Personal Ramblings

Happy Birthday Me: 29

Hi friends and… happy Sunday! Just like last year, I don’t post on a weekends, but I’m making an exception for my traditional birthday post! Today is my birthday and like I’ve done for the past 3 years I’m taking a look-back on the past year. πŸŽ‰

Read more: Happy Birthday Me: 29

Before I start, as always I have to give credit to Marie @Drizzle & Hurricane Books because I got this post idea a few years back from her and her birthday look-back posts – if you haven’t checked them out, you definitely should!

I’m going to go in chronological order of the year… the best I can remember. I always say I should write things down as the year goes… I have yet to learn that lesson. πŸ˜…

I have to say, this past year has been the weirdest year for me in quite a while. I honestly don’t remember the last time I felt so uneasy, uncertain, confused and felt like my life has taken a complete change – but let’s get into it.

🌟 I was able to celebrate my birthday by going out for the first time in a couple years with my friends. We went to a lovely restaurant, with an amusing waiter, and ending the night going to Dave and Busters, which I’ve never been to before then.

🌟 Continued to celebrate my birthday by going to brunch with a long-time friend 😊

🌟 Got to see some past co-workers for lunch at a restaurant I’d never been to before

🌟 Became obsessed with Star Trek

🌟 Bought a home monitor for my continual working from home πŸ‘πŸΌ

🌟 Reconnected with a friend I haven’t seen in almost 2 years… it was one of the best evenings, I still think about it to this day 😊

🌟 Got to celebrate Christmas with family for the first time in 2 years!

🌟 Had my work contract renewed… even if it’s been a bit rocky with the new manager.

🌟 Had my baking crumble on me… forcing me to quiet for a little bit.

🌟 I took my videos to a new level and started a YouTube channel 😱

🌟 I joined the Pondathon Readathon, which was so much fun, and I’m so happy I decided to join in!

🌟 Completed my first, large blanket knitted project – I’m so proud with how it came out

🌟 Dealt with a lot of unease with work

🌟 Felt really excited about the new year

🌟 Started seeing someone

🌟 Went on my second book store hop on International Bookstore Day – 13 bookstores in 1 day!! Insane!

🌟 Started going out a lot more to eat and hangout with the world

🌟 Watched the Leafs blow, yet again, another playoff year πŸ˜… (good to know some things still stay the same)

🌟 Almost changed jobs… I went as far as a phone interview… that was so out of my comfort zone

🌟 Felt out of place, like I wasn’t living my own life… in multiple ways

🌟 Went on a date to Niagara on the Lake and visited Cows Ice Creamery… yum!

🌟 Went downtown Toronto for the first time since 2019(!) a few times this year

🌟 Got friendship bracelets with my friends

🌟 Finally went to get checked out and happy to report I have a clean bill of health! (that was a goal of mine for this year)

🌟 Felt hopeful

🌟 Had a really crummy summer, the worst one in quite a long time

🌟 Went to the World of Barbie… that was a lot of fun!

🌟 Discovered espresso martinis… those are SO good!

🌟 Felt the most anxious I’ve ever felt in my whole life… I honestly had so many sleepless nights because of it

🌟 Went to karaoke for the first time in years… good times!

🌟 Had a falling out with a close friend

🌟 My dad got sick

🌟 Finally got to see My Chemical Romance! Haven’t been to a concert since 2019! 😱

🌟 Went through a break up


🌟 Went to a board game cafe for the first time, would recommend!

🌟 Got covid again

🌟 Read quite a few of my own books, while still reading library books

🌟 The blog stats continued to go down… but they’re starting to look up! πŸ‘πŸΌ

🌟 Went to the movies for the first time since the pandemic to see Black Panther

🌟 Started to plan for my future

WOOF! What a year it’s been! I’m ready to say goodbye to 28 and I’m ready for what 29 has to bring! πŸŽ‰πŸ’œ

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