TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Modern Love Season One

Hello everyone, and welcome to TV Tuesday! Today I’m going to be talking about the Prime Original Modern Love.

This show, wow. I didn’t expect to love it as much as I did! I’ve heard such great things about it that I had to check it out for myself.

Each episode is about a different type of love, and even if they’re relatable or not, there’s still this connection you feel for these characters. On top of that these episodes are only half an hour so they pack a heavy punch!

The first episode was about a woman who lived in a building with a doorman, and the doorman is always looking out for her. Through and through he’s got her back. It was so heartwarming to see him comfort her when boys didn’t call her back, and then when she got pregnant, man he was so sweet.

Thinking about it, it’s kinda weird that the doorman was THAT invested in her life, but it was like they each provided each other a sense of purpose and it was really nice to see.

Watching them and their relationship grow was beautiful, he was like this father figure, and then when she leaves it’s sad. But the moment she comes back and she introduces her boyfriend (fiancé?) to him and the fiancé passes the test, emotions. What made me tear up though, was at the very end when they pan over his desk in the lobby and you see the photo of from her first ultrasound… uh so touching!

The second episode was about lost love. The main character is this big creator of a dating app, and when being interviewed the interviewer knows that there is a love story tied in. The way this is told was fun. We get the story from the main character as if he was telling it, with breaks for the interviewer to make remarks.

The way this man met the girl was funny, a job interview that they were both going for, only he doesn’t go because if he stayed he wouldn’t be able to see her again. Cute. The two then go on a date and they begin dating. Things take a turn she cheats on him and he leaves, but they both still love each other.

That’s when the interviewer has a story of her own. We find this dramatic love story between her and a man she met as a young adult, when she thinks he stood her up she leaves and never hears from him again… until years later when he shows up at book signing of hers to say he never stood her up, the timing just wasn’t right. But he thinks the timing may be right now… even though the two have their own lives with kids and spouses. But it gives them both clarity in what they want. The man wants to work on his marriage, while she thinks she should break it off with her husband.

All of that to say, the article gets published and the dating app creator’s ex-girlfriend reads it, and knows she has to break off her relationship with her current boyfriend to be with him. My gosh it was sweet, I teared up a little.

The third episode is about self-love and this made me cry. The episode starts with the main character writing things in for a dating site. That’s when we get the background of who she is. It was this story that unraveled so well and it depicted mental health so well. She meets a man in a grocery store and she wants to be with him, but when it comes time to actually going on a date she finds she can’t leave her bed, for days. This not only costs her the boy, but her job too.

Watching this main character suffer alone with being bipolar was just so heart wrenching to watch, when she finally tells her coworker that she’s bipolar, that’s when I started crying. My gosh it was just so powerful. She then finds herself on this road to forgiving and loving herself.

What I didn’t care for was the fact that there were all these musical numbers (I can’t stand musicals) but it was also really well done because her highs were these extravagant musicals and her lows were utterly low.

The fourth episode I didn’t really connect with and that could just be as I’m not in that stage in my life, but I can totally see how it would be relatable.

This couple have been married a while, they have kids and they’re just going through the day to day. They find themselves in this rut so they go to therapy, but therapy just isn’t working. They absolutely can’t stand each other. It’s just when they’re about to give up that they decide to just have a bite to eat, a waitress compliments their kids and somehow a spark is reunited.

It was good, I don’t quite get it, but it definitely depicted how monotonous the everyday can be in a marriage.

The fifth episode was interesting. These two meet and we find out later it’s their second date, he brings her back to his new apartment, he literally has bits of furniture and boxes everywhere. They’re about to get it on when he slips and cuts his arm open on a martini glass. These leads to an ambulance ride, then surgery. She stays with him throughout the whole thing and it was just so eye opening, everything you can learn about a person in such a small amount of time. It was so well done the fact that both these characters were so exposed and honest; it’s the stuff that makes or breaks a relationship and they both decide to stay despite some of their misgivings and issues they may have. Touching really.

The sixth episode was strange and I don’t know how much I get behind it. The main character lost her father when she was young and when her best friend’s father says all these beautiful things at her 21 birthday it gets to her. Now she spends her time looking for a father replacement, and she finds it at work with an older man. They get to talking, which leads to them hanging out outside of work. Things get sorta weird, but then she gets into a car wreck (in which I’m SO appreciative for [which sounds bad] but basically her Uber driver tells her she’s be prettier if she smiled more, and she pretty much tells him off, then tells him to watch the road and BAM accident) she calls him, which starts their weird relationship where she pretends he’s her father and you know he’s not thinking she’s his daughter.

The tipping point is when he buys her a 400$ coat and tries to kiss her that she feels bought (which she should) and that she tells him she wants everything but sex from him, that she should be enough. Fast forward a few weeks and he tells her everything she’s wanted to hear from a father figure (she’s grown to become a beautiful young woman, she’ll make it to do whatever she sets her mind to, yadda yadda yadda) and this all of a sudden changes her mind about him and now she can love him fully? Yeah I don’t get this one, it’s kinda creepy and strange.

The seventh episode is about a gay couple who start the process of having a child. They go through the adoption route, but it’s becoming a bust, that is until they’re put in contact with a girl. She’s homeless and just wants her baby to have loving parents. She’s very eccentric and out there but she agrees to having them raise her baby.

They go through some ups and downs with her and but in the end it works out. I have to say, the connection that the one guy has with her is so beautiful, he gets mad at her, but he’s sorry and when it’s time to have the baby he is there and rooting for her. The love he has for not only her, but now his daughter is truly beautiful. If I’m being honest I thought it was going to be his partner who was more invested in the baby, but I was surprised how much he stepped up.

The final episode was about old love. This was such a beautiful episode. We meet a woman who falls for a man and it shows their relationship as it blooms, despite their age. It goes back and forth to their time together and then to the present which is the man’s funeral. As much as it was sad it was also happy.

Then the end takes all the characters we’ve met, it doesn’t bring them together, but we get bits from each story either before their story started, after their story, or parts that we missed during their story.

This was such strong storytelling. Each episode was so well told and made the viewer want more from these characters. I know we’re not going to get more, but damn I want more!

13 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… Modern Love Season One

  1. OOOH I’ve seen this show in my recommendations but never knew anything about it, think I’m gonna have to check it out now. Sounds soooo good!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post! I”ve watched all but the final episode, and still need to get to that. I thought they were kind of uneven, but there were a few I loved (the first two, and the one about adopting the baby), and I really disliked the one about the girl looking for a father figure — just a little too creepy for me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!
      Oh the final episode is so good though, I have a feeling you’ll enjoy it!
      Yes I agree with you, the first 3 were my favourite, then it kinda went downhill a bit, but still good. OH I 100% agree about the girl trying to find a father figure, that was SUPER creepy. I couldn’t get into that either!


      1. I didn’t actually like the Anne Hathaway episode either. I felt like the theatrics they used to illustrate her highs and lows made it seem too unreal. But I know lots of people loved that episode.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I was one of those people who loved it… 😅
        I get it though, her highs were insane… and I hate musical numbers in ANYTHING so those parts really annoyed me… but that aside, I thought it was such a good representation of it because I’ve experienced those same highs and lows and it was just really cathartic to watch.


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