Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Two by Two

Hello friends, happy Monday! We are in the last week of February, how did that happen?! Anyways, haha, today I’m going to be posting my review of Nicholas Sparks’ novel Two by Two.

Two by Two

Two by Two by: Nicholas Sparks: Russell Green has it all, the perfect job, his wife and daughter, supportive family, that is until he doesn’t. In a matter of months, after deciding to start his own company, he’s lost his job, his wife, and is struggling to raise his young daughter. What he thinks is the worst is actually far from it, but what Russell gains along the way is something special, love, in every form of the word. This novel had so many layers to it, but that is what made it such a great book. The underlying plots that weaved into the main plots, which then took over to become the main plots and never for a second was the reader lost or confused by it all, just completely engrossed in the story. The way that Sparks used a bit of repetition throughout the novel to really drill in the meaning was a useful literary device, especially helping with all the different plots going on. Not only were the storylines great, but the writing was authentic and real and emotional, which really drew the reader in to the story. His character dynamics were truly done well; the father/daughter, brother/sister relationships were some of the strongest the reader has read, and it really let them connect on a personal level. It wouldn’t be a Sparks novel without some sort of dramatic climax, but it was definitely unexpected. The entire time the reader is expecting something to happen to other characters, so when it hit, it hit hard. This novel didn’t feel cheesy in the slightest, it was definitely an emotional rollercoaster of a read, but it was so worth it. This was well thought out, well written, and completely captivating.

8 thoughts on “Review: Two by Two

  1. I love a good Nicholas Sparks novel, but I haven’t read this one yet! It sounds like such a compelling read and I’m glad you like it. I’m definitely picking it up soon! 🙂

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    1. Haha! They are! I haven’t read everything by him, but there was also a time when I read quite a bit of his “famous” work… it was good to read something of his again!

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