Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Chemical Garden Trilogy

Hi! I’m sorry I didn’t post Friday, this blog was supposed to go up Friday but I got sidetracked and so here it is today! Lauren DeStefano’s Chemical Garden trilogy.

I’m also a big fan of DeStefano’s writing, I’m actually currently reading another series by her, (which I should have up by the end of the week) and I love it just as much as I loved the Chemical Garden trilogy. Her stories all deal with a dystopian world, which makes it that much easier to fall into the story.


Wither by: Lauren DeStefano: The first novel in the Chemical Garden trilogy. Imagine a world where men die at age 25, and women at 20. Now imagine that once you become of age as a girl you can be kidnapped to become married to a man to create more life before you die. That is the basis for this novel. A girl named Rhine is taken away from her twin and forced to be one of Linden’s three wives. One is older then her and the other is younger, but they all end up like sisters, caring for each other, but Rhine hates it and wants to escape so she tries to, though it takes them simple planning to escape this place. This novel was well written and put together. It had the reader guessing and asking questions and only by reading were the answers going to come to you. The characters were all really well developed and created, and that is what made the novel a really good read.


Fever by: Lauren DeSeftano: The second novel in the Chemical Garden trilogy. It’s time for Rhine to escape, does she make it out alive? Or does she get captured? It’s all a game in this world. Like the first novel, the second was almost the same, being trapped and imprisoned. Though this time she finds herself in different places trapped and on the hunt to find her twin brother. The middle is hard to get through because it’s so much like the first novel, but once you get through that part it becomes a lot better and the reader actually really want to know what will happen. As much as things don’t progress very quickly in this novel, it still has some great storytelling. DeStefano has managed to grip readers by the end because this novel leaves readers hanging for the last novel in this series.


Sever by: Lauren DeStefano: The last novel in the Chemical Garden trilogy. Rhine has been taken back to her captors, but tries to run away again to try and find her twin brother Rowan. Shocking twists happen as the story unfolds, and things just get so out of hand, that soon it becomes sad, but in the end it’s happy. It turns out that getting away wasn’t the way to get her loves ones back it was staying. This whole trilogy makes the reader look at life, and see how precious it really is. The writing was brilliant, a story that’s so different from all the rest. The plotline kept you going, and the reader wished it never ended. Overall, a great trilogy, definitely something different to read!

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