Personal Ramblings

Happy Birthday Me: 30

Hi friends and happy Monday! I’m back with a traditional post of mine… celebrating me! 😄 Today is my birthday… and I’m elevating to the next level, a new decade. I’m excited to start a new year and new decade, but before starting, let’s take a look back at the final year in my twenties!

Read more: Happy Birthday Me: 30

As I do every year, I have to give, Marie @Drizzle & Hurricane Books, for the inspiration of this post. She has a similar look-back post on her birthday, which is where I got the inspiration to start mine (thanks, girl!✨❤️).

I started writing things down to put in this post (unlike years past, look at me learning…😅) but I didn’t continue throughout the year, but it’s a good thing I take pictures!

Woof, was this year a complete 180 from last year, in the best way possible! This year I spent it outside and doing things and spending time with friends/family, it’s just been such a good year, I’m sad to be saying goodbye to it. So let me go through my year.

🌟Celebrated my birthday by going book-hop shopping. We went to 11 bookstores in Toronto (read here) and I bought 19 😱 books!

🌟Celebrated my birthday with my November friends for brunch!

🌟Started my Classics Project, reading Pride and Prejudice, and I’ve been loving it!

🌟Tried to apply for a full-time job… and didn’t get it. My freelance contract got renewed, though

🌟Got a raise 🎉

🌟Actually went to the bank to start thinking and planning my future – how responsible of me 😂 … even if it was a little disheartening

🌟Had a small friend get together for Christmas

🌟Started the new year by going to brunch with a friend… this just started a very long run of many brunches for the year – I am not complaining! 😊

🌟Did a re-watch (my sixth! 😱) of One Tree Hill

🌟Finished a second blanket and it came out so well!

🌟Bought a new sparkly dress to celebrate one of my best friend’s birthday!

🌟Celebrated all of my friends’ 30th birthdays in all the ways they liked!💞

🌟Baked a few times in the beginning of the year… then completely gave up on it… oops

🌟I bought an e-reader for the first time and I’ve been enjoying my Kobo and my e-reading experience!

🌟Got together with my friends for a Galentine’s Day

🌟Started going to the movies more frequently

🌟Went bookstore hopping again for Independent Bookstore Day (read here)

🌟Went to the Toronto Symphony for the first time. They played the score while we watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Such a cool idea!

🌟Had fun watching the Leafs make it to round 2 in the playoffs… only to blow it from there ☹️

🌟Got on a plane for the first time since 2019!

🌟Went on a mini vacation to Washington D.C. with my mom. I can’t wait to go on vacation again (read here)

🌟Got our bathroom re-done and now it looks amazing!

🌟Took a day trip with my best friends to Buffalo for a shopping trip

🌟Went to see Billy Talent in concert for the first time with my friends and brother (read here)

🌟Felt good about my savings

🌟Went to a Disney Immersive Experience with a friend

🌟Went to a Toronto Blue Jays game, and they won, woo!

🌟Fell in love with the Barbie movie… I saw in theatres twice! 💞

🌟Went to the VIP theatre and that was a fancy experience!

🌟Spent some time on a boat… twice, both times were fun

🌟Went to see City and Colour for the third time with my friend and brother and was such a beautiful concert. (read here)

🌟Went to the CNE briefly, it was nice to walk around for the first time since 2019!

🌟Wore my prom dress for the first time since prom… so shocked it still fit, but I’m happy to put it back in the closet

🌟Went to the beach for the first time in a few years with my best friends

🌟Had a pool party with my brother and his friends

🌟Had an amazing summer!

🌟Felt very loved

🌟Went book store hopping for the third time, I feel so special to be able to do it so many times this year

🌟Took quite a few drives to different places in Ontario

🌟Had a Friendsgiving

🌟Completed my Goodreads goal of 100 books, 2 months before the end of the year

🌟My blog stats have started to go up, woo!

🌟Felt deflated

🌟Looking forward to the future

And that’s a wrap on my 29th year and a wrap on my twenties! I’m sure I’m missing something, but this is what I’m remembering the most. I have to say, I ended it with a bang and I have no regrets. I’m looking forward to the future and what the next decade has in store for me! Here’s to 30! 🎉💜

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