Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: Girl on the Train

Hi guys! Happy Friday! Also, happy International Women’s Day! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ’

Today I’m going to be posting my thoughts on the film adaptation ofย Girl on the Train.

I read the book years ago, it’s crazy to think 2015 was years ago, but it truly was. I remember when the book came out and there were advertisements everywhere! At that time I did take the train to my internship and you’ll be (not very) surprised to know there were advertisements for it on the train (who would have thought?) I just wanted to share that tidbit.

Girl on the Train

Girl on the Train: Rachel sits on the train day in and day out, fantasizing about the people who live in the houses by the tracks; one of them happening to be her ex-husband. But when someone from those houses, Megan, goes missing, Rachel thinks she can help solve the mystery from her people-watching. Known as a drunk, can her memory be trusted? This movie took the novel to another level. Where the book was very two-dimensional, the film took it to a third dimension where we really got to see these characters and see where they were coming from. Watching everything unfold was suspenseful, thrilling and quite enjoyable. The plot was well put together, the directors really captured the essence of the novel and it really brought the words to life just as the actors brought the characters to life. This film really helped to bring the characters to the forefront and did a great job of showing their emotions, which made finding empathy for the characters in the film a little easier than in the novel. In the novel characters felt very rough around the edges and hard to like, whereas in the movie the viewer could grasp the character in a single movement and they didnโ€™t seem as rough. The back and forth between past, present and character point of view was easy to follow, and the twists and turns were just as surprising as when reading the book. As a whole, this was a really well adapted film that would still be haunting a second or third watch through.

8 thoughts on “Movie Review: Girl on the Train

  1. Great review!

    I read the book a few years ago and really liked it. I wasn’t a big fan of the film adaptation. I thought the cast and acting were great though.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post!
    I LOVED the book! I remember that it was a gift on Christmas from one of the family members. I started reading it on the same Christmas eve (after midnight) and finished after waking up on Christmas day. Couldn’t put it down.

    The movie was alright. But didn’t even come close to the book (in my opinion).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!
      It was a very fast-paced book! It’s been a long time since I read it and so the movie just felt like it was done really well, I’m sure if I had seen it right after reading it my opinion would be different!


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