Monthly Wrap-Ups

March 2022 Wrap-Up

Hello friends, happy Thursday! I hope you’re all doing well. I can’t believe we’re wrapping up the third month already! Let’s get into how my month went!

Currently Reading:

On page 320

Firestarter by: Stephen King. Still picking this up every week and little by little I’m getting through it. I’m enjoying it, I’m right in the middle and currently the action is at a bit of a standstill. Looking forward to see where it goes!

71% through

To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before by: Jenny Han. I’m re-reading this on audio and I’m loving it just as much as when I read it 2 years ago now. It’s such a comfort read and every time I read this I relate to Lara-Jean in news ways I never thought about before. Loving this!

On page 167

Rich Girl, Broke Girl by: Kelley Keehn. I’m almost done this (hoping to finish it tonight) and it’s been an interesting and informative read. My mum took this out at the library and thought I would benefit from it.

What I’ve Read:


Goodbye Days by: Jeff Zentner. This was a really good book on grief, guilt and the power of consequences.


She Who Became the Sun by: Shelley Parker-Chan. This was such a great book; the writing was beautiful; the characters were so memorable – I can’t wait to read the sequel.


Clap When You Land by: Elizabeth Acevedo. Wow – this book was SO good and I highly recommend it on audio because it truly brought the story to life. Loved the plot, the characters, so hard-hitting.


Velvet Was the Night by: Silvia Moreno-Garcia. Let me just say that I want to read everything she writes because her writing is just phenomenal. This was my fourth Canada Reads nominated book for 2022, this was long-listed. I enjoyed this, there were moments, especially in the beginning, where I was confused so that’s why it wasn’t rated higher.


Anne of Green Gables by: L.M. Montgomery. HOW have I never read this until now?! I fell in love with this story, Anne is a treasure and I loved reading her story and the people in her life; the pacing in the second half of the book was faster than I thought it would be, but I look forward to continuing to read all the books in this series.


The Collapsing Empire by: John Scalzi. This was so much fun to read; this is the first book in the trilogy and I can’t wait to see where the world is going to go because the set up is great. The only thing I really didn’t like was the bodily functions of the female characters the author decided to add… that didn’t add to the story.


100 Hours by: Rachel Vincent. This book didn’t do it for me. The characters were super annoying and the plot was alright. This ended on a cliff hanger and I’m unsure if I want to know how this ends.


The Takedown by: Corrie Wang. Another book with characters who were just really annoying and I had a hard time feeling sorry for them. The plot was interesting though.


Maud by: Melanie J. Fishbane. This was a fictionalized story of author L.M. Montgomery. Overall, I enjoyed reading about her life and the way Fishbane talked about her, but this was a bit of a slow-paced read.


Disability Visibility edited by: Alice Wong. I highly recommend this book; so many stories that are eye opening and important to read about.


Mexican Gothic by: Silvia Moreno-Garcia. My second book by her this month and OMG this has been by far, my fave of her books (of the 3 I’ve read). This held my attention and sucked me in… I would lose track of time every time I read this and plot was so creepy. Moreno-Garcia should write more horror because she’s SO good at it.

Links to my my blog posts this past month:

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Amber @The Literary Phoenix posted her thoughts on Alice in Wonderland book vs. movie – loved reading her thoughts

Marie @Drizzle & Hurricane Books wrote a brilliant post on how to write a blog post using SEO – this was very well written and very useful

Sofi @A Book. A Thought. took us through how she structures her reviews – I love reading how others create their reviews because it gives me inspiration on how to better my own reviews

Éimhear @A Little Haze Book Blog posted her review of Wuthering Heights – I loved her review and it made me want to re-read this

I hope you all had a good month! 😊

Highlights of the month:

✨ I went book shopping and bought two new books! I haven’t bought a new book since last year so I’m proud of myself.

✨ I finished knitting my first big blanket! It’s such an accomplishment and I love it so much!

✨ I went out to brunch with a friend I haven’t seen since November! That feels like another lifetime ago! We had such an amazing time catching up. We got there at 11… and ended up staying until the placed closed at 3 😂 Definitely a great catch up!

✨ Had game night with my two best friends. It was so good to see them after what felt like forever!

✨ Now that the restrictions are easing up I was able to go to dinner with my group of friends to celebrate my friends’ birthday!

What I’ve watched:

Atypical; season 2. I like that we’re getting to see more character development outside of just Sam. Sam has had a lot of growth this season and it was so great to see, but it was also interesting to see where Elsa and Doug’s marriage was going to go and to see how different things can change and strain a marriage. I like that we’re also getting to see more from Casey and see her exploring herself more. I look forward to watching season 3.

Star Trek: Discovery; season 3 & 4. Season 3 felt all over the place. I enjoyed watching the characters try to find their bearings in the future. It was a bit of a rocky start, and took most of the season to find a groove, but I’ve been enjoying the journey. I also like our new character, Book. I like how much he brings out this side of Michael we’ve never seen before; she’s so happy and just has this lightness to her. Season 4 was better and so much of a roller coaster (especially that finale, wooof). I like the addition of Zora, that was a lot of fun to discover. There were other characters I really enjoyed watching. I’m going to miss this, but I look forward to where season 5 is going to go.

Jane the Virgin; season 2. I watched the very last episode of season 2 at the beginning of March, and this restored my faith in the show. That finale was SO much better than season 1 and had me hooked and ready to watch season 3.

Superstore; season 1. I started, what I call an after work show, which is just a show I watch once I turn my work laptop off. This has been recommended to me multiple times, so I gave it a chance. The first few episodes were really, really cringe, but then it got additive to watch, so I’m going to continue.

I watched a few movies, Mr. Popper’s Penguins which was funny, but was kinda on the cheesy side; Happy Feet this was a re-watch… in which I remembered nothing from when I saw it in the theatres but it was still a fun movie. Chicken Run was such a strange concept for a movie, but it still had funny moments. Then I re-watched even more movies, We’re The Millers, which is still extremely hilarious, Horrible Bosses, which kinda bored me, and The Spongebob Square Pants Movie from 2004, this movie holds such a soft spot in my heart – I love it so much!

What I’m watching:

Star Trek: The Original Series season 1. I’ve only seen the first episode so far and all I have to say so far is, if this was where I started my Star Trek journey, I don’t think I would have continued; this was SO strange and I don’t know how much I liked it, but I’m definitely going to continue.

Jane the Virgin; season 3. I’m so close to finishing this… again! I have one more episode left of the season… and what a season it has been. Just when I thought this show was getting boring… they went HA NOPE! So I’m curious to see how this season is going to end.

This Is Us; season 6. We’ve had roughly the same episode three times over so we can see Kate, Kevin and Randal go through their life and the big things they want to do as they face their mother getting sicker. This show never shies away from the hard things in life and I enjoy seeing each of them trying to find their way.

Grey’s Anatomy; season 18. The whole trying to find a cure to Parkinson’s disease has been interesting to watch. Seeing Meredith with not-Ben (still can’t remember his character name 😅) has been good; it’s good to see that they don’t have a perfect relationship but that they work through things.

Station 19; season 5. There’s a new chief in town… and of course she knows Sullivan… and of course it’s starting to become a thing. There is always so much drama on this show; I enjoy it for the most part, but the strange dynamics that keep cropping out do surprise me. I have been enjoying watching this and the fires they put out. The haunted house episode was hilarious.

The Good Doctor; season 5. I’m kinda over this show. I feel like I’ve said that before, but if this doesn’t get renewed I won’t be sad. The whole taking down the CEO story arc was interesting, I’ll give it that; I didn’t really care for how it was resolved, I thought there was going to be more of a fight and I didn’t feel it believable that the woman who had chased EVERYONE out would back down for the guy she was seeing, it didn’t add up.

Superstore; season 2. At first, I thought that they weren’t going to continue where season 1 ended because the first episode was super random, but episode 2 did continue. I’m not very far into this season but I’m still enjoying it.

Instagram & YouTube videos from the month:

How was your March? Read, watch, do anything interesting? Let me know!

3 thoughts on “March 2022 Wrap-Up

  1. As always your wrap ups are super entertaining to read, I love them! 🥰 Goodbye Days is an amazing book, and I’m also so glad to see you enjoyed Mexican Daughter, it’s such a weird and entertaining book 👏🏻✨. I absolutely LOVE Clap When You Land so I’m so glad you enjoyed it!😍😍😍. Thanks SO much for mentioning my post, honey, I’m glad you liked it. ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw thank you so much, Sofi! 😊❤️
      I haven’t heard anyone else read Goodbye Days so I’m glad you liked it too! UH YES! Clap When You Land was SO good, wow so many emotions!
      You’re very welcome! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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