TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Awkward Season 3

Hi everyone! Welcome back to TV Tuesday! This week I’ll be talking all about Awkward season 3!

Before I start todays post I just want to say & celebrate 500 followers on my blog! 😀 🎉 Thank, each and every one of you!

From left to right: Brett Davern as Jake Rosati, Beau Mirchoff as Matty McKibben, Desi Lydic as Valarie Marks, Jillian Rose Reed as Tamara Kaplan, Ashley Rickards as Jenna Hamilton, Jessica Lu as Ming Huang, and Molly Tarlov as Sadie Saxton

So season 3 starts to the start of a new school year. Tamara and Jake come from Europe all in love. Everyone is all ignoring Jenna because they’ve all move on over the summer… and Jenna has this big secret that she wants to tell Tamara but Tamara is too busy talking about her trip and being in love with Jake. I like the two of them together. Tamara made a point that the two of them work so well because they are both girls, I feel like I mentioned this already but Jake is very feminine.

And there is a rumour that Sadie is pregnant with Ricky’s kid. Well then we find out that Ricky died, from a peanut allergy. Now everyone is angry, sad, pissed. This just ramps the Sadie pregnancy rumours up. I wonder if we’ll ever find out.

We do learn that her parents lost all of their money and it’s only now that she’s realizing that she has no friends and that no one likes her, like I wonder why. She’s a complete bitch and so it’s only catching up with her.

So at Ricky’s vigil everyone gets crazy and that’s when Jenna tells Jake that she thought she was pregnant but she’s not. So what does Jake do, tells Matty and boy is Matty is pissed!

Now, aside from ignoring Jenna, he wants to talk, which is obviously the hit phrase for I want to break up. So Jenna does everything in her power to try to avoid the talk, until they can’t put it off anymore. Instead of breaking up with her, Matty just wants to tell her how much he was hurt by her telling Jake before him. I have to admit that’s kinda cute.

But he’s started to get close with Sadie, I think Sadie is going to get hurt because we all know she has had a crush on Matty since forever.

So Ming is in love with her boyfriend Henry. They are showing affection… by placing his hand on her boob. If I’m being honest I don’t think she loves him, but trying to make Becca jealous because she couldn’t be with Fred. BAM, turns out that she’s actually dating Fred and using Henry to fake out Becca, nice!  
Okay so after Jenna’s pregnancy scare she goes on the pill, and when her father finds them, he gets so angry that she’s not a virgin anymore. So he calls Matty’s parents to tell them they’re having sex, only he leaves a voicemail, yikes.

Matty says he can delete the message, but that backfires and he and his parents show up so that Matty can apologize for taking Jenna’s virginity. Talk about awkward. Her father also decides he’s going to show her infected vaginas.

Jenna’s mom invites them to dinner, they almost say no, but in the end they stay. The dinner is awkward, and it’s almost out the door when Jenna’s mom tells them Jenna is on the pill. Matty’s mom goes crazy and she can’t stand that her kid is having sex and that Jenna’s family are promoting promiscuous behaviour. Ugh, what a crazy scene.

So the cheerleading squad have an accident so they need a replacement, so they call up Tamara she gets crazy and that’s when she figures out she wants to have sex with Jake. They are about to do it when he brings her to the same mini van that is decked out the same way as when he was going to have sex with Jenna. She gets upset, understandably. And that’s when they think up this grand plan about their first time and they get so lost in their plans that they have sex there, and Jake tells her he loves her. Cute.

Alright so after Matty and Jenna’s big parent blow up, Matty gets into an argument with his parents and he leaves to live with Jenna. He’s a gust crashing, but he’s literally living there, and he’s loving it. Well Jenna on the other hand, hates it. She can’t be her own person with him everywhere she is. It isn’t until she blows up and him, and letting off some steam, literally, that they figure they need to change some things. 
Jenna realizes that he needs a mother, so she lets Matty borrow her mom to have a good talk. He doesn’t want to go back because his parents haven’t even called him and she tells him about how Jenna came back to her after she found out about the letter. Instead of going home he goes to stay with Jake, but I’m assuming he goes back home after that, as it’s not really wrapped up, we just find out that the two need their space and Matty gives it to her.

The next thing we know it’s Halloween. They are about to go to a popular girl’s party when they find out that Jenna hasn’t made it to the “hot” list but Matty has. She freaks out thinking she’s not good enough for him. I hate this kind of plot, they do redeem themselves. Instead of going to the big party, they decide to crash another schools party.

They get to this party because a kid in Jenna’s creative writing class, Colin is dating one of the girls there. So they crash and well some have a great time.

Tamara makes a friend by getting stuck to her. Jake gets high as hell, but Jenna makes real friends. Turns out that her suicide story was cool with them and not lame. Colin’s girlfriend even thinks that she’s too good for Matty. Thank you, I think that too. She’s smart and funny, looks aren’t everything, but even saying that she is pretty too.

Well that makes Matty feel bad, and so she asks him why she likes her, and he lists the good qualities, the thing is she just likes him for his abs but says it’s the same reasons he likes her. I can see this ending badly, although I can never tell if she truly likes him or not.

It’s homecoming time and when the boys give the girls their pin Jenna is happy that she has a date, but at the same time she’s mad because last year she had no boyfriend and now all she can see are the sad lonely girls who don’t have a date. Ugh, I get that she feels bad for those girls, but not every girl needs a date to have fun, I don’t like that we’re portraying that. I also hate that Jenna feels the need to get dates for these girls.

Haha the one girl she picked was not sad or lonely, apparently she was a drug dealer. Go figure.

Haha Ming goes to Sadie for advice about Becca. She can’t tell if want she wants, is what she really wants. So Sadie confirms that what she asked for, although I have a feeling it is not what Becca wants. Then she gets mad at Sadie for the crap advice, I knew this wouldn’t go as planned.

And Matty dances, omg that was worth everything. That was hilarious. Gosh this show is obsessed with Tegan and Sara album heartthrob holy they’ve played the whole album, I love that album but really the whole album?

Jenna is having some issues with her creative writing teacher. He bullies Jenna into reading something personal at open mike night. She doesn’t want to do it, and she’s nervous and insecure. So Jenna doesn’t want anyone to come so that leaves the boys to having a guys night. They leave their phones and make a bet that they can’t talk about Jenna or Tamara, nice. It’s actually kinda funny to watch them try to talk about anything but the girls.

Well Jenna gets to her open mic and her parents are there plus her weird guidance councilor. And her councilor goes extremely crazy with her weird interpretive dance. When Jenna does go on, and she rocks the house. She’s witty and so good.

Oh. No. So she sees that Matty hasn’t called her back and I think she takes that as a sign that he doesn’t care. And so she goes out with Colin for a drink. Omg is something going to happen between them!?! They bit have partners but damn! 

Oh man, even her mom picks up on the interaction. Like even when Matty goes to visit her later that night she pretends to be asleep. Oooo drama.

I have to say I like Colin, he has more than just a pretty face. So Colin is really starting to take over her life. She can’t stop thinking about him. In her writing class she has to rewrite her first time, this time as what her fantasy first time would be. She can’t start it because she keeps thinking about the reality. It’s when Colin helps her start it, and her fantasy essay turns out to be about her fantasy about her and Colin.

When the teacher starts to read the essays, she gets an A, and Sadie figures it’s about Colin. Now she’s threatening to tell Matty. So Jenna takes it into her own hands and let’s Matty read the essay. She thinks he’s going to hate it, and I thought she might accidentally add the name Colin in it. Turns out that he loved it and thought it was what they needed to spice up their love.

Omg Ming is on fire! So she finds out that Becca knows about Fred and so she’s out to make Ming’s life hell. So what does she do, she punches out Becca. Holy amazing! She almost gets expelled but the Asian mafia are the ones that say Becca ran into a door. 
So what happens, now Ming is the new leader of the Asian mafia. Crazy. 

Jenna has 2 parties to go to. One that Colin has who is for Jenna’s favourite photographer, and Tamara’s first popular party. (Which makes Tamara crazy, but with the help of Ming’s new status they have an amazing party).

So Jenna ends up at Colin’s party where she finds out that he has broken up with his girlfriend. So she ignores Matty and stays with Colin. She thought that all the signs that there was attraction between them was all in her head, well apparently they were not in her head.

Because she stays until midnight and then when she gets to Tamara’a party she makes out with Colin. And now they can’t seem to stop making out every chance they get. I hate the suspense that people can find out at any moment, especially Matty. 

OMG Ming has got new hair, it’s long and blond. Why is she always wearing a hat? Well she’s taken the power hardly and Fred is not about to have another Becca on his hands. He makes her choose the mafia or him. In the end he tells her he loves her so he’ll ignore the power.

Jenna’s birthday comes around and Matty wants to do something special, and her mom wants to throw her a surprise party. Well Jenna doesn’t want to do anything so everyone keeps things on low.

Colin tells her it’s official over, and when he finds out that it’s her birthday so he apologizes and they try to be friends but then end up making out, and moving into the house where there was Jenna’s surprise party…. which meant that Matty saw that. Everyone saw it. Oh my.

Now everyone is trying to figure out of Matty and Jenna are still together. Everyone at the party has a different story. But one thing we do know Tamara punched Colin right in the nose, ha!

They can’t seem to figure out what happened to Matty. Everyone keeps saying they see him but then they loose him. Between a fire, a hit to the head and a bunch of other things, Sadie says he went to her house.

Jenna on the other hand won’t leave her room. When she finally does she finds Matty parked outside her house. She doesn’t know what she wants, apparently Matty wants to go back to the way it was, and Jenna says they can’t go back and so she says they’re breaking up with each other. Lord it’s actually sad. Watching Matty actually be sad and upset is great because we get to see the side of him that doesn’t come out that often and that’s his human and sensitive side. 

He really truly misses her and three weeks later we find out that Jenna is officially dating Colin. I did not see that coming. Her friends are not a fan and they show it very clearly. Matty wants to get back together and clearly Jena does not.

So in order to break the ice between all her friends, her parents and her new boyfriend she throws a party. Her parents, especially her dad, hates Colin. Now it’s all team Matty or team Colin and everyone is team Matty.

So no one shows up at her party and she gets super angry at them. Her friends think Colin is a bad influence and well he really is… yes I’m changing my mind.

Jenna says a lot of mean things to them and so Tamara and Ming are not on Jenna’s side anymore. So what does Jenna do, unfriends them social media. She looks so smug about it like she did something so bad.  

So Jenna is changing her look, and her attitude. She’s also doing drugs. She starts with weed where she gets caught by the police and almost gets arrested, but that doesn’t stop her she’s doing speed, and she’s spinning out of control.

So all her friends have left her and they think she’s just doing whatever her boyfriend is doing, and that she doesn’t really like him.

Omg so they have this after school special that they entitle: What Should They do About Jenny? Which is all about Jenna’s life. It’s a big play on what has happened to her and so they talk about killing themselves.

When Jenna sneaks out to be with Colin her mom flips and she doesn’t want to talk anymore because the trust has been broken. So now that their relationship is estranged she abuses it to get out of the after school special, as she’s grounded and doesn’t have any other time to spend with Colin. When her mom finds out what is happening she forces Jenna to go to the after school special and that’s when she finds out about the whole play. She freaks and loses it on her friends. Or her so called friends.

Sadie is having a crazy character arc. So Matty is the only one really talking to her and they are good as friends. He talks about a boy named Austin and thinks Sadie should go out with him, even though she “claims” she doesn’t like him. She tells him to go out with Devon to get over Jenna. So they both do and now are dating people.

Allie is back and she wants a baby, which is the worst thing ever. Her husband doesn’t want it, smart man, but she is so passionate about screwing it up, it’s kinda sad. 

So when Sadie’s mom comes back from her recovery (where she ended up just meeting a new man) she wants to move in with the new guy, Sadie does not. So in order for her to stay, Allie adopts her. How is any of this real? This show is beyond crazy. As much as I like that it does pull on real issues that happen, they blow it out of portions and it becomes super unrelatable. I have to admit, some of it is funny, but still it shouldn’t be funny.

Valerie, our favourite guidance counselor, is only slowly starting to figure out that Jenna is in need of help, and Jenna wants to get revenge on her because she doesn’t think she needs help. I feel like Jenna and Sadie might become friends, it looks like she’s starting to like the new bitchy version of herself.

Oh man, so Tamara wants Jake to run for class president. He does not want to, but she makes him make posters and everything oh boy.

So Jenna goes to yet another party with Colin, only this time his ex girlfriend is there. What does she do, puts E in Jenna’s drink so that they get high. Once that happens, a threesome almost happens, but Jenna is not down for that. So she leaves, Colin doesn’t care and continues to make out with his ex. Jenna is so high, yet she feels so low so who does she call to pick her up… Matty of course. He drives her home, and then hugs her. I think she’s starting to come back around… I think.  

Yes Jenna is ready to apologize to all her friends and parents. So it turns out that horrible essay about Valerie she wrote while she was still a bitch went and got published in the paper. This gets her fired and Jenna feels extremely terrible.

And we later find out that Valerie is not taking it well, which who wouldn’t but then again we never know what she’s going to do.

So Jenna still wants to be with Matty and so she’s made it her mission to get back with him, oh man.

So in order to give Jake some competition Tamara runs for president too.

Only they take it too far and end up breaking up. But it’s a little bit later when Jenna drunkenly kisses Jake that he and Tamara get back together, so maybe Jenna did something right.

When Jenna says she’s sorry to her mom, it’s actually really sweet, but leave it to her mom to make things weird: she gets a job as a nurse at Jenna’s high school. Dear lord.

Ming is starting to loose her powers of the Asian mafia as she’s been really abusing the power. Ming gets confronted while dress shopping by an anonymous member of the mafia to tell her that there will be a meeting about her at the dead of night to discuss her removal of power. Turns out that it’s Becca she meets and she has to agree to terms to terminate her power and take away her boyfriend.

Because Jenna is feeling bad about Valerie she feels she needs to get her job back. We’ll see how that goes. Turns out she’s going to try and get her mother’s job back, as she’s no longer the nurse, who is surprised?

Wow Valerie is extremely mad at Jenna, she tells her to fuck off and she doesn’t want her job back. So Jenna involves her mom to try and convince her to get her job back. In the end it’s Jenna who convinces her.

At Matty’s St. Patrick’s party in celebration of his parents divorcing Jenna finds out who it was the one to deflower Matty, a girl named Hunter who Jenna met earlier that day. She thinks they sleep together again, but it turns out that he wants to be with another girl, and he broke up with Devon because of Jenna. So he clearly misses her.

Jenna makes a new friend named Bailey, a freshmen who has no friends, and she’s nice. But I have a weird feeling about her.

Prom is now around the corner and Jenna wants to go with Matty so we’ll see how that turns out. But I think Bailey likes Matty. Oh boy this could end badly. So Matty texts Jenna and she assumes he’s going to ask her to prom… when he tells her he’s asking Bailey to prom. Damn.

Jenna pleads with Sadie to speak up for Valerie at her hearing for her job back and she doesn’t want to, but in a last minute surprise she comes through and Val gets her job back.

But then Jake asks Jenna to go to prom with him and Tamara since Matty isn’t going to prom anymore. So Jenna thinks she has an in yet again. She makes an excuse to talk to him by asking him who she should go to prom with, and he tells her he’ll think about it. Turns out that Bailey said no to him and that’s why he isn’t going, not because he wants to secretly go with Jenna.

So Bailey said no because she didn’t want Jenna to hate her as Jenna is her only friend. So Jenna tells her it’s okay if they go together because they want to go.  

Jake ends up telling Matty that Jenna asking about a prom date was just a rouse to ask him to prom, and now Matty has this idea look.

And Sadie is totally falling for her boyfriend Austin and I think it’s actually cute. It makes her more human and personable. Even though Austin is very calculated in what he does and he’s quirky but cute and when he tells her he loves her, so cute!

Turns out Jenna’s teacher gives her a big lesson in her writing. He gives her an example from his life and tells her that of she keeps writing she’ll only get better and as a writer and a person.

Now that Jenna’s world has been turned upside down she finds comfort in a book. She falls so in love with it and when she finds out who this mystery writer is, it’s her creative writing teacher, yikes.

Jenna finds the letter her mom wrote and asks if that was the person she became for a time. But her mother tells her that she needs to forgive herself like she forgave her mom. 

So she decides she will go to prom.

At prom Jake is wearing a cheetah print suit, which suits him funnily enough.

This season was a big season for Jenna, she’s seen it all pretty much and it was definitely a wild ride but it was fun.

I like that she comes to the conclusion that she doesn’t need a boy to make her happy, she can finally be her own person. It took her a long time to get there but I’m happy she got there.

One thing that I couldn’t get behind this season were the transitions, they were so crazy. Like it goes from one scene and then bam into another one. Even words get transitioned it’s odd, but everything else aside this season was exciting and fun, just like the first two.

5 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… Awkward Season 3

  1. Congrats on all of the followers! I used to watch Awkward but then I lost track of what was happening. Great post though! I forgot how crazy that show could be with all of it’s twists. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, you’re welcome! It is always exciting to meet a mile stone on your blog. 🙂 Yeah the show can be a bit much if you miss a little, but is still pretty great none the less. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

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