TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… You Season Four

Hi guys, welcome back to TV Tuesday! Today I’m going to talking all about the fourth season of Netflix’s You.

Joe’s in London, not what I expected. He’s a professor under the name Johnathan Moore. Alright.

He’s trying to change his ways, yeah right… his old ways have caught up with him.

We learn that he did go to Paris, he followed Marianne there. When he found out that she was in London for some art thing, he goes to London. They meet and it doesn’t go the way he thought it would. She’s frightened of him (which, duh!) and wants nothing to do with him so he’s now sad lonely boy again.

He’s got some guy who followed him from his past named Elliot, who was hired by the Quinns to have him killed, but Elliot doesn’t want to do that. The only other person who knows that ‘Joe’ is still alive is Marianne; kill her and he can begin his new life as Johnathan. But Joe doesn’t want to kill anymore, so he lies and says he did when he didn’t… could this come back? I have a feeling it will (oh boy I didn’t see the end coming).

Back to Johnathan’s life. He’s got a new friend, who isn’t really a friend, Malcom. Malcom invites him to a party and there they get really drunk. After the party he wakes up… to find Malcom dead on his kitchen table. Here we go again. So Joe gets rid of the body in the only way he knows how… cuts him up and disposes of it. But he didn’t kill him, so who did? I wonder how long they’re going to drag this out? Because someone knows he did it? Or that someone did their dirty work.

An anonymous number keeps texting him, trying to figure out who he is… just as we’re trying to figure out who they are, our new ‘you’. Turns out anonymous finds out he’s Joe before Joe figures it out, and decorates his apartment with newspaper articles of all his past deeds… dun dun dun.

This is truly turning into a whodunit. He’s studying Agatha Christie to find out the formula, but guess who can help him, none other than his student, Nadia. She’s all about helping him, which I feel is not going to bode well for her (oh god… again didn’t see that end coming either).

For some reason, Joe or sorry, Johnathan keeps getting invited to all the hottest parties because people just like him. One person who does not like him is Kate, Malcom’s girlfriend/friend (not really sure what the relationship there is, nor do I care).

Joe is so busy trying to get all these rich snobs to open up about Malcom to find a motive he forgets to play the whodunit game and so when he believes it’s Simon who killed him… well guess what, Simon gets killed in the same way.  So I guess it’s not him. I didn’t think it was him because he seemed too lazy to do it, if anything he would have hired someone to do it. But by the way he played the other girl, Blue, it seems like his MO is to give the other person the tools to hang themselves.

So this anonymous texter is egging Joe on and has him convinced they’re after Kate next. So Joe believes he needs protect her at all costs. This leads them to getting to know each other a bit… and then sleeping together, go figure.

So I think this person is within the friend group because once Joe begins to answer the texts the way they want him to… the police are asking to talk to him. I feel like once he said that Kate was his to kill, hoping to get this killer off her back, the anonymous texter went to Kate to say that ‘Johnathan’ is not to be trusted and threatened Kate. I wouldn’t be surprised.

I also didn’t think it was going to Victor who was the texter because that would have been too convenient and too perfect. But alas, Joe had to kill him.  

Now Joe has found himself on a weekend trip to a remote family country house… that’s more like a castle. Of course he finds himself here.

We meet (or maybe we already met him and I just don’t remember him because all these richie characters all look and sound the same) Roald. Apparently it was his idea for this weekend and he’s also in love with Kate. He’s mad that Joe interacts with Kate, but wants to get to know Joe… probably to get rid of him. At first Joe thinks it could be Roald who’s the killer, I mean he wants to go hunting for god’s sake, but he’s too in love with Kate to hurt her, so that rules him out.

The fact that there’s no cell service on this remote castle, he can’t communicate with the mystery texter.

So this weird group of people decide to play a role playing murder mystery game… because why not play a game, while a real murder mystery is afoot. Roald finds Joe snooping in his room he goes after Joe asking if he’s the real killer so Joe asks Roald if he’s the killer, then Roald pushes Joe out the window. Nice. I’m sure Roald believes him dead but it takes a lot more than that to kill Joe.

Instead he hears a scream. Joe thinks it’s Kate, but it’s actually Gemma who’s dead (which I’m not sad over she was SO annoying) … and I guess it was Kate who found her and screamed… or that Kate is the killer. Hmm wouldn’t that be interesting, sending Joe on a wild goose chase to get him off her case. She has the smarts to think that.

Alright, so it’s not Kate (although I’m not that unsurprised). After helping Kate hide the body and realizing that it’s probably not her who’s texting him, he talks a little about his past life –  omitting a lot of fine details – they bond, again. Just when they think they’ve done a good job, Kate notices her bracelet is missing. Joe goes to find it with the body… just as Roald finds him with his shotgun.

He convinces the other dumb, drugged richies that Joe is the “Eat the Rich” killer, so he takes him out into the forest to try and shoot him down.

Meanwhile, Phoebe finds out about Gemma and she doesn’t seem to care that she’s dead… these people are so dead inside.

Joe and Roald tough it out and Joe comes pretty close to killing Roald… but they both get taken and locked up by Rhys, the guy we’ve seen a handful of times. The guy who’s running for mayor of London…he’s the killer and the anonymous texter… ok, this also wasn’t that much of a surprise reveal. I was just like, alright cool. He wants to take down the rich and now that Joe has been protecting them, he wants him gone too. So he burns the building down.

HA! After Roald went hunting on Joe, he’s now pleading Joe to help save him… people are funny like that. In the end they are both rescued with the help of Kate. Well now that Joe isn’t dead, I wonder what is going to happen next.

Nadia, Joe’s student is starting to become suspicious of him, and for good reason.

When the real killer, Rhys, gives Joe yet another body part, an ear, he wants Joe to plant it on someone so that they can be pined for the murders. 

So when Phoebe gets kidnapped by this crazy stalker, it’s Joe that comes to the rescue… again and plants the ear on the stalker. But Joe still wants to catch Rhys.

This crisis that Joe has with wanting to be with Kate but can’t be with her is getting boring. I won’t be surprised if he kills her too.

I hate that Rhys just keeps showing up at Joe’s apartment and now he’s proposing, what they become co-killers?! Dear lord. 

What. The. Hell?! Holy shit this season has taken a freakin’ 180. I have to say I wasn’t really digging the first half, but this second half has been what I’ve been waiting for!!!

Rhys wants Joe to kill Kate’s father… and now Kate and Joe have started to date, alright then.

Joe goes with her to meet her father and he knows who he is! I have to say that was shocking for me. At first I thought he was fucking with him by calling him “Joe” as like a nickname, but then afterwards he talks about Love Quinn and I’m like oohhh he knows!

Now Joe wants to use Kate’s father to gain dirt on Rhys to bring him down, because now apparently Rhys has Marianne, dear lord. So while Rhys thinks Joe’s working for him, he’s really working for her father. Oh the webs we weave.

Her father gives Joe the address where he can find Rhys, so off he goes… where when he meets Rhys, he goes ‘do I know you?!’ OMG that’s when it clicked for me, that other Rhys was all in his head! And lo and behold he is because once he kills the real Rhys, the fake one shows up.

Then we have Nadia, curious, curious Nadia. If I was her I would have dropped all of that, like why keep poking your head in things that could get you killed? I mean, I get it she doesn’t know his past, but still.

She finds a key in his office and then continues to try and find where it fits. It leads her to this abandoned building that we’ve seen a few times, and now we know what it’s for. Because deep down in a fucking glass cage is Marianne. So he didn’t let her go… he took her. This guy is so warped.

Episode eight really shows how psycho Joe is; we see Joe from Marianne’s point of view and it really shows how truly messed up he is and really de-romanticizes the serial killer.

So my question, is why Rhys? Why does Joe see Rhys as his inner demon self? I do hope we find out.

The whole wedding between Phoebe and Adam is so warped too. He’s 100% marrying her for her money, they aren’t even married yet and he’s using her money. Watching her at the wedding was so sad.

Nadia wants to help Marianne, but Marianne knows it’s not as easy as just setting her free. Nadia, the ever persistent, tries to get things to her… and gets caught by police at the subway. 

Good lord, Joe is infuriating, this I’m a good guy complex and I can’t remember because my bad side keeps coming out is getting old. Marianne wants to know how her daughter is doing… turns out her family thinks she relapsed and is taking away custody. Her only reason for living, gosh Joe. So she takes a bunch of pills she saved… since I don’t think Joe is actually going to set her free.

So now all his past kills are coming back to torment him… too bad it was just a dream.

Woah, so Adam is killed… by Kate’s father, essentially. Kate talks to her father about Phoebe and Adam’s relationship and poof, just like that. That’s when she finds out that her father owns her in more ways than she ever imagined, like damn! It’s one thing to care, but he’s controlling.

The season ends with Joe becoming Joe again, go figure.

I’m so furious with Joe, like we’ve gotten to the part where I truly hate this man.

We never find out why he sees Rhys as his dark side, but he does reconcile with it, lets it go… then he lets himself go. So he thought suicide was really the answer? Right.

Let’s back up a second because Kate tells Joe everything her father told her, so what does he do? Kills her father… but doesn’t tell her he did it. He was very ready to leave her because he knows that he’ll end up killing her, which I have no doubts on. But when he’s saved she tells him that she knows he’s good… yeah ok. So they promise each other to keep each other good, yeah right.

Her father left everything to her, so now she’s going to what? follow in his footsteps? She uses the connections to get Joe is old life back and they move to New York City.

As for Marianne, I didn’t see that coming. Joe thinks she’s dead… but she’s not. Nadia was able to save her. They created this whole plan where she fakes her death with pills Nadia brought, and the person Joe thought he was texting… was really Nadia. So they tricked Joe into thinking her daughter had been taken away and that she died out of grief, pretty clever.

Nadia wants to prove who Joe is and expose him, so she takes her boyfriend with her while she goes to get evidence in his flat. But Joe finds her, deletes any photos she took… and kills the boyfriend making it look like she did it. I’M SO MAD!!! She was such a smart girl. Now she’s stuck in jail because of Joe. Can next season be Joe not getting away with everything? This season was a mixed bag for me. I enjoyed the twists and turns, but god I really hate Joe now. I like that the narrative has shifted though.

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