
Summer Vibes Book Tag

Hi friends, it’s Tuesday tag time! Today I’m going to be doing the Summer Vibes book tag in which Deanna @The Comfy Reader tagged me in! Thank you so much for thinking of my blog, it’s really kind of you! 😃 I just recently started following Deanna, and I’m enjoying reading her bookish content!


  • Mention the creator and link back to the original post! (Deanna @ The Comfy Reader)
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you
  • Answer all the prompts below however you see fit
  • Tag some friends!
  • Feel free to use the graphics

Alright, right off the bat I’m going to have to say I’m drawing a blank and I can’t think of a book I’ve read that set somewhere tropical. This sounds really sad.

This took me a long time to think of a book for this, but I’m going to go with Dumplin’ by: Julie Murphy. Dolly Parton is a huge part of those books, music is not the main theme for anything, but it really plays a major roll on Willowdean’s life.

I’m going to go with The Secrets We Keep by: Trisha Leaver. This book was so fast paced and all you wanted to do was find out of anyone was going to guess the secret that Ella was keeping.

I’m going to use the same answer as Deanna, Miss Pergerine’s Home for Peculiar Children by: Ransom Riggs. This takes place not only in Jacob’s beach town home in Florida, but it also takes place by the waters in Wales.

Hmm, I don’t really have a guilty pleasure genre; I read from all genres because I like to mix it up to keep my reading fresh The same goes with books I don’t really have a guilty pleasure book.

I’m going to say one of my recent reads The Girl from the Well and The Suffering by: Rin Chupeco. The friendship that forms between Tark and Okiku was so beautiful I enjoyed watching them become as close as they do!

I read this years ago, but The Geography of You and Me by: Jennifer E. Smith definitely made me want to travel… can’t wait for the day we can do that again!

I don’t really regret reading anything… I don’t even regret reading Twilight!
Ah, now that I’ve looked through my Goodreads 1 star rated books I have a few, but I’m going to go with Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by: Roald Dahl… I loved Charlie and the Chocolate Factory it was such a great book, the sequel… gosh not at all. The characters were dull, there was no clear idea where anything was going- it just jumped from unfinished thought to the next. I’m sad thinking about what a letdown it was.

The Unexpected Everything by: Morgan Matson. This novel was super cute and full of love both romantically and with such great friendships!

This has become my go-to for this answer, hehe, but Pepper’s mum from Tweet Cute by: Emma Lord. Gosh, she was so annoying and so many things didn’t have to happen the way they did if she hadn’t of been such a baby about things.


I’m just going to tag a few people to do this tag. If tags aren’t your thing, don’t feel pressured to do it, and if you weren’t tagged feel free to join in!

Sofi | Holly | Alex |

16 thoughts on “Summer Vibes Book Tag

  1. OMG YES. Pepper’s mum was so freaking frustrating. Lol that book annoyed me 😅😅😅 And duh, of course you don’t regret reading twilight because it’s sheer genius! 😂😂😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for tagging me, love!! I LOVE your answers & the Tag is a lot of fun! 🥰 I’m in winter here, so this tag gives me all the summer vibes, I love that! The Geography of You and Me sounds great, I heard good things, I should check it out! ❤️✨

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! 😀
      Aw thanks! ❤️
      Ooo I’m glad to bring the summer vibes to you in the middle of winter! 😃
      I totally loved The Geography of You and Me, would recommend! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Tropical…tropical… hmm… I don’t think I’ve read any books set somewhere tropical :O unless the Song of Achilles counts. Lol

    These prompts are difficult! 😀 I’ll need to peruse my goodreads shelf for some inspiration, lol. I love the “holidays” theme though and the graphs are beaut! Thank you for tagging me, hun ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Right?! I was searching so hard, but in the end I couldn’t find any tropical set books I’ve read!
      You’re welcome! ☺️ I hope you have fun, even though the prompts were kinda hard!

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