
The Sims Book Tag

Hello everyone, it’s Friday! Today I’m going to be doing the Sims book tag. I was tagged by Heather @The Sassy Book Geek. Thank you so much for the tag, as I love the Sims a lot!

This tag was originally created by Booktuber Hailey in Bookland.


The Original Sims – The best author debut.

Letters to the Lost

Iona Grey’s Letters to the Lost was an amazing read.

The Grim Reaper – Saddest character death.

I tried not to use Harry Potter as an answer, but it’s so hard. I have to say Snape’s death was just so sad.

Sims Getting Stuck – A character that just got in the way.

Can I say almost every character in Gossip Girl? At one point they all get in the way.

Simlish – A book with amazing writing.

Anything by Maggie Stiefvater. I love everything she writes. The Raven Cycle was one of my favourite series.

Expansion Packs – A series where the books keep on getting better.

Chris Colfer’s Land of Stories series. They just keep getting better and better; I kinda don’t want them to end.

Sim Romance – The worst case of insta-love.

There are quite a few out there, but I’m going to choose The Immortals series by Alison Noel. That was a series that I liked the start, but then it kinda just kept going.

Cheats – A book that was entirely unrealistic.

The Fill-In Boyfriend

The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West. Like who just agrees to go to prom with someone when you’ve known each other for two seconds. It was like reading a girl’s day dream.

Needs Fulfillment – A character who made all the wrong decisions.

This one is hard, I may just have to say Kendra from The Kendra Chronicles. She just wanted to keep helping out people who only say beauty on the outside, and it just made for some really interesting, and some not the greatest plots.

Error Code 12 – A series that started off great but went downhill from there.

I’m going to have to agree, and use the same answer as Heather for this one. The House of Night series just kept getting worse and worse, especially as we got to book eight and higher; there really didn’t need to be so many books.

The Sims Vortex – A book/series that completely engrossed you.

I can’t help it but The Mortal Instruments and well any of Cassandra Clare’s books. There is just something about her writing that I just loose myself in.


I’m just going to tag a few people since I’m sure this tag has gone around. If you’ve already done this you can totally ignore this!

Louise @Genie Reads
Lois & David @Lois Reads Books
Tiana @The Book Raven


18 thoughts on “The Sims Book Tag

  1. Great picks for this tag Meghan. I definitely agree with you that The Raven Cycle series has amazing writing. It’s an all-time favourite of mine simply for that reason. Also I have no plans to start The Immortals series simply because of the reason you mentioned in this post and I definitely agree with you on the House of Night books. I stopped reading somewhere after book three/four maybe because I wasn’t enjoying the story anymore at all.
    I hope I enjoy The Mortal Instruments series as much as you have when I get around to it! 😀

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    1. Thanks Beth! 🙂 I wouldn’t suggest the Immortals series, it’s almost pointless, like it started of good, but it should have stayed maybe a trilogy not with 6 books. Same with the House of Night, no idea how I got through them all! 😛
      I hope so too; have you started any of TMI?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah I read the first book in the Immortals series and it was just enough to convince me to not pick up the rest of the series. Just not my thing I guess.
        The House of Night trilogy had potential but after a little while I just wondered where it was going, nowhere I liked I guess.
        No haven’t yet. I did read the first three ages ago but really need to re-read them before going onto the rest of the series. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Love your answers, Meghan! I laughed when I saw Gossip Girl for your Sims Getting Stuck answer – so true. In that series, everyone’s really, really irritating to everyone else. Just so much sabotage and drama in a book that looks kinda fun. 😛

    And so much yes for The Raven Cycle. “Amazing writing” sounds just about right. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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