Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Shadowsong

Hi friends, happy Friday! I hope you’re all keeping well! Today I’m going to be posting my review Shadowsong the sequel to Wintersong by: S. Jae-Jones.

You can read my review of book one here: Wintersong


Shadowsong by: S. Jae-Jones: All Liesl wants to do is further her brother, Josef’s, musical career as well as hers, but that is easier said than done when she can’t forget about the man who inspired her music. But when trouble arises, she finds she must go back to the Underground to stop the barrier from the two worlds from falling apart. Now she must find out everything about the Goblin King to make this happen. This novel closed off the duology quite well. The resolution, the reader didn’t see coming, just like so many plot twists that kept happening. The further we got into the novel the more plots became more unpredictable. Characters kept doing things that the reader didn’t expect them to do, but it worked. The characters went through a lot this novel. Not only did our main character, Liesl, go through and learn a lot about herself but her siblings did as well. It was really good to see them more and see them become more fleshed out characters instead of just people in Liesl’s life. We unfortunately didn’t get to see a lot of the Goblin King, which disappointed the reader a bit, but the love between the siblings made up for the lack of romantic love. As for the actual plot, the world building was better because the reader didn’t feel as lost as they did in the first novel. There were moments throughout where the author would do a deep dive into purple prose and talk about musical theory, which is great if you’re into that, but after a few pages it got to be a bit much and felt like we lost the plot a bit. Aside from that, this was still really well written and definitely a step above the first novel as it was captivating and enchanting.