TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… The Dead Zone Season Six

Hello friends and welcome back to TV Tuesday! This week I’m bring you all my thoughts on season 6, the final season of the TV show, The Dead Zone based on the book by Stephen King.

Here we go, the start of the final season and man does it start off with a bang… literally.

When Purdy won’t do what Malcom says to help make Stillson president (because spoilers he became vice president) Purdy accidently kills Malcom… Malcom did threaten Purdy’s life. Johnny sees in a vision that first Walt was going to die, but then it switches to Purdy so he calls Walt to let him know about Purdy.

Walt goes into the burning church to save Purdy, and he does that, but in the end he doesn’t make it. I’m mad they killed off Walt. Like why?! I grew to like Walt… and he never got to see his own baby be born. Oh no, is Johnny going to now raise his baby like Walt did for Johnny? Full circle? I don’t like this plot.

BUT now that Malcom has been killed, Armageddon doesn’t happen anymore… for now, that could always change with this show.

Aside from Walt being killed off, Bruce gets a job in another state, so he’s gone. After everything went down with Walt, Purdy has now taken off and left… the show is like a shell of what it used to be; the cherry on top, they also re-cast JJ.

This season has not been what we’re used to.

Obviously there is a new sheriff in town, Ms. Turner and Johnny wants to get in her good books, but all he does is manage to piss her off. She doesn’t want to believe that he’s physic but after a lot of convincing on his part he helps to solve a case where someone is out to kill this psychiatrist who has multiple patients who’d like to see her dead.

It isn’t until the fourth case that Turner starts to really believe Johnny when he says he has a vision.

Aside from the psychiatrist he’s able to help a 14-year-old girl (who JJ has a crush on), a man who was wrongly convicted, a man buried alive, a woman who was in over her head in fraud, he stops a bus station from exploding, arrests the correct man for murder.

Johnny helps Stillson once again. Stillson has guys up in space, but when Johnny gets a vision that they’re in trouble, at first Stillson doesn’t believe him… but once he learns that Johnny is right he uses Johnny to help him out of this situation, what a turkey Stillson is. I kind of hope that we’ve seen the last of Stillson.

Right after this, Sarah goes into labour and she has a little girl that they name Hope. Johnny kinda gets to be a father again.

A few episodes later Sarah and Johnny go out somewhere and on their way back Johnny feels sick so Sarah drives him to the ER. Turns out he has appendicitis but something is off with the doctor and the hospital. Johnny has these flashes of visions but it’s Sarah who has to try to put them together. When he ends up in a coma after surgery, she does some investigating.

It’s really weird because Sarah does all this work to find out this doctor is out here murdering a person, but then all of a sudden we come out of one of Johnny’s visions and he takes what he learned and tries to stop the doctor. He then claims that the kiss Sarah gave him saved his life and now I bet they’re a couple… we had to kill Walt so it could end this way.  

There is also this underlying plot where Turner is investigating Walt for some reason. They won’t say why. Intrigue.

BRUCE IS BACK! I was so happy to see Johnny go to see Bruce. When Turner accidently tells Sarah about Johnny’s vision about Walt, Sarah gets really pissed at Johnny for lying to her. So he goes to see Bruce. I was happy to see Bruce happy. He’d found himself a girl (finally, as he’s been asking Johnny for years if whoever he dates he’ll marry) and just looks good. Of course Johnny has visions… off of horses this time, about a horse race Bruce’s girlfriend is going to be a part of. Someone kidnaps her and Johnny is there to save the day.

Bruce proposes to her, which WE DON’T SEE, might I add, and no one dies and everyone is happy.

Almost everyone. Johnny goes back home to find Stillson has been around and that Sarah plans to move out. Stillson claims to be friends with Sarah, but I believe he wants way more than that. He gets the investigation on Walt stopped. We learn that he bought a cabin but where he was getting the money from is suspicious. But with Stillson’s help it’s put to rest… or is it.

Just when I thought the Armageddon plot was over… it’s not. Johnny gets a vision that Turner is going to die so he goes to try and stop that. It turns out that she was after someone who was connected to Walt. After almost dying and a few visions later, Johnny starts to put things together. Turner gives Johnny Walt’s laptop where he sees photos of his Armageddon board in his basement and that’s what Walt was investigating, he found something about Johnny’s father. Oh man, this is going to be the cliff hanger.

Also, Alex comes back for an episode, I missed her. Johnny has a vision of her dying so he tries to save her. Not only does he do that, but he brings her together with her birth mother. Even Alex has a vision of Walt and she tells Johnny that he needs to figure out what he was up to.

So, this didn’t end on as much as a cliff hanger as I thought it would and I can live with how this ended. Clearly I prepared for the worst.

Alright so in the finale we learn a lot.

We learn that 1) the money Walt was getting to buy the cabin was from a man who didn’t exist and who Stillson made up… meaning Stillson owns the cabin 2) we re-learn that Stillson is a horrible person 3) Johnny’s dad is ALIVE?! and has physic abilities 4) JJ also has some physic abilities… which means it’s passed down?

Johnny spends the whole episode, with the help of Purdy, to try and unravel all of Walt’s work. It’s interesting the lengths Stillson is willing to go to make sure Johnny doesn’t find out his own father is alive and to make sure no one knows about it.

I don’t know (and we’ll never know) how Stillson met Johnny’s father, Herb, we’re led to believe it was after Johnny woke up and started predicting things. I guess Stillson learned that Herb was still alive after he escaped a fire and went to see him. Herb predicted that Stillson would become president and he’d do it with a girl by his side, so Stillson pretended to be Johnny?! Just so he could get to Sarah and to become president, uh.

It was cool to see JJ get involved for a bit as he started to see and feel the real Stillson.

Then the three of them, Herb, Johnny and JJ all have the same vision of Armageddon at the same time. We’ll never know if that comes to fruition, but seeing Johnny, Sarah and JJ become a family… finally was the perfect ending in my books and I’m glad it ended on a slightly happy note. This show had a good run and I’ll actually miss watching it. As cheesy as it was, it also had decent storylines.  

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