Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: War of the Bastards

Hi friends, happy Monday! I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m going to be posting my review of the final book in the Royal Bastards trilogy, War of the Bastards by: Andrew Shvarts.

Read more: Review: War of the Bastards

You can read my review of book one: Royal Bastards
You can read my review of book two: City of Bastards

War of the Bastards

War of the Bastards by: Andrew Shvarts: It’s been a year since they lost the last battle, but the end of the war is near. Miles now rules Noveris, while Tilla and her friends travel in the Unbroken protecting the true Queen, Lyriana. They know that Miles is closing in and that their efforts are becoming a dying endeavour. But when they encounter and free two prisoners, they could play a key role in helping them take down Miles and his army… and win the war. This was the final novel in this exciting trilogy and it sort of felt like a bit of a letdown. That’s not to say this wasn’t good, this was well written and full of adventure, but there was something missing from this novel that made the past two really special. The plot was good, it had its ups and downs but it didn’t engage the reader as past plots have. The last battle was full of high stakes, fighting, betrayal and of course pleading from the ones who tried to take them down in the first place, that always amused the reader. The writing was, again easy to follow and the pacing was good as it was fast which kept things moving. This novel felt like it never stopped or slowed down, it just kept going and maybe that’s why this one was a little lacklustre, we didn’t get time to truly pause and digest everything happening, plots just plodded on. What really wowed the reader was how far these characters, especially Lyriana, came. From the first book to this one they’ve truly become so strong and resilient. Tilla, our main character has grown a lot since the young girl she was to the warrior queen she becomes by the end of this. Lyriana was a pretty princess and after everything she’s been through, she’s also become such a strong fighter who became fearless in everything she did, combat, love. She was probably the reader’s favourite character to read because her development was so beautiful to watch; she truly came so far and became an even better person after all the battles, love and loss. The new characters added to this novel were good and they felt purposeful and not just brought in to hype up the end. They, not only heightened the plot, but they deepened the connections in the characters we already know and love. In the end, the conclusion was enjoyable, entertaining and the reader is going to miss these characters.  

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