants flying through the air. For a show to start off like that has piqued my interest.

From there, Walter finds himself in business with an old high school student of his, Jesse Pinkman, the business: cooking meth. Being a chemistry teacher has paid off and he can make the clearest crystal form on the street. This also gets them in some hot water because the guys dealing and cooking already either see him as a threat or a god. This leads to two guys in the business being killed… by Walter and Jesse. Emilio is an accident, but they keep ‘Krazy-8’ Molina locked up in the basement, waiting to kill him.

The two flip a coin to see which one disposes of which body. Walter get’s Krazy-8, while Jesse get’s Emilio.

Walter suggests a plastic bin to burn Emilio’s body in,

but Jesse chickens out and just decides to do it in his bathtub. Bad move, seriously bad move. The acid used to burn the body also burned through the metal of the tub, and caused the tub to fall through the ceiling, leaving a wide hole.


Jesse decides to put his house on the market after that because he thinks his house is haunted. That doesn’t end well either.

Walter decides to get to know Krazy-8 before he actually kills him.

In fact he was going to let him go, until he realized that Krazy-8 stole a piece of a plate that he broke. That’s when he realizes that he can’t let him go, he will always be there, so he strangles him.


Skyler is getting suspicious of Walt’s behaviour, and thinks he’s smoking pot. So Walter just tells her that to make her worries go away instead of telling her the whole truth. He tells Jesse that he’s out; he doesn’t want to be part of the project anymore. But it isn’t until he comes clean about the cancer to Skyler that he realizes the kind of money he’s going to need to pay for chemo.

His old friends offer money to him, and his wife advices him to take it. But it hurts Walt’s pride to take it, so he tells his wife he’s taking the money, but he actually goes back to Jesse to cook some more.

They need to find themselves a distributor to move the huge amounts of meth they are making. Jesse goes to the biggest guy he knows, Tuco.

He beats the crap out of Jesse and steals the meth. That’s when Walt knows he needs to up his game; he makes a visit to Tuco himself. Blowing up his hideout, he makes a deal that Tuco can’t refuse. Now they have a crazy deal with each other.

It isn’t until Tuco beats the living shit of his wingman, while high on the meth they cooked, do Jesse and Walt realize what they’ve done.

Hank, Walt’s brother-in-law is a DEA Agent, and he’s on the hunt to find the new drug leader, not realizing it is Walt. They find a cook site with an abandoned gas mask, which leads then back to Walt’s high school. Still not suspecting Walt, they arrest the janitor, who has a record. Poor janitor, he was only nice to Walt, now Walt is pretty much betraying him.

Marie, Skyler’s sister is a little odd. She gets their baby a baby tiara, and Skyler doesn’t think it’s an appropriate gift so she goes to return it, and almost gets arrested. Apparently the tiara is reported stolen, and Sky tries to confront her sister, but she denies anything. I think that plot with get thicker in season two.

Things feel so up in the air as the season ends. Season two I’m hoping things will get even better than they already are.

5 thoughts on “Let Talk About… Breaking Bad- Season One

      1. I know! Breaking Bad reeled me in instantly. When you finish every season, you’ll have to watch ‘Better Call Saul.’ It’s a prequel to Breaking Bad and involves many of the same characters. Not too mention Vince Gilligan is writing it!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. See I’m not sure if I’m going to watch Better Call Saul, I like to watch shows one they are completely finished so I can watch the whole thing without waiting. But who knows. I know I will definitely get to it some day because the show is just incredible!


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