Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Brave New World

Hello my lovely followers! Welcome to throwback Thursday! Today I’m going to be looking at Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World.

Like last week’s post, I read this book also in high school for my Studies in Literature class, and I quite enjoyed this novel.

Read: February 2023
Rating: 4 Stars

Brave New World

Brave New World by: Aldous Huxley: A novel that dives into a world in the future, although reading it now Huxley is talking about the world we currently live in. This novel takes place in the 1930’s and it’s his views of how society would eventually look like in our time. Talking about human inbreeding, teaching etiquettes that are socially acceptable, and administrating drugs to authorize rulings and order, like everyone is just a cog in a machine. This novel really gets into what a future can be. The novel was engaging, a little frightening, but overall an engrossing and thought provoking read. Approximately 70 years later this novel has the reader asking questions and really thinking about our society and how it differs from the way Huxley thought it would be. It raises questions such as how can this be like our society? Or how much of it is really true? It’s quite a read if you’re into reading into the future when the future is already here.

7 thoughts on “Review: Brave New World

  1. Sounds great! It is so cool to read books that were written for the future but are now the past. When I finished Ready Player One last year, I thought about how I would reread it in 2049 and compare the book to what the world is actually like then 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I never read 1984 but I know that it’s kinda about the future and a greater being is watching them keeping them in some sort of order so I can see where they relate. Both having to do with control and order by someone else.


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