Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: Dancing With the Devil in the City of God

Hi everyone! Happy Monday! We are one week away from Christmas, isn’t that crazy!?! I hope you all are in the Christmas spirit! 🎄 Today I’m going to be diving into some non-fiction, I’m reviewing Juliana Barbassa’s book Dancing with the Devil in the City of God.

Dancing With the Devil in the City of God

Dancing with the Devil in the City of God by: Juliana Barbassa: Journalist, Juliana Barbassa takes her reporting skills to look at her home country Brazil and how having both the World Cup and the Olympics take place there have an effect on the whole country in every way. This was definitely an eye opening book into Brazilian culture and how much they put into soccer. Barbassa writes this story in such a compelling way, using her own experiences, from being born in Brazil to moving back twenty years later, it’s very relatable to her topic of the government pushing for both sporting events to happen in Brazil. She touches on pretty much every aspect of Brazilian life from politics to living conditions to love and oil, it all relates to soccer somehow. She does this quite effortlessly and it works as the story is fascinating to read, the pacing is done just right, and her craft for words is selective in the best way possible. The way Barbassa describes the game is incredible; she paints this beautiful picture making it so visual and perceptive, and with so much passion. This book takes Brazil and brings it to the forefront, showcasing the highs and the lows of a country and gives the reader an eye opening experience.

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