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Review: The Magic Thief

Hi guys today I’m going to be reviewing Sarah Prineas’ series The Magic Thief.

The Magic Thief

The Magic Thief by: Sarah Prineas: The first novel in the Magic Thief series. Conn is a low-life thief when one day he pickpocket’s Nevery’s pocket, stealing his locus magicalius, a stone used by wizards to focus magic and work spells. Instead of punishing Conn, Nevery takes him under his wing and let’s Conn become his apprentice. Now Conn must find his locus magicalius before time runs to out, to prove that is a real wizard. It’s a highly magical tale of finding one’s self and becoming the person you want to be. This novel was beautifully put together, the plot kept the reader engaged, between all the magic, and sudden turn of events, and what seem like betrayals, the novel was extremely entertaining. What really helped the novel was after almost every chapter the author gave the reader Navery’s point of view and that enhanced and gave a lot of insight into the story. Prineas did a really good job of setting her novel up and giving it a fully rounded plot, with loveable characters. Overall, a wonderful first novel can’t wait to see what’s in store for the second novel!

The Magic Thief: Lost

The Magic Thief: Lost by: Sarah Prineas: The second novel in the Magic Thief series. Conn has somehow managed to survive without his locus magicalicus. Now he must go out there and try and find a new one so he can be a real wizard. He get’s exiled from Wellnet, his home, due to an incident with Benet, so he leaves with a good friend, Rowan, to get rid of the Shadows, these evil creatures. He finds this magic, Arhionvar and it’s used by Jaggus to create the Shadows. Conn feels it is up to him to destroy the sorcerer-king, Jaggus. The novel was exciting, and fun to read. There wasn’t a moment for pause; every page was filled with a new adventure, or a new mystery. Like in the previous novel the author gave us insights into what the other characters are thinking through end of the chapter notes, or letters. In this novel we get inside Rowan’s head and it’s very helpful for the exposition of the plot. The characters are developing throughout the series, you can see them changing and becoming essentially better people. Overall, this novel had way more action compared to the first, making it just that much better.

The Magic Thief: Found

The Magic Thief: Found by: Sarah Prineas: The third novel in the Magic Thief series. Conn is still on the hunt to find his locus magicalicus, a stone that lets him do magic as a wizard. This takes Conn away from Wellmet where he exiled for breaking rules. He also has to get rid of this evil magic called Arhionvar that is going to take over Wellmet. Conn finds his locus magicalicus, but a dragon swallows it, so Pip becomes his stone. While trying to defeat the dark magic, he uses himself, which causes him to forget who he is. The novel had quite a few plotlines going to keep the reader going throughout the novel. Although Conn is almost hanged, which seems kind of tasteless for a children’s novel, why would you add that in? It’s fine that they wanted to kill him, but it went too far when he was very close to being hanged. There was also a drawing of noose too. As for characters, they all go through a lot this novel. It’s mostly focused on Conn, but Rowan is loosing her mother, Nevery actually cares for Conn’s welfare, characters are definitely growing. Overall, this novel wasn’t the best in the series, but it did keep the reader reading, and engaged.

The Magic Thief: Home

The Magic Thief: Home by: Sarah Prineas: The fourth and final novel in the Magic Thief series. Someone is stealing wizards’ locus magicalicus stones. Conn has taken it upon himself to find out who is behind it all. No longer a gutterboy, Conn must go undercover back to his old life and figure out the mystery. Along the way old enemies catch him and he has to use his old ways and his new ways combined to figure out how to solve it all. Conn is also trying to figure out what he really is, and it’s great to see by the end of this novel that he figures it out himself; it really shows how far this character has come. The plot was great; it always kept its reader on the edge of their seat from thieving to climbing chimneys, to being captured in a cage. There was a lot of action that there was never a dull moment. This novel did lack a little bit in other characters perspectives. Where in past novels at the end of almost every chapter there was a perspective from different characters, this novel only had a few chapters with perspectives from the characters. Overall, this novel ended the series very well, and very smoothly. It almost feels like it wasn’t going to end with all questions answered, but then ask and you shall receive. Overall, it’s a fun series on the hunt for magic.

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