Movies · Reviews

25 Days of Christmas Movies Part I

Hi guys! My first Saturday post… I think ever. I’ve decided to post some bonus content to get into the Christmas spirit. I’ve challenged myself (because I like to do that) to watch a Christmas movie every single day until Christmas, which I’m calling: 25 Days of Christmas Movies.

So for the next couple Saturdays I’ll be posting mini reviews of all the movies I’m watching, so let’s get jolly and cozy 🙂

This was my first time watching this, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Arthur Christmas

Arthur Christmas: When one child gets left behind on Christmas, Arthur makes a big deal. It seems to Santa that it’s not, so Arthur does what he feels is right, heading out to England to give the missing child their present. It’s not an easy journey, but with the help of his grandfather (retired Santa) and Bryony the elf, the three travel far and wide. The film definitely touched on family dynamics, as the Santas all run in the family, and it touches on what it means to give a child a gift on Christmas. The plot was cute, if not a little over played, and a little drawn out, but for the most part it was funny and entertaining. The characters were wonderfully put together, and wonderfully casted. It’s definitely a movie to cherish.



This was a movie I found on Netflix, and it wasn’t that bad.

Once Upon a Holiday: She’s a princess to a very small country, he is just your average every day guy. Katie is tired of being told what to do every moment of her life, when all she wants is to feel what Christmas felt like when she was a kid. Running away from her duties she meets Jack, and from there a friendship blossoms. A Hallmark rom-com that is super cheesy in both the plot and the acting, but the viewer can’t help but feel the warmth and heart the story brings. The plot may be predictable at every turn, but it was still fun to watch. This movie is something cute to watch over the holiday season.



This is a re-watch, and gosh it is just so good no matter how many times I watch it!

Love Actually: Following the story of many different people throughout England. The film takes on finding love in the most unexpected places. A young boy finds it, some find it while filming a movie together, some have to hide their feelings, some have to go to another country, or speak another language, but love is so universal that there are no boundaries as this film sure shows. What makes this film so special is that everyone ends up happy, and that all the plots end up coming together. There isn’t a plot or a character that isn’t relatable. All the plots are things we’ve seen before, all wrapped up into one movie and that’s what makes it exciting. Every actor does such a good job, and it’s a complete hilarious and comforting watch.


Another Netflix movie, that wasn’t that bad.

Dear Santa: Crystal has lead a pretty good life; never having to work a day in her life, spending her time shopping and grabbing lattes, when one day her parents decide to cut her off. Having to figure out her life now she finds a letter written to Santa from a little girl who is only asking for a woman for her father. Thinking it’s fate she decides to stalk the family to find out if she could fulfill the wish, and get her life in order. The plot is definitely cheesy, and the pacing was done pretty well, the only thing was that she transformed very fast; she went from spoiled not giving a care to helping the homeless in two seconds, it felt unnatural. The characters were an interesting bunch who were actually fun to watch even if you knew what they were going to say or do. Overall, a little quirky movie to put you in the Christmas spirit.


Yet another Netflix movie, and ugh NEVER watch this movie, I don’t know how I managed to get through it!

Christmas Crush: Georgia wants to prove to her friends that she has been successful when she has to go to her high school reunion. With one goal in mind, to get her old high school sweetheart back; things almost go according to plan, until her best friend shows her how she went for all the wrong reasons. This movie is one train wreck after another. The plot was predictable and over played, it didn’t really have much to do with Christmas either, just the fact that it happened around that time of year. Some scenes felt like they weren’t needed, and didn’t help move anything along. The acting was horrible, and it didn’t help that the characters were these airhead caricatures. This is definitely a movie to skip as it doesn’t do anything to entertain.

I didn’t realize this wasn’t the original Frosty the Snowman until I started to watch it, thank you Netflix.

The Legend of Frosty the Snowman: The town of Evergreen is in a sad slump, with no fun and all work, the kids are just not happy, that is until Frosty arrives. As the children begin to enjoy themselves, the adults are overwhelmed with all the fun, that they try to ban it. Based off the original Frosty the Snowman, this story takes a look at the kids who were in the original run are now the adults and the children having fun are their own kids. It’s an interesting concept, yet wasn’t executed the best. Plots got dull fast, and the characters were supposed to be funny and entertaining just came off lacking spirit. Frosty himself was portrayed by the same actor who voices Patrick Star on Spongebob Square Pants which made it feel like it could have been a strange episode of Spongebob. Overall, it was not that rewarding of a film.

Definitely a re-watch, I swear I’ve been watching this every year since I can remember. After those last horrible Netflix choices I’ve decided to stick with the classics.

The Santa Clause: It’s Christmas Eve and Scott Calvin spends the night with his son Charlie, and it becomes quite magical. Santa arrives on their roof, falls off it and now Scott has to deal with the aftermath, to become Santa, or deny it until he can’t any longer. This film holds up over the years, no matter how much time has passed, its magical storytelling and witty banter really make everything enjoyable to watch. Although some jokes you can tell they tried too hard to push and they fell flat, but the majority of jokes really landed. The characters are real, they are genuine and the growth they go through in the span of the film just feels so perfect. The pacing was really well done, it helps the plot and the characters move along. The plot is brilliant, who doesn’t want their dad to become Santa Clause?

Re-watch, obviously.

The Santa Clause 2: It’s ten years later and Scott has really embraced being Santa, his son Charlie on the other hand has become a rebelling teenager. Finding himself on the naughty list, Scott finds himself heading back home to take care of him, and take a care of another issue, the Mrs. Clause. This new clause states that he must find a wife before Christmas or else he won’t be Santa anymore. The plot takes the viewers through navigating love, and trying to raise a teenager. It was funny and entertaining, it was clear how they tried to stretch out this story, but this was done in a good way. Things moved a little fast, and it came off unrealistic, but that’s to be expected when we’re dealing with magic. The characters have grown and developed well over the years; the new characters added have really melded with the old ones and that made for a fun watching experience.

I remembering going to see this in the theatre for my 13th birthday, maybe then I thought it was good, but re-watching it, ehh I can pass on it.

The Santa Clause 3: Scott and Carol are happily situated at the North Pole, ready to have a baby, when things start to go south; Carol wants to see her parents for Christmas, but she can’t leave the North Pole in busy season. On top of this enter Jack Frost, a conniving man ready to steal being Santa from Scott, this is where the Escape Clause comes in. All Scott has to do is say he wished he’d never been Santa while holding his snow globe and poof, all power gone. If you thought the second Santa Clause was a stretch, this movie is an even bigger stretch; the plot was a little ridiculous, but as its redeeming quality it was entertaining. The characters are interesting to say the least; Martin Short did a great job playing Jack Frost, even if his character was unlikeable in every possible way. Even adding Carol’s parents as characters was just exhausting and uninteresting. These movies didn’t need to go this far because this one felt very tedious to watch.


That’s all for me this week, I’ll be back next Saturday for part two! 🎅🏼⛄️🎄

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