Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: The Wolf

Hello friends, happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all well. Today I’m posting my review of Nate Blankslee’s book, The Wolf.

Read more: Review: The Wolf
The Wolf

The Wolf by: Nate Blankslee: This book told the story of O-Six, a female wolf who resided in the Yellowstone National Park. We follow her from pup to adult with her own pups as she faced the challenges that got placed before her. From other wolf packs to hunters hunting for sport and even cattle ranchers who saw wolves as a threat to their cattle, Blankslee told her story through the lens of a watcher, someone who watches the wolves, but doesn’t get involved in their lives. This book had captivating and interesting moments, but for the most part this read more for people who are very invested in wolves and their livelihood. The reader had a hard time staying focused because there were so many different aspects, especially the political ones, that just didn’t interest this reader. There was a lot of research and thought put into this that the reader could appreciate, and the way it was told was in a coherent thought process which made it easy to follow, it just didn’t make it quite interesting. What took this book from being a two star to a three star read was how connected the reader felt towards some of these wolves. By the end, they were really surprised by how they felt attached to them, which they didn’t expect to happen. It left the reader feeling a sense of warmth and love for these wolves, like we got to know them over the course of this book. Blankslee did a really good job of creating this space for them and to show readers who they are and what they’re about and that was the hooking part for this reader. Overall, this was a different kind of read that felt very informative; it had a good message on the facts of hunting wolves, but would probably benefit those who truly love these animals.

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