Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: Thor (trilogy)

Hi guys! Happy Friday! Gosh it’s finally Friday! It feels like it’s taken ages to get here! I’m finally winding down in my Marvel watching. This week I’ll be posting my reviews of the Thor movies.

Now that I’ve seen all the movies that lead up to Infinity War, I guess I should see the movie now!


Thor: Thor, the son of Odin, king of the Norse gods is about to inherit the throne from his aging father, but things go wrong the day he is crowned. When their enemy the Frost Giants show up in the palace against their treaty, Thor reacts with violence. His father then punishes Thor to life on Earth for his actions. His brother Loki on the other hand starts to stir the pot back home. This film was shot really well, but some scenes are shot on this angle and it’s not really explained why. It doesn’t really add or take away anything from the plot; it’s just very weird to see. The low-key romance that is between Jane and Thor is extremely cute and subtle enough that it doesn’t disrupt the main storyline. There are so many lines in this film that are extremely hilarious without trying to be funny; small subtle things are thrown in and it works so well. This film is so engrossing that the viewer just loses themselves in the story, the action and the fighting is enough to keep anyone invested, add in the sibling rivalry and the two different worlds and it’s a definite game winner. Learning of Thor and Loki’s backstory is fascinating to watch. The score made some of the scenes so much more heartbreaking than they really were. This film was so well done that it’s exciting to know there is another to look forward to.

Thor: The Dark World

Thor The Dark World: Back when Asgard won the battle against the Dark Elves, the survivors buried their ultimate weapon, the Aether. Now years later Jane has found this ancient weapon which forces Thor to bring her to Asgard before the leader of the Dark Elves takes her and uses her to destroy all realms, including Earth. This film expands on the first, giving the viewer a better look into Thor’s world, and the relationship he has with Asgard and his people. The relationship between Thor and Loki this film is palpable and so raw; it’s so good to watch. The plot was quite good and easy to follow, there is definitely a lot of action, but there is a lot of heartbreak and the way the two mix and mingle and weave throughout one another is so well done. Loki’s comic relief dialogue gives this film the icing on the cake, and a nice touch. There are so many twists and turns in this film that the viewer can’t help but be so engrossed and captivated. There seemed to be so many jaw dropping moments, and that ending was no exception. Now the audience is left waiting and wanting more.

Thor Ragnarok

Thor Ragnarok: Thor has found himself imprisoned yet again, this time it’s on the other side of the universe. Once he frees himself, he finds himself in a fight with the Hulk, and to top things off he has to stop Hela, the Goddess of Death and his older sister, from destroying their home of Asgard, and all of their people. It almost seems impossible for these films to get any more hilarious, but they keep getting better and better. The addition of past characters from all the Avenger movies really sweetens the deal on how awesome the plot is; the small inside jokes and bits were hilarious and so worth it for viewers who have seen every movie beforehand. The plot moved with such ease that the viewer had no problems following along or looking away. The amount of action combined with one liners was incredible, making this film that much more enjoyable. The characters really grew and developed which was fun to watch. Even the addition of new characters was well integrated into the storyline. What was sad to see was the absence of Jane. She and her crazy family of scientists really helped shape who Thor has become, so having her gone was a real bummer. Again in this film the relationship between Loki and Thor was absolutely incredible, they had their highs, their lows, but in the end you can tell the two care about each other. This film was so well done, and so worth watching it feels like it will be hard to top this.

4 thoughts on “Movie Review: Thor (trilogy)

  1. Great reviews for these films Meghan. 🙂 I really loved the first Thor film (I still have such a clear memory of seeing it in the cinema for the first time) and I haven’t yet seen the third one but I’ve heard brilliant things about it so I’m sure I’ll love it when I do get around to it. The second one kind of fades into the background for me, I can’t remember much about it so I guess it’s time for a re-watch (basically I need to re-watch all the Marvel movies I currently own).
    Again great reviews. 😀 ❤

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