TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Dexter Season Seven

Hi all, and welcome back to TV Tuesday! This week I’m coming at you with season seven of Dexter.

We open with Deb seeing Dexter kill Travis. Deb has no idea what to do. She wants to call it in but Dexter talks her out of it. He talks her into burning the body and claiming it was a suicide. When it does get called in everyone agrees that Travis didn’t like that the end of the world didn’t go the way he planned so he killed himself.

Not even a day later Mike is on his way home, he was about to look into more on Travis’s suicide because he doesn’t want to rule out murder right away. That’s when he runs into a guy who looks like he needs some car assistance, he finds a dead body in the truck and bam he’s shot and killed. Damn and he was just starting to fit in with the team.

We find out that the guy who killed Mike and the girl (who is a stripper) was part of the Ukrainian mob and that he’s connected to the strip club where she worked.

But here comes Dexter. He finds out about Viktor from his print on the car he left behind and he’s tracking him down and killing him, because he just can’t get enough. Especially now that Deb is after him asking all these questions as she’s trying to comprehend how Dexter could do what he did.

We are getting flashbacks of Deb and Dexter as kids and how Dexter wants to tell Deb about what he is, but his father is not for that. It just leads into the present day as he doesn’t know what he should do. Tell Deb or continue to lie.

At Travis’s crime scene LaGuerta finds a blood slide in the vent. She talks to Vince about it, and he tells her the only person who kept slides was James, the Bay Harbor butcher. This leaves LaGuerta something to sit on.

And Deb is having all these flashbacks from when she was tied down from the ice truck killer. Apparently she’s remembering more and more. She’s starting to put together what Dexter truly is.

I don’t know if it’s a dream Dexter has but he comes home to find Deb with all his knives and blood slides. She’s also the one who finds the prosthetic hand. She asks him if he’s killed all these people and he admits it, she asks him if he’s a serial killer and he admits that too.

Well turns out it wasn’t a dream and Deb freaks the fuck out, as to be expected. She doesn’t arrest him which is good I guess. But now she’s trying to get him to quit, like he’s an addict, which I guess he is. Now she’s watching him 24/7.

Dexter is also now onto Louis. Sneaking into his house twice and he finds out that he wants to take down Dexter. At first Louis seems afraid of Dexter, but he shows up at his house and you know he’s not afraid at all.

Dexter almost kills him, but instead drugs him and places him on a park bench and calls Deb to talk him down. Maybe he’ll change?

Why does Dexter always feel the need to relate to someone, usually a killer. This time is this con who’s now let go of all his anger and has made peace with his life. He’s telling Dexter that all his partner sees is a killer when he looks at him, so he says he’s got one last person to kill and then he goes and kills himself. It’s very dramatic, walking in front of a moving truck. The splatter is insane. Now Dexter is thinking if he can live life in prison.

The police are still on the case trying to figure out who killed Mike, and not getting anywhere. They know it has to deal with the Ukrainian mob. One of the girls is getting close to Quinn so she can report to the mob, but she tells Quinn about it, I didn’t think she would. So are they like an item now?

Deb is getting on Dexter’s nerve and he doesn’t know how to get away from her. She lets up a bit, but she’s still on his ass. Instead he tells her about a kill he wants to commit and how he plans his kills. She doesn’t think it’s right, but in the end she’s curious about his find and so she starts to work on the case. We all know that Dexter is right that this guy is going to kill again, we’re just waiting for Deb to realize it. I think she also realizes that Dexter is right about the cop system and how it lets criminals fall through the cracks.

So Deb’s gone to check out this killers house, by herself, which I think is a bad idea. This guy is fucked up, he wears a bull mask and makes the house look like this house of horrors so his victim can’t get out. Geez.

Deb finds herself inside this horror house and we all know it’s going to be Dexter who saves her.

So is this guy our new serial killer? The weird guy who also steals earrings?

Now Louis on the other hand is well, taken care of. Dexter mails the hand back to the station so now Vince knows it was Louis who bought and kept the hand. He gets fired. Dexter also sent videos of Louis with a whore pretty much and Jamie breaks up with him.

Louis tries to get back at Dexter by doing who knows what, but he’s on his boat when the Ukrainian mob show up and want to kill him thinking he’s the one who killed Viktor. But he tells them it’s Dexter, in the end they kill him. I’m kinda glad I really hated Louis. But will the blood spilled lead the police to believe that Dexter killed him? Because I’m sure the police are going to be involved somehow. But there’s no doubt the mob will be after Dexter.

Shit just when Deb starts to accepts what he does and wants him to move back home. This could mean the end of Dexter?

So far the mob have been following Dexter but they haven’t done anything. But their new killer, Speltzer is after Dexter and Deb too.

The police catch him, and get him to confess, but when his lawyer finds

surveillance video of cops beating him and reading his rights yet the lawyer claims he was knocked unconscious so he wasn’t aware of them so he was able to walk free. Deb is so freaking mad, so what does Dexter do, goes after him and kills him. First by stabbing him, then by putting him through an incinerator. Not going to lie those things scare me. While he’s at it, he also burns all slides so no one will ever find them.

When he tells Deb, she asks if she did it for her, he says no, but she’s not mad, she’s glad.

So back to the mob for a second, because I don’t understand this. They go to one of the bartenders at the club and make him kill himself, but for what? To say he’s the one who killed Mike and have the cops stop coming to their club? I guess that makes sense. And Angel seems to think there’s a reason for this guy’s suicide, he just doesn’t know what yet.

Quinn, is he starting to catch feelings for this stripper, “dancer” as he puts it. He tells Angel that he wants to protect her. I can see this ending badly.

So Dexter finds Louis’s blood on his boat when he’s cleaning it. When he finds out that it’s Louis’s blood he has no idea how it got there. It’s when he finds one of the mob men, Isaak, at his apartment that he finds out that’s who killed Louis, and that he wants to “talk” to Dexter. Now Dexter is trying to get rid of him, but Isaak keeps killing people who get in his way.

Well Quinn and his dancer girlfriend get spotted by Isaak and he thinks he could be the answer to getting the cops off their back. Back in the day when Quinn worked narcotics he used to work with the club owner by letting them leave cash in his car and he would do anything for them.

When Isaak learns this, he uses it but Quinn is a clean cop now and he tells them he won’t do whatever it is they want. But they hold his dancer girlfriend over his head and so he’ll do what they want to save her.

I think Angel is going to go behind Deb’s back. When he goes to her to tell her he doesn’t think Alex, the guy who committed “suicide” didn’t actually commit suicide and was forced to do it. Deb shut him down to protect Dexter, and Angel is pissed.

Deb is just protecting him left and right. Vince goes to Deb when he finds out that LaGuerta is using another lab to process the blood slide, Vince thinks he’s getting fired but we all know it’s because LaGuerta wanted to keep it under wraps. She thinks the Bay Harbour Butcher is still alive. Deb gets involved to stay close to the case. So they’re going and questioning families of Dexter’s victims, and the one house they go to together there are pictures where they think the butcher might be creeping in. That’s when Deb finds a picture with Dexter in it and she hides it.

On top of all this, the team are searching for the bodies from the con who killed himself, Wayne. They have gotten his accomplice, Hannah involved. Apparently she never killed any of his victims, she was just there, and that’s what’s given her immunity to all his killings. She’s getting all close to Dexter and it’s really strange. When she helps find another body, it’s a couple and Dexter uses his analysis to discover that Wayne didn’t kill the female, someone smaller did, which all leads to Hannah. But she completely denies it when Dexter tells her his theory. Interesting.

Now he wants to kill her himself. So he’s being really nice to her to get her to trust him. On top of that he thinks she killed her husband, and the woman who owned the flower shop she works at before her. He thinks that she poisoned them which gave them a heart attack. Now it kinda looks like Hannah has a next victim, Dexter.

LaGuerta has a new theory, that the Bay Harbour Butcher was the one who helped kill the Jordan and the others from the barrel girls case. Man LaGuerta just won’t let any of this go.

Okay I don’t get this, so now Dexter is going on a date with Hannah? I feel like he may actually like her because she’s potentially a killer, and I think Dexter can only love killers. That’s my thought. I guess we’ll see how his goes.

He takes her out to this abandoned Christmas place so she can see the snow like she always wanted. Then he drugs her and is prepared to kill her when he stabs the table instead, lets her go and they have sex. I knew he wasn’t going to kill her, see, he’s starting to catch those feelings!

Angel is now thinking of retiring and buying a restaurant, he’s unhappy at work and wants a change.

This guy Sel Price just shows up out of the blue. Apparently he’s written a book at Hannah and wants to rewrite it because new evidence has been discovered. Plus he also wants to date Deb. So on their date he tells her about this other project he’s working on, how Hannah made her first kill with Wayne all those years ago and has kept on killing. He shows her the proof of the smaller person killing the female, and now Deb is pissed, probably pissed at Dexter. Well okay she’s not pissed at Dexter… yet.

So are Hannah and Dexter going to be killing buddies now? So Sel is this walking annoyance and so Dexter wants to take him down and so does Hannah. Hannah because she doesn’t want her life to be written about anymore, and she doesn’t want the world to know she was the one to kill the woman. She also wants to protect Dexter. Dexter because Sel knows he flubbed the blood results that prove that Hannah was the killer, in the end it’s Hannah who poisons Sel and he dies… in Dexter’s apartment.

But those two are all in love, and there’s nothing that points to Hannah as Sel’s killer, and that pisses Deb off so she wants Dexter to do what he does and get rid of her, only I don’t think he’s going to do that this time.

LaGuerta gets wind that evidence has gone missing in the Isaak case, the only real evidence holding him in jail. They have to find more, but they don’t and so Isaak walks free. Quinn is feeling so guilt and you know it. He gives Angel the remaining money that he needs for his restaurant. It would be a cute scene if it wasn’t full of so much guilt.

On top of this Quinn finds out that they won’t let his girlfriend go like they promised. I’m not really sure what he expected, because I knew they weren’t going to free her. No matter what he did, they were always going to keep her so that they have something to hold over him, if they ever need something again.

LaGuerta is still on her witch hunt to find some major killer. I’m not sure what she’s searching but she’s cross referencing numbers and comes across Dexter’s. His world is going to get so small.

Astor and Cody are back! It’s been a while holy. Apparently their grandfather has to go for surgery so Dexter has to watch the kids. It’s so good to see them again! He eventually tells Hannah about his kids and she’s actually very cool about it and wants to meet them one day.

Dexter is able to talk down Deb about killing Hannah, but when he borrows her van and Deb finds out, ouch. She can’t wrap her head around the fact that Dexter has feelings for her, and she wants him to stop seeing her, but Dexter isn’t going to stop.

Deb finally tells Dexter that she went to the church that night to tell him she was in love with him, and now he’s super confused. He has no idea what to say, but all he does say is that he’s sorry. Ugh talk about awkward conversation. Well now he has something to think about.

Now that Isaak is a free man, he’s after Dexter, so far he’s got no luck. Just a dead man. So Dexter hunts him down to a gay bar… where Isaak admits to being gay, and Viktor was his lover; that’s a little random and out of nowhere.I do have to say that I like his sarcasm and witty personality. He’s not scary just kinda funny. Isaak tells Dexter that under different circumstances they would be great friends. I can see that. And so Dexter let’s Isaak go which is a completely new thing for Dexter. Could he possibly be turning a new leaf?

Only Isaak doesn’t leave, he finds his way back to Dexter. Apparently the guys Isaak was working for are now after him, and he has asked Dexter to help him kill the guys after him. Dexter wants no part in it, so Isaak kidnaps Hannah in order for Dexter to do what he says. Talk about interesting pairing.

So when the men who are after Isaak shoot him, Dexter feels compelled to help save him. I have to admit the banter they share is hilarious and the love advice he gives Dexter is funny, yet true, and something Dexter should consider. It’s a little strange to see them being such bros.

So Hannah is being kept captive but I knew she would eventually kill her captor. Although his death was a fight and she got stabbed, I wonder how this will end. Is Deb saving her perhaps? Or is she going to die?

Dexter recruits Deb to helping him find Hannah and so Deb finds her, still alive, although she looks dead.

Angel is able to buy his restaurant and that’s fun. I wonder if Quinn will ever tell Angel the truth about why he gave him the money.

Quinn is pissed that what he did didn’t work. Now they’re after him to do something else and he can’t really say no because they have it on record that he helped them, if he doesn’t help them again, well they’ll just go to the police.

So what does Quinn do, he attacks the club owner and takes his girlfriend away. I don’t know how long he’ll be seeing her.

LaGuerta is still on her witch hunt. This time she’s investigating Matthews, the guy she got fired pretty much. She wants to know about people she has on this list. At first he won’t help her, because who would? But then he tells her to give him his job back so that he can get his 40 year package and retire officially and he’ll help her, because apparently he has dirt on a lot of people on her list. She’s really dead set on it being Dexter and as Matthews continues to tell LaGuerta more and more about Dexter’s life, she can’t help but think it’s him. Oh boy.

Dexter has been thinking a lot about his dark passenger. Hannah doesn’t believe it’s a thing, but if Dexter doesn’t have that to fall back on then he’s responsible for all the kills he’s done and he doesn’t want to be, because who would want to be?

So we’ve got this new guy, Boso, and he’s weird as hell. He’s here to catch the new killer, The Phantom, and at first Dexter thinks it’s him, but he’s got an alibi so that rules that out. The Phantom is out killing people by burning them and leaving a little message, “bobby”.

When Dexter finds out who the Phantom is, Joe, Dexter hunts him down. We find out that bobby was Joe’s childhood friend who liked to set fires. Bobby died and Joe got pinned for all the fires and sent to an institution. Now he’s out to set his revenge.

Dexter can’t seem to kill the Phantom killer because as he’s about to he tells him it’s time he took some responsibility and that’s when Dexter realizes that it’s not just the killer who has to, it’s him as well.

On top of this Hannah’s father makes an appearance, and doesn’t he start a shit storm. First he acts like a sweet old dad, but as soon as Hannah tells him she can’t give him the money for his new start up business he flips his shit. He tells her she’s worthless and should have died when she was a child. Now Hannah is unsure whether to pay her father or not. He also follows Dexter and that’s when we find out that the reason he needs the money is to get out of gabbling debt, of course, we should not be surprised.

Her father tells Dexter about Sel and how the two worked together and that’s how Sel got all his info. Only he left out one tiny detail, when she made a kill during summer camp, her roommate saw her poison her councilor. He’s threatening to go to the police with that if Dexter doesn’t pay him the money. Instead Dexter just kills him. Also a predictable move. Only her father tipped the police off before he died, so now Deb is on the case because she hates Hannah. I think she hates her not only because she’s a killer, but because she’s with Dexter, I really do believe that. Deb is just an insane character.

After everything is said and done Hannah tells Dexter she loves him, and it’s kinda cute to see Dexter say it back!

Then we have Quinn, oh Quinn. So they’re in the club and he really wants his girlfriend free because her boss is holding her hostage. So what does Quinn do? Oh he just shoots and kills the guy. Then he tells his girlfriend to shoot him in the arm so he can play the self defence lie. Angel doesn’t believe it, but it’s Quinn’s word against Angel’s. That’s when Quinn’s girlfriend leaves town to Las Vegas. I knew she would dip at one point.

Matthews and LaGuerta are on the hunt again. Matthews talks to Dexter to let him know what LaGuerta thinks, that he’s the Bay Harbor Butcher, and that’s when he tells Matthews about James’ boat. That’s when they go exploring for this boat, where Deb sets all the evidence up to get them away from Dexter. Matthews believes all the evidence but LaGuerta still doesn’t believe it.

I want to kill Deb. Ugh. She’s getting really good at planting evidence, now that she’s helped Dexter with LaGuerta’s witch hunt, she’s on to bigger things. She’s now claiming that Hannah poisoned her when she clearly didn’t! Ugh.

So Deb takes a bunch of her anxiety pills and while driving to the house of the girl who is a witness to Hannah’s murder when she blacks out and crashes her car. That’s when Deb tells him that Hannah poisoned her, now Dexter doesn’t know what to think. He’s trying so hard to believe Deb, but trying to believe Hannah as well which clearly doesn’t work. He finds some clues, but Deb could have and probably did plant them.

Hannah is upset when Dexter confronts her, which makes sense, and we’re just sitting here rooting for those two, for Dexter to see through the Deb bullshit, but we all know that he won’t because he loves Deb too much and barely knows Hannah.

When Dexter gets the results of the water he tested and finds out that it was 40% the anxiety meds he automatically blames Hannah and that’s when he decides to tell Deb how she killed Sel. Then Hannah gets arrested. Lord have mercy.

At the same time, the guy who murdered Dexter’s mother, or well the last one who’s alive, has been released from jail and Dexter is all over him. And the guy remembers his brother and thinks it’s him, but Dexter clarifies he’s Dexter Moser.

Holy shit omg LaGuerta set him up!!! Omg! It was LaGuerta is the one who pushed for the guys release to see what Dexter would do because she’s so gunhoe that Dexter is the Bay Harbour Butcher. Holy is she good at playing the game!

Well the season comes to a close and man how did we end up here indeed.

So LaGuerta arrests Dexter and accuses him of killing his mother’s killer, at least he didn’t do that, but she also accuses him of being the Bay Harbour Butcher. Everyone at the station thinks LaGuerta has gone insane. And Dexter does a good job of setting her up, all the evidence was from back in the 70s and it’s LaGuerta’s finger prints on the wallet they found.

But LaGuerta isn’t giving up yet, and well neither is Dexter. LaGuerta is now going after Deb. She has found surveillance video  of Deb getting gas the night of the fire, and now she believes that Deb has helped Dexter. Which is true, but damn.

While LaGuerta is trying to prove that James is innocent, Dexter keeps playing back in his head encounters he’s had with him to find out where he went wrong in letting James see his real side.

Ohhhhhh it just clicked for me why Dexter is still going after the guy, because to me I’m like why wouldn’t he just let him go so LaGuerta would somehow leave him alone, but he’s kidnaped the guy to lead LaGuerta to kill her because she’s after both of them. Geez. But before he can kill LaGuerta he kills the guy because he needs his revenge.

Deb goes to find both of them and finds Dexter about to kill LaGuerta but LaGuerta wakes up and is now egging Deb to kill Dexter. Now it’s become this who’s going to die situation. That’s when Deb pulls the trigger and kills LaGuerta, holy shit.

Since it’s New Year’s Eve when this all goes down, so they go back to Angel’s party after all is said and done, how does Deb have no blood on her dress? After she killed LaGuerta she hugged her bloody body so where’s the blood?

While all this is going down, Hannah is in prison but not for long. She finds a way to escape, using a friend to give her a pill so she convulses and has to be taken to the hospital. Once there she makes her get away. I have no idea what she’s planning she drops a orchid at Dexter’s door, is it laced with something, and kill him? Because it’s this episode where she admits to drugging Deb so did she do it? Why is it all so confusing. I’m guessing we’ll see more Hannah next season.

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