Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The White Rabbit Chronicles

Hello everyone! Happy Monday, and Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian followers! 🙂 🦃 Today I’m going to be posting my review of Gena Showalter’s series The White Rabbit Chronicles.

Alice in Zomblieland

Alice in Zombieland by: Gena Showalter: Alice’s life is nowhere near normal; when her family is murdered by monsters she only thought was a myth, her world is turned upside down. Now she is determined to fight the zombies, with the help of the bad boy Cole Holland. She not only learns to train with him, but she starts to fall for him too. This novel was an alright novel. It was a good introduction to the series because it was slow enough to get to know all of the characters and get to know what is actually going on, and it was fast paced enough so it wasn’t completely boring, but it still felt like something was missing. The characters were very typical teenagers, and they didn’t really have any special or standout qualities that made them memorable. Maybe the second novel will be better, as there won’t be much need for slower introductions.

Through the Zombie Glass

Through the Zombie Glass by: Gena Showalter: Just when Alice thought things couldn’t get any worse, she was wrong. There is another zombie attack, and this time, they get her. Now she has to fight off Zombie Alice somehow, all while trying to keep everyone important in her life, to stay in her life; it’s not so easy for one teenager. This novel was way better than the first; the plot moved with ease as Alice wasn’t just around feeling sorry she lost her family, she’s actively doing things, while also trying to kill her zombie self. There is so much going on that the reader gets lost in the story. Not only that but the characters are better, more developed and interesting. Showalter writes teenagers perfectly as she captures their essence and not just their actions. Yes, this novel is filled with cheesy, and annoying tendencies but that’s how teenagers are, and Showalter just gets it. Filled with bits and pieces of the classic Through the Looking Glass, this novel takes it and puts a zombie spin on it.

The Queen of Zombie Hearts

The Queen of Zombie Hearts by: Gena Showalter: It’s become a real battle of zombies verses humans and Ali is torn in the middle. The only reason she’s torn is because she’s not who she thinks she is. When it’s revealed that her parents aren’t who she thought they were, the zombie agency who knew all about it, want her back. Now Ali must fight her way with the help of her friends to win the battle. This novel was all over the place. It started up slow, and frankly spent way too much time on the romance plot between Ali and Cole, but once past that the novel takes off and plot twist after plot twist take the reader on a whirlwind of an adventure. By the end of the novel the reader is sad to find out how it all went down, really playing with reader’s emotions. The characters were still quite pleasant to read about, and as new stories unfolded we learned more about them, especially about Ali. Overall, it made for an entertaining read, kicking zombie butt.

A Mad Zombie Party

A Mad Zombie Party by: Gena Showalter: The zombies are still out there and Ali and her team are off to fight them once and for all. In this novel there is a shift in main characters as Ali is no longer the main character but her friend Frosty and a new character Milla are. Having two points of view was helpful in getting a sense of where the characters stand and what they’re thinking throughout the novel. Also having a boy and girl point of view really kept the plot interesting and engaging. As much as the plot was about ending the war with the zombies, a lot of the plot dealt with Frosty and Milla’s romance and that got stale fast because it was predictable from the minute the story started what was going to happen. The ending was all wrapped up with no loose ends. It felt a little too perfect, but it seemed to work out for this series. This series was fast paced and for the most part quite enjoyable.

3 thoughts on “Review: The White Rabbit Chronicles

  1. Great reviews for this series Meghan. I read the first two books in The White Rabbit Chronicles series, and quite enjoyed them, then never got around to the third or the fourth (companion) novel and now just don’t feel like I want to pick them up you know. I’m glad you enjoyed this series, and glad you thought the second book was better after feeling the characters were a little flat. 🙂
    Again great reviews. 😀

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    1. Thank you Beth! 🙂 I understand it wasn’t the best series out there & I can see where you’re coming from about not picking up after the second. It’s funny, I purchased the first two, then after reading them I got the last two from the library because the series wasn’t worth it for me to buy.

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      1. That’s all right. Yeah I suppose it was a good series if there’s nothing else you desperately want to read, but there are just so many other books out there I’m more excited for.
        Ha, I can definitely see why. There are better books to spend your money on. 🙂

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