Memes · Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I liked That Were In Non-Favourite/Disliked Books

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday, I’m back at it again with another Top Ten Tuesday. Today’s topic is:Characters I liked That Were In Non-Favourite/Disliked Books. Let’s get into it! πŸ™‚

Top Ten Tuesday was created byΒ The Broke and the BookishΒ in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s topicΒ  is:Β Characters I liked That Were In Non-Favourite/Disliked Books. Gosh this topic was hard!

  1. Mina Harker from Dracula.Β I didn’t care for this novel, but I did find Mina very interesting.
  2. Kat Parker from Alice in Zombieland.Β This wasn’t my favourite series, but I did like Alice’s best friend.
  3. Olly from Everything, Everything. Yeah I have my problems with this novel, but I had a real fixation with Olly.
  4. Kyle Kingsbury from Beastly. I really like his transformation, even if I didn’t care for all the books in this series.
  5. Acheron from the Dark Hunters.Β This is not my favourite series out there (there are so many books!) but I do love Ash, he’s super sweet when he needs to be and all tough bad boy the rest of the time.
  6. Simi from the Dark Hunters. I should have put her before Ash, because I love Simi, she’s a demon who loves barbecue sauce and eating non-stop. She belongs to Ash and he’d do anything for her πŸ˜€
  7. Jasper deWinter from the Magisterium.Β He’s got a dark, Draco Malfoy-esque about him that I love, but the series sometimes feels like a HP cop-out.
  8. Frypan from the Maze Runner. I really loved the first book, but after that things started to get crazy, but I always did like Frypan.
  9. Big Bubba from the Chronicles of Nick.Β Not my favourite series as the books always felt too short, but Bubba was always there for Nick, no matter what.
  10. Della Rose from Shadow Falls.Β She was kick-ass and full of spunk and I loved reading about her (I know that there is a spin-off in her POV… one day I may get to it).

And that’s all for me. Do you agree? Disagree with my choices? Let me know! πŸ™‚

18 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I liked That Were In Non-Favourite/Disliked Books

      1. I have words for most things!πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚

        Yeah, I like Dracula and Heart of Darkness too but from my own dalliances with classics I found others hard to read, etc and I guess dry is a good word to describe them especially the writing style, etc.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome! I still have a couple books to go to finish but Kat is a big reason for me to push through ❀

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Great picks for this week Meghan, also I’m kind of in awe you managed to find ten characters for this prompt because I found it so hard (it’s why I changed the prompt slightly in my post)!
    I definitely agree with you about Kat in Alice in Zombieland. That’s not my favourite series but I loved Kat’s character, she’s the kind of person everyone wants as a friend right? πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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