TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Six Feet Under Season One

Hi guys! Welcome back to another version of TV Tuesday! This week I’m going to be diving into a new show this week: Six Feet Under, season one.

This also happens to be my 500th blog post! Yay!

From left to right: Freddy Rodriguez as Frederico Diaz, Matthew St. Patrick as Keith Charles, Michael C. Hall as David Fisher, Lauren Ambrose as Claire Fisher, Frances Conroy as Ruth Fisher, Richard Jenkins as Nathaniel Fisher, Peter Krause as Nate Fisher and Rachel Griffiths as Brenda Chenowith

I have no idea why I decided to watch a show about a funeral parlor, but I’ve been told this was a good show.

The show opens on a lot of dead things around Christmas. The Fisher family is getting ready for Christmas, everyone is coming home, the Fisher father is out to get their son, Nate. First of all he’s driving a hearse, and second he’s secretly smoking since his wife hates him for it, and that’s when bam he gets hit by a bus and dies. The irony, the guy who cleans up dead people is now dead.

Now the family is a complete mess. Their mother is upset because she wasn’t faithful to her husband and reveals this at his wake.

Now each Fisher kid is trying to pick up the pieces. The oldest Nate ran away from the funeral business because he didn’t like it, but he never made a life for himself. He’s met a woman in the airport, which I think she may stay around as she shows up at the cemetery.

David, the middle child is anal and precise. He’s played by Michael C. Hall and I can only think of him as Dexter, but I can I see a lot of similarities to both characters in just the first episode. He likes things done to an art. He got into the business with his father because he liked it, but his father never really believed he did a good job.

We also find out he’s gay. Interesting. He hasn’t told anyone. His boyfriend, Keith is a cop and it looks like he’s really there for David.

David is also pissed at Nate for just showing up and wanting to be the hero and the one who makes everything better. David seems to think that their parents liked him better so he’s picking a fight with him.

And then there’s Claire. She’s the baby, but she’d rather do drugs. She is high when she gets the call that her father is dead. She’s completely crazy and it’s Nate who she turns to since he lived a life of drugs before he moved away. But he doesn’t care that much, but he kinda tries.

She also drives a hearse… and it’s lime green. This family is just weird, but that makes it interesting.

Is it going to become a thing that all of them see their dead dad? Like it’s kinda cool because then they can move on, so I hope they don’t keep him around. Well, they’re keeping their father around as the dead guy everyone talks to. Greeeeeat.

So the will is brought out and they find out that their mom, Ruth was left the life insurance. Claire was left money to go to college, and she is pissed about that because she’s thinking of not going to school. Then we find out that both David and Nate are to get the funeral parlor 50/50. David is pissed because the parlor is his life, and Nate is pissed because he never wanted that life.

So now the two of them have to work together and Nate is screwing everything up for David as he doesn’t know how the business is run. He wants to resell a casket half price, but apparently that’s illegal, and the dead guy before him leaked some things, ew.

Then there is this guy who keeps harassing them to sell the parlor to their corporation. Apparently this corporation can put them out of business.

David’s ex-fiancé comes to town and it turns out she knew he was gay and she tells him that his father knew as well. She told him that he spent so much time making other people happy, he didn’t stop to think about his own happiness and it’s true.

Keith goes looking for David and finds Nate, Nate tells him where he is and when David shows up drunk at his door, he lies and Keith pretty much kicks him out.

Claire’s boyfriend Gabe is a little weird. He’s a druggie but you can tell he still kinda cares for her.

So Brenda, Nate’s girlfriend, can we call her that? They’re kinda just sleeping together. Turns out that his name is tattooed on her butt. Interesting.

But it is Brenda who brings Nate and David together. Nate wonders if his brother feels anything, but when Brenda brings them on the city bus that killed their father, David breaks down.

Okay so it’s taken me 3 episodes to figure out the ins of the show. It looks like every episode there’s someone who dies and some sort of complication goes while they try to get it ready for the funeral. This time they loose a foot. Or well I wouldn’t say loose it so much as Claire steals it to torment her boyfriend Gabe as he told someone that she sucked his toes and they now call her the toe slut.

Gabe is so disgusted that he throws the foot out his car. Claire goes looking for it and runs into Keith, who David sent to help look. That’s when Claire tells Keith he knows that the two of them are gay and in love. She tells him she wished she knew the David he knew.

Ruth is having a hard time dealing with the death of her husband so she recruits her best friend to go out and have fun… to the race track where she blows 25k. Yikes.

Nate decides he’s going to sell to the big corporations, then turns around and thinks they shouldn’t, so they don’t sell. Instead they are going to open competition across the street. Well that’s short lived as it goes up in flames… literally. I totally believe Claire did it, but who knows.

I also have suspicions about Brenda, I feel like she’s still married or something.

So we’re now investigating the fire and there are suspicions that it’s Claire but the police end up closing the case due to insufficient evidence. We get this weird vibe from Nate that it could be Brenda… she’s off to me, there is something there. Speaking of Brenda she is invited to dinner and well her and Nate end up in an awkward position when his mom walks in… yikes. Ruth now has as a bad image of Brenda.

Our character who has died this time is part of the Mexican gang, and David just assumes his colleague is Mexican, when in fact he’s Porto Rican. David thinks he should be he ones to speak to the family for their funeral arrangements. We’re getting into race early, and I think they handle it well, as it teaches David not to assume things.

Plus we get a homophobic slur in the same episode. I found it a little weird and ironic that it’s the dead Mexican who helps Davis to see his ways. Also is David always going to be able to see the dead? I’m not sure how much I care for that.

So he and Keith get called a fag and Keith is upset and tells the guy off, while David is unaffected by it. David is still very much in the closet, but we can see that he’s slowly starting to poke out.

Ruth also decides to invest in her sons and the funeral parlor instead of the race track.

So Nate is meeting Brenda’s parents for the first time and that’s when we learn quite a bit about her. Apparently she’s this super genius and that she’s been tested her whole life. We learn that her favourite book is this Nathaniel and Isabel book. We also meet her brother, who also has a tattoo on his ass, but his says Isabel. So uhm is something weird happening here?

The two almost break up, but Nate doesn’t want to, he wants Brenda to let him in, and she’s afraid he’ll get spooked by her childhood.

David is having some issues, commitment and spiritual. He’s been submitted to the church to be the next deacon. He’s totally excited about it because he’s a true Christian who loves God. At first Keith is happy for him, but pulls a 180 the next day and pretty much leaves him. Their relationship is annoying, but realistic. David still doesn’t want to fully put himself as gay, so the church he’s going to doesn’t know he is. When he tells Keith that he can’t go to Keith’s work party, Keith blows up saying he doesn’t want their relationship to be a secret anymore.

Funny how this is right after he comes out to his brother, I think Nate is perfectly fine with it.

He gets appointed deacon, so we’ll see how that goes.

And Claire well she’s your typical teenager, rebelling against everything. Ruth is worried that she’s pulling away and wants to be closer to her daughter. So what does she do, she takes Claire to her sisters house, where her sister and daughter are super close… a little too close it’s kinda scary. They compare her husband leaving them to Nathaniel dying and Ruth and Claire are both mad, which makes sense, there is a big difference between gone, and gone forever. They think that a spin class will solve all their problems, so before the class starts they escape the house. It’s great because this whole ordeal makes them closer.

Nate is discovering piece by piece who is father was. When he doesn’t have to pay for his oil change he finds out that his father had buried the owners father, now there’s no charge.  He finds a ledger that logs all the funerals, and some other things that his father marked as paid, which leads to other favours his father was getting, like pot and a spare room.

Now Nate is constantly wondering if he’s doing the right thing, and if his father would be proud of him. But it just leads him to just stop caring about what anyone thinks about him.

Claire and Brenda start to hit it off, and it’s kinda with the help of Brenda’s brother Billy. Claire and Billy hit it off right away, but then two days later he pretends like he doesn’t know her and that he wouldn’t be with a 16 year old. That’s when Brenda comes to her rescue to tell her her brother is a giant piece of work. I swear I think her brother is in love with her, it’s just so creepy their relationship.

We also learn that Claire’s favourite book is about Brenda so that also kinda brings them together.

Ruth is dealing with her sexuality. She starts to think men are looming at her sexually, and it’s this old man who tells her she needs to get laid. Priceless. In the end she does end up going back to her hairdresser lover, which David had the pleasure of meeting and disliking. Ruth ends up inviting him to dinner and well, it goes well.

She also gets a part time job at a florist and she can’t remember the last time she sold flowers for happy things like weddings and showers.

I’m really hating David he’s so wooden and to the book which gives him no people skills. It’s Nate who comes to the rescue when a military veteran dies and wants a veterans service but his brother doesn’t want that for him. He thinks his brother hates the military as much as he does, but it turns out he didn’t, he just wanted his life to mean something.

This plays into Claire’s plot as she’s taking the SATs but she doesn’t really want to go to college because she wants her life to mean something. She also keeps seeing weird things in her head, is she still on drugs?!

So we find out that Billy is bipolar and this is supposed to be his excuse for all the rude and clingy things he does. So he walks in on his sister and Nate, but it clearly looked like it wasn’t on purpose, then he sends them a sex package as a sorry.

When Nate and Brenda plan a weekend away, well they get so close, Nate gets to Brenda’s place and sees Billy a mess, and Brenda tells him she can’t go she must stay and take care of him.

Nate can see how Billy is manipulating her, but she clearly doesn’t see it. I wonder if this will break them up, which I feel is what Billy wants.

Well now there’s this other guy some Australian staying at Brenda’s house, apparently he’s an old friend and he gets high with her, Billy and the Australian, it makes for one crazy night where Nate and Brenda get into a fight.

We find out that Brenda is scared about their relationship because she hasn’t gone this far with anyone for a very long time. But Nate is willing to make it work.

Ruth is having second thoughts. She thinks she loves her hair dresser boyfriend, but she also thinks she likes her boss, man is she at a loss.

Claire goes in the trail hike for school to find herself but she gets kicked out instead. They find pot on her so she’s automatically kicked out, plus they think she led them in the wrong direction on purpose. So she and another girl Parker are removed. They call David to let him know, thinking he’s her father. This actually brings the two of them together a bit more. He doesn’t tell their mom because he doesn’t think it’s a big deal. This is part of a new side of David. We’re so used to his stuck up ways that being okay with the pot is so weird.

It may have something to do with the new younger guy he’s seeing.

Frederico is being all weird and suspicious. Apparently the guys who are trying to take down Fisher and Sons, Kroner, are trying to recruit Frederico. He has a lot to think about because he loves the Fishers, but he knows he’ll never be one. Plus he has a family to think about too. In the end he decides to leave Fisher and Sons, and again surprisingly David is okay with this. We also learn that Kroner was the one to burn down the house across the street. Wow. They really want to take them down!

I’m really liking David’s new beau, Curt. Or well I was. He’s this whole new person and it’s so good to see this side of him. The two of them go out to a club where David does E for the first time in his life. He definitely enjoys himself, and when Curt gives him more for later, well David loses it.

Where does he leave it? A bottle of aspirin. We’re left to think Claire took it, but when his mom goes on a camping trip, yep it was she who goes on quite the trip in the forest.

So when David goes out again with Curt, they run into Keith… and his new boyfriend. Talk about awkward. Keith sees David do drugs and leaves, I have a feeling he’ll be back. Curt on the other hand is off making out with someone else, and David can’t deal. He doesn’t want a threesome, he just wants one person. So he breaks up with Curt right there. I hope this doesn’t mean the fun side of David is gone too.

So Claire’s ex-boyfriend, Gabe is back, but it’s because his little brother has died. His six-year-old brother found their mother’s gun, was playing with it and ahoy himself in the head. Tragic, but Gabe obviously blames himself. It’s Claire who is trying to get him through it all.

Then there is Nate, who flunked the funeral directors exam so Brenda has an idea for him to study, going to funeral homes to see how other people run their business. Well Brenda plays the grieving woman in each scenario, until she goes too far pretending to be a dying woman of cancer and Nate can’t do it anymore. But what Nate does learn is how not to run a a funeral home, as some of those people clearly don’t care and just want money.

Billy has a gallery opening and everyone shows up, including Billy and Brenda’s mother, and the author of the book about Brenda. Ruth also is invited and she brings Nicholi her boss.

She’s been spending a lot of time with him, so she’s dating two guys, interesting.

At the gallery we see a picture of Nate pissing on a wall, this makes Nate angry because Billy has been stalking him. Brenda gets mad at Billy because she doesn’t want him driving off Nate because she loves him. That’s when he has a complete break down.

That’s when his parents want to admit him to an insane asylum, and they want Brenda to talk him into it. Brenda doesn’t do it, and when her mother finds out she flips out, and tells this story about how it was Billy burned down their house, that he’s unstable. Well I’m starting to think she told that to her because Brenda told her parents that they can’t force him to go unless he does something to harm others, weeellll.

David is having these weird sex daydreams, clearly he’s missing sex, and when he meets up with Keith he thinks he’s going to score, but Keith just wants to be his friend. In the end he turns to phone sex. Weird.

Claire is having a good time with Gabe, that is him he says he’s going to visit his father. When Claire doesn’t hear from him, she worries and asks his mother about Gabe’s father. We find out that Gabe’s father is dead… so where is Gabe. I hope he didn’t kill himself 😦

They finally hire some at the funeral home to replace Frederico, a girl named Angela who tells things like it is. She comes on very strong and no one seems to like her. That’s when David fires her. Obviously she’s upset about it, and tells Ruth that it’s the most depressing funeral home she’s worked in. Yikes.

In the end Nate is able to hire Frederico back, matching what he’s making with Kroner. I’m glad he’s back, I really like him.

We’re off to Vegas! Apparently there is a funeral convention in Vegas and David and Nate are off. In the end Brenda decides to come to get away from her whole family drama. David has to give a speech, and at first he doesn’t do too well, and then he starts to take down Kroner and he throws his speech out the window. This leads to some other smaller funeral homes praising him, now they want to take David out to celebrate. They end up at a strip club where one of the guys buys David a lap dance. The stripper wants to know why her dance isn’t doing anything for him, he tells her he’s gay and that leads to everyone finding out.

So instead David leaves and calls a male hooker for sex. Well they get caught in the parking lot, and he gets arrested. He calls Keith of all people to pick him up. Keith does come and gets his whole record cleaned, he even tells David he loves him, but now he’s out. Ugh so heartbreaking. I like Keith but at the same time I don’t like him. I don’t know what it is about him, he just does nothing for me.

While in Vegas Billy shows up, of course. I’m glad that Nate wasn’t surprised, but I’m also glad that Brenda stood up to him and called him out on all his bullshit. Apparently he did make a bomb and burn down their house. Lord.

We also find out that he snuck into their hotel room and took pictures of them sleeping. Billy is one sick fuck.

So Gabe isn’t dead, but he did OD so he should be okay… should be.

They keep giving Ruth these weird plots. So now there have been complaints that her flower arraignments look sad so she’s taking a flower arraignment course where she learns to breathe. Once she masters the art of breathing she makes a beautiful arraignment. In the end she gets what she wants, to arrange at the store.

The show is getting a little dark, a murder and now a baby who was 3 weeks old. There was nothing wrong with it, it just died. So freaking sad. Frederico has to work on it, and now he worries about his wife who is pregnant.

There are a few complications but in the end they have a healthy baby boy.

Another person to be killed is a gay man. This really opens the dialogue for the gay characters.

We learn that the man Ruth works with is gay, and now she’s questioning him about how he came out to his parents because she’s worried about David coming out. She’s been trying to get it out of him for a bit, maybe he’ll finally do it.

David decides to be the one to take care of the body and this gives me the strength to stand up for himself and he tells Frederico, and Frederico freaks because he doesn’t believe in that. Oh man.

So Billy, we all know he’s a sick fuck, but he gets Nate into a building alone, pretty much threatens Nate and shows pictures of Claire. Nate realizes the only way to leave without getting hurt is to agree with everything Billy says. Billy thinks that no other man can ever love Brenda as much as he loves her, so no one can love her. Ugh, gross.

Brenda wants nothing to do with any of it. She tells Billy to stay away and to give back the key, but that doesn’t do much because after his visit with Nate he breaks in to Brenda’s and tries to take the matching tattoo of her back, just like he did to himself. That’s when she has to deal with it and call the police and get him committed.

At the gay man’s funeral there are a group of haters there who are disturbing the peace. David goes off on one of them. Keith is the one who is working the funeral and he keeps everyone on line. David apologizes to Keith and later finally comes out to his mom. They really hash it out and I really like that conversation they have because it’s real and true.

But he’s still feeling the pain of being gay.

Claire and Gabe are really getting close and it’s actually really cute.

In the season finale David comes out to his church, which is a very big step for him. He’s now tired of being ashamed of who he is, and he wants to make a change. The church also wants him to step down as deacon. Damn. David does give a speech at church, telling how he feels, and spoke the truth. Turns out a lot of people liked it. I’m hoping he’ll be able to keep his job.

Brenda goes to visit Billy and it turns out being locked up has done him some good. He now knows how crazy and insane he’s been and he apologizes for that. I wonder how long his mood will stay.

On the way home Brenda wants to get married to Nate, even though they’ve only been together 6 months. Brenda gets mad that he doesn’t think it’s the right time and that he doesn’t want kids. They get so worked up that they get into a car accident. They are both alright, but Nate might have some deeper complications with a blood vessel.

Then there is Ruth. She gets fired from her floral job all because Nicoli is jealous of her boyfriend. Then at dinner with her boyfriend, he breaks up with her for someone else. 

In the end she gets her job back and starts becoming Nicoli’s lover.

Claire and Gabe where doing so well, that is until they go to Claire’s friend, Parker’s house for a party and he starts to do drugs. He goes to the store to buy beer with his friends and pulls a gun on the owner just to get free beer and money.

The last shot is of their dad, Nathaniel looking at his family as Frederico has his sons christening at the funeral parlor. He looks happy and then disappears. Maybe he’s going to be gone for good.

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